Hi I'm Hugh McGuinness. I'm a Popular Music Studies student at Liverpool University - and a soulboy. I'm interested in examining representations of Northern soul dancing and Northern soul culture within the film, "SoulBoy". As SB is set at Wigan Casino in 1974; it would be great to get responses from people who were at Wigan at that time.
All (any!) responses will be treated in confidence. With an eye to anonymity, your first name and your age will suffice. Thank you!
Please fill the following in and send it to shuggie61@yahoo.co.uk
Did you attend Wigan Casino in 1974?
If not, did you attend Wigan Casino at any other time?
If so, in what year(s) and for what duration?
I'm of the opinion that there might be problems and/or issues with the representation of Northern soul dancing in "SoulBoy" and I'd be grateful for your thoughts
Firstly, I'd like to focus on three examples of Northern soul dancing within the film. My approximate timings are taken from the "SoulBoy" dvd.
Example A
At around 20 minutes - during the song "Too Late" by Larry Williams and Johnny "Guitar" Watson - a male dancer is seen performing a forward-facing jump/splits in mid-air.
Do you have any opinions about this representation of Northern soul dancing?
If so, what are your opinions?
Example B
At around 1 hour and seven minutes - during the song "I'm On My Way" by Dean Parrish a male dancer is observed spinning on his back.
Do you have any opinions about this representation of Northern soul dancing?
If so, what are your opinions?
Example C
At around 1 hour and eight minutes during the song "Breakaway" by the Steve Karmen Big Band featuring Jimmy Radcliffe - there's a "dance off" between the two main protagonists, Joe and Alan.
Do you have any opinions about this representation of Northern soul dancing?
If so, what are your opinions?
Additionally, do you have any opinions about the depiction of certain other elements of Northern soul culture within the film?
In particular,
1) Drug-taking?
2) General "scene" behaviour?
3) Clothing?
Thank you for your thoughts and your time!