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About slipmatplayer

  • Birthday 09/03/1955

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    Rare Soul 45s + Japanese Shiba Inus
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    Lynn Terry-I got a good thing goin'

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  1. ...and then some
  2. Gone but not forgotten. Heartfelt condolences to Sue,Chris+Family. A truly sad passing of a great friend and stalwart of the northern scene.R.I.P. Ricky, John+Janet H.
  3. Don't forget......Nothing gets past S&M promotions
  4. What a lovely lady you were,you are going to be very sorely missed at all the great venues across the north west and beyond.Our sincerest condolences,John+Janet x
  5. Also got the Jaybirds,a nice ex+ but has a small stkr.mark on label ‘a’ side £190
  6. Got one here,condition a nice ex £85
  7. I would say mid to late '77 as I vaguely remember as I sold him the Chris Cerf at Sale Mecca.I had already covered it up as being Len Barry and no one had yet found one,it didn't take them long though!
  8. My Playlist: 1st Set Sweets-Something about my baby SOULTOWN Annabelle Fox-Lonely girl SATIN David Coleman-Drown my heart BARRY Unique Blend-Yes i'm in love EASTBOUND DJ Innersection-I'm in debt to you GROUP 5 Bobby Kline-Say something nice to me MB Four Perfections-I'm not strong enough PARTYTIME Anderson Brothers-I can see him loving you GSF DJ [That emptied the floor!!??] Hyperions-Why you wanna treat me the way you do CHATTANOOCHEE George Lemons-Fascinating girl GOLD SOUL Spider Turner-I've got to get myself together GOOD TIME 2nd Set Frank Foster-Harlem rumble TRIODE Calvin Grayson-Love just begun IN George Blackwell-Can't lose my head SMOKE Arin Demain-Silent treatment BLUE STAR DJ Silky Hargraves-Keep loving me DEARBORN DJ Moments-Baby I want you HOG Jenny Wren-Chasing my dream all over town UK FONTANA Grey Imprint-Do you get the message CLEAR HILL L.Allen-Can't we talk it over GREEN DOLPHIN Mixed Feelings-Sha-la-la UNITED DJ Kings Of Soul-Is your love for me DOWN TO EARTH Gene Toones-What more do you want SIMCO DJ Tempos-I'll never forget DIAMOND JIM [Request] Phonetics-Just a boys dream TRUDEL Inspirations-Your wish is my command MIDAS Sandi Sheldon-You're gonna make me love you OKEH DJ Betty Wilson-I'm yours DAYCO Thanks John
      • 12
      • Up vote
  9. My plays:All USA ovo[unless stated] Sapphires-Gotta have your love UK HMV DJ Jesse James-If you want a love affair 20th CENTURY DJ Roy Robert-I know what to do to satisfy you TINA Adventurers-Easy baby COMPASS DJ Spider Turner-I've got to get myself together GOOD TIME Brand New Faces-Brand new faces LUJUNA Trends-Thanks for a little lovin' ABC DJ Clarence Murray-Lets get on with it SSS INT.DJ Flirtations-Stronger than her love FESTIVAL DJ Jenny Wren-Chasing my dream all over town UK FONTANA Phonetics-Just a boys dream TRUDEL Gene Toones-What more do you want SIMCO DJ Mixed Feelings-Sha-la-la UNITED DJ Inspirations-Your wish is my command MIDAS Jackie Day-Naughty boy PHELECTRON Calvin Grayson-Love just begun IN Betty Wilson-I'm yours DAYCO Eddie Whitehead-Just your fool BLACKJACK Kings Of Soul-Is your love for me DOWN TO EARTH Toni+Showmen-Try my love TEN STAR Little Johnny Hamilton-Oh how i love you DORE Tempos-I'll never forget DIAMOND JIM Grey Imprint-Do you get the message CLEAR HILL Johnnie Mae Matthews-I have no choice BIG HIT Thanks, John
  10. Toni+Showmen-Try my love Hoping you still have this Thanks, John H.
  11. Unfortunately Chris i had the last spot after those top spins from Geoff,what a superb set!I was not up to my best tonight but these were what i played from 11.00 - 12.00 Sammy Ambrose-Welcome to dreamsville UK STATESIDE DJ Bud Harper-Wherever you were USA PEACOCK DJ JUDY FREEMAN-Hold on USA RCA DJ UNIQUE BLEND-Yes i'm in love USA EASTBOUND DJ PHONETICS-Just a boys dream USA TRUDEL LILLIE BRYANT-Meet me halfway USA TAY-STER TRENDS-Thanks for a little lovin USA ABC DJ BETTY WILSON-I'm yours USA DAYCO GEORGE LEMONS-Fascinating girl USA GOLD SOUL GREY IMPRINT-Do you get the message USA CLEAR HILL TAMALA LEWIS-You won't say nothing USA MARTON GEORGE BLACKWELL-Can't lose my head USA SMOKE KINGS OF SOUL-Is your love for me USA DOWN TO EARTH PEOPLES CHOICE-Savin my lovin for you USA PALMER DJ CHEVRONS-Love i love you USA MMC ARIN DEMAIN-Silent treatment USA BLUE STAR DJ STANLEY MITCHELL-Get it baby USA DYNAMO DJ EDDIE WHITEHEAD-Just your fool USA BLACKJACK SUGAR+THE SPICES-Have faith in me USA SWAN BOBBY KLINE-Say something nice to me USA MB INSPIRATIONS-Your wish is my command USA MIDAS GENE WOODBURY-Ever again USA DEL-VAL TSU TORONADOS-Please heart don't break USA RAMPART STREET JIMMY WALLACE-I'll be back USA ALPHA BIG DEE IRWIN-You satisfy my needs UK STATESIDE DJ Thanks again to Chris+Brian
  12. Thanks to all those who enjoyed my set and for those reading it here.Lots more were lined up but time just went......
  13. Ukranian Club,Ashton-U-Lyne,11th August 2017 My plays:All USA ovo[unless stated] Rhonda Davis-Can you remember DUKE DJ Reggie Alexander-Its better BOSS Betty Lloyd-I'm catchin on BSC Brand New Faces-Brand new faces LUJUNA Betty Wilson-I'm yours DAYCO George Blackwell-Can't lose my head SMOKE Otis Lee-Hard hoe to row QUAINT Kings Of Soul-Is your love for me DOWN TO EARTH L.Allen-Can't we talk it over GREEN DOLPHIN Calvin Grayson-Love just begun IN George Lemons-Fascinating girl GOLD SOUL Hyperions-Why you wanna treat me...CHATAHOOCHEE Inspirations-Your wish is my command MIDAS Gene Toones-What more do you want SIMCO DJ Grey Imprint-Do you get the message CLEAR HILL Patti + Emblems-I'm gonna love you a long time KAPP[black issue] Flirtations-Stronger than her love FESTIVAL DJ[Multi-col.] Bob+Gene-I really love you MO DO Jackie Day-Naughty boy PHELECTRON Avengers-No wonder MR.GENIUS Chevrons-love i love you MMC Flame n' King-Oh happy day NYCS Barbara Lynn-Movin on a groove JETSTREAM Johnny Mae Matthews-I have no choice BIG HIT Timi Yuro-It'll never be over for me UK BLUE LIBERTY Thanks for looking, John
  14. Richard,for a change you are quite right about that last one,only just noticed the edge crack on the LOST SOUL - 'SECRET OF MINE'.My apologies to those who had to put up with my attempts to play a knackered track!Apart from that i think it went ok,anyway thanks to all who came and the next one will be late JANUARY 2013.

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