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Posts posted by Theresa


    On 10/19/2010 at 14:01, Dave Thorley said:

    Hi Tee


    I think their complete Expedit range is great.





    Hark at us, talking storage solutions! Times were when we were wild children Dave :thumbsup:


    I found that Lazzari's rather funky flexible drawers fit neatly into Ikea's Expedit bookcase, and keep the dust off the LPs wink.gif



  2. In my record room of the future, I'd definitely like some of these canvases on the wall...



    Damned expensive, but look ace





    On a more practical note, Ikea's Expedit bookcases are a great size for LPs. This size is only 80 quid in 4 different colourways and you can get all sorts of drawers, dividers & doors for it if you want.



    Tidy Tee xx


  3. Not strictly S.S. territory but thought it may be worth posting as there's some belters on here if you like Soul music in general and have fairly diverse tastes.

    Definitely my territory Ian - I expect you've got some freebies for Surrey housewives who've spent all the child benefit already this month?

    I'll put garlic through your letterbox if you don't send one immediately :thumbsup:

    Some folk on YouTube asking where you can get some of the tracks, so might be an idea to post details up there.

  4. I've always loved it, though probably wouldn't get up for it these days. However the Chesterfields 'Think It Over' with same backing music but completely different lyric and male vocal is one of my favourite NS tunes of all time. You still get the hairs rising on the back of your neck from the ace 007 type arrangement, but without the feel of the played out oldie, and then the sadness of the vocal combined with the fantastic brass is just an absolute killer... I'd happily dance to it for 8 hours straight, and often do listen to it for a whole niter journey if I'm on me own yes.gif

    chesterfields - think it over -

    As for the original question, inane yes, but inclusive yes. Don't forget most of us on here have only got one CSE, and that was in woodwork :yes: so sometimes we just like talking about what we do and don't like for no other reason than it gets us right there, in our soul. In the same way that you feel people leave because the common denominator gets lowered, this site is very intimidating for newcomers - loads of potential contributing members won't join in the first place because of the hostile dryness of the anoraks. It works both ways guys. Be nice.

  5. Yes we have done this thread before, but I think the accent may have been more on the influence of the DJs in question on your life. I'm pretty sure I had Buchanan, Thorley & Clarkie, with an honourable mention to Ady Croasdell for sucking me into the scene in the first place.

    Today's answer - who would I travel for?

    1. Adam Buchanan - psychic link to my soul, perfect blend of 60s & modern. Sexiest DJ in the country :yes:

    2. Pete Eccles - no-one rams an oldies dancefloor, reads it perfectly and keeps it full, like the Cakeboy. Sexiest DJ in, er, Kilsby Close :lol:

    3. Dave Thorley - no-one pushes the boundaries, spins a tune, or twirls a cape for that matter, like DT :lol: Iranu indeed :)

  6. Le Londres du Sud Massif would definitely be up for this one :thumbsup:

    That's normally half term week so book your trains early. Does Tef's Sharon still work for Eurostar?

    Or Luton to Charles de Gaulle is less than 70 quid return if you don't mind the transfer...

    Tee x

  7. someone to look after my kids til Wedneday the following week :D

    I can deal with the three under-sevens no problem, and I used to do a niter every week & run a multi-million quid business standing on my head before I had the Half-Prices - it's someone to look after the husband until Wednesday that I need. Trying to translate Justinspeak into human language and produce his quotations and invoices on Comedown Monday, Hanging Tuesday or Gallows Wednesday really pushes the boundaries of mental torture :lol:

  8. The 'unstocked bar' comment above reminded me of an occasion a couple of years ago when Angela & I went to the Cock Tavern in London for one of Eddie Piller's dos. It's normally OK, but for some reason that night 'unstocked' didn't really cover the situation. Here's how the conversation went when we arrived:

    Me - Two large glasses of rose please

    Barman - Sorry we've no rose

    Me - No worries, we'll have white wine then please

    Barman (checking behind him) - Er, we've no white wine

    Me - Any wine at all?

    Barman - Nope

    Me - Oh OK, two rum & cokes please

    Barman - Sorry, we don't appear to have any rum

    Me - No rum of any description, dark or light?

    Barman - No

    Me - Bugger. OK fine, we'll have vodka & coke then

    Barman - We're all out of vodka sorry

    Me - Tell you what, we'll just go with two cokes for the moment then please

    Barman - We haven't got any coke sorry

    Me - Lemonade?

    Barman - Uh-uh

    Me - Two halves of lager?

    Barman - No one here who can change the barrel

    Me - Cider then

    Barman - fresh out

    Me - I'm obviously approaching this in the wrong fashion. Why don't YOU tell me what I CAN have?

    Barman - I'll ask the manager

    The two barpersons then disappeared for fear of being lynched, never to return. We drank water from the sink in the ladies bog that didn't have a light, or a door, but that's another story :thumbsup:

  9. Listen you lot there's only one answer to this question and that answer is l Can't Hold On-Lorraine Chandler and if somebody posts it up l will personally buy them a drink and give them a big kiss as well!! :hatsoff2:rolleyes.gif

    lorraine chandler - i can't hold on -

    Can I have just have two drinks instead?

  10. Been hammering the Chesterfields this week, as one of the charming Irish crumpet put it on a birthday CD containing my top 30 classics from the recent poll on here. Thanks Kev, you're a sweetheart :ohmy: Been finding myself taking the long way round in the car just so I can play the CD a bit longer, and can't keep the smile off my face when it's on. Didn't go out at the weekend, and now I'm absolutely clucking to get out somewhere yes.gif

    Was playing it indoors yesterday, singing away, and Justin spun into the living room just in time for us both to do the synchronised "HUH!" after the chorus :rolleyes:

    Sometimes, only a little bit of Butch will do...

    chesterfields - think it over -

  11. I prefer the more select clapping that goes on thesedays. The sniper's approach to clapping instead of a shotgun. :lol:

    I'd call it more scattergun these days Matt laugh.gif

    The loudest female I know clapper is Julia123...:yes:

    Steve Csordas is fookin deafening, but ace :yes:

    Us girls in the SSLAAS have been actively championing a clapping revival since one of our number was asked to STOP CLAPPING while dancing by a very rude woman at a soul event. Seems there's even a bloody clapping police these days :yes: I'm gonna repossess the key to my clappiness...

    • Helpful 2
  12. Sorry Steve yes.gif there was so many ppl Theresa kept introducing me too i couldn`t keep up no.gif I am getting quite old you know laugh.gif

    Julie I clearly said "Watch out for those two - Steve Linguini and Geoff Club Sandwich". Do you not remember? Or maybe your ears were still ringing after being given a lift in a car containing all the Pricelets at once ph34r.gif

  13. And to think I always had you down as a girl with taste, Teresa... tut, tut...

    Impeccable taste in music and the finer things in life as you know Marco, it's just those pesky men that I always f**k up on laugh.gif

    Re the Beres Hammond, if I was already on the floor I'd certainly stay on it, but if I was sitting, I wouldn't rush to dance to it. Really can't see it being anyone's passion, but it's perfectly inoffensive.

    And I won't hear a word against little Lee Jeffries either - the boy once said I was even more beautiful without make-up, he knows quality when he sees it biggrin.gif

  14. Sounds like the soul scene equivalent of the stuff Asda pipe over their tannoy while you do your weekly shop to me!

    Does anyone else ever get the impression that, for a certain type of modern soul fan at least, a record has to be stripped of any rawness or intensity before they'll feel comfortable with it?

    'Soulful' is not a word that springs to mind listening to this sort of thing; insipid, trite, lightweight, anodyne however...

    Discuss ph34r.gif

    I've always quite liked it, though it could never be classed as a groundbreaking monster. And how would you know what they play in Asda Mr Santucci? Your Ferrari would be up on bricks in the car park before you'd even got past the George clothing aisle laugh.gif

    Tee x

  15. But you are such a minority Theresa. laugh.gif you have to admit modern rooms do 'clear out' early and why wouldn't they, as they don;'t have the same all nighter legacy thing that northern soul has.

    I'm obviously just selfish then Stevie G laugh.gif I want to hear everything and I want to hear it in one venue and I want to hear it now! And if I've got a babysitter for the whole night, or occasionally the whole weekend, I damn well want to dance until breakfast time on Tuesday yes.gif

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