The Northern soul crowd in London and beyond will always have venues to attend. There might be many little clubs all around London that are on once in a blue moon but the 100club is the only real 6ts soul nighter and has been for over 20+ years. For many years it has been attended by all kinds of youth culture movements but not like back in the 8ts and 9ts. Them days were very special both for being young and listening to great music and ground breaking records for the first time. The days of cues up oxford street and borrowing memberships to blag in are long gone but all is not lost.
Maybe the 100club (Nighter) events should go to club event hours and maybe a friday night if possible or stagger it a bit.
People are too f*cked now to attend allnighters in mass numbers but club nights are general very busy. I found that with the Capitol Soul Club, alot of people could go home after 6 hours of music and still have there heads together for the following day. The other thing is the music and the DJ's. When i attended the 100club nighters every month (for many years) there was so many new tunes and again we were all in our early twenties and yeah full of beans and lots of other things . It was exciting and we had the corner by the piano, that was the mod place and especially the London mob. Times have changed and less people are around, less tunes, good intertaining DJ's with sounds to match those fresh tunes of the time bla bla bla. The collecting was also a big thing, lots of record dealers and bargains to be found...nowadays that doesn't really happen. The Dj's like Mick and Butch have done there time and have been fantastic but to be honest i hear the same records when i attend and of course thats the case, cause the new sounds (quality sounds) are not there to be found in mass anymore. Personally the 100club stopped for me when Ian Clark departed though i attended and dj'd for many years after that it was never the same for me. the last time i really was excited was when the RCA stuff turned up and the London mob were still attending in numbers.
Allnighters have never really done it for me or many of my London mates since hitting the 40 mark but its not all doom and gloom. I think you just need to tweak a few things and theres a few years left for sure. I must also say thats its a major mistake letting people off the street in, but i do understand that the venue and staff have to be paid and you need the numbers to be made up sometimes. Maybe you should start an over 40/50ts discount .
Ok the boss has returned so i'll get back to looking like i'm doing some work.