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Everything posted by Ncfc

  1. Another shot from weekend with my old set up.New lens on the way.
  2. Finally got the Barn owl shot i have been after.Shot in RAW 1/1600 F4 ISO Auto
  3. Two months for refund?Bang out of order.
  4. Female Barn Owl passing at slipway on the Broads.
  5. Marsh Harrier flying past my boat.
  6. Think this distant female Barn Owl may have been watching the Exorcist.
  7. Careful the JM Police will be after you
  8. Wouldn't think Jason would have any unhappy customers. Excellent to deal with.
  9. Stonechat and a distant Song Thrush (I see more bitterns than thrushes.) from yesterdays dog walk.
  10. Don't feel guilty. You have done nothing wrong.
  11. I have already had one official warning on here so i will leave you to make your own mind up.
  12. I honestly can't believe a lot on the soul scene are so nieve in buying from this half price sale.
  13. Fieldfare this morning in Norfolk.
  14. No they just wont come near along with all the other wildfowl.These are proper wild ducks. Same with the tufties and widgeon they keep well away. Soon scatter when a marshy flies past. Last time out i counted 18 marsh harriers in sky at same time.
  15. They keep well away in parts of the broads I'm piking on. Really shy.
  16. Wild Mallards are incredibly shy and hard to get close to. Shot from my boat on the broads whist fishing.Slight blur in due to reeds.
  17. Is he a moderator?
  18. On the hunt in the gloomy weather.
  19. Wonder what John Anderson would have made of all this.
  20. How do i become a member of his fan club.
  21. Surely find the item before listing is the way to have done it. Think how much money has been sent for none existent records. Bit like energy companies who have some of our money in their bank as credit.
  22. What i don't get is how can a business let you pay for something that isn't in stock and that could never possibly be in stock again.

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