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Posts posted by Theresa

  1. I always had a great time D.J'ing and attending thru the 90's and will try to get up soon!

    Us too Tone, it's about time the South London Massive carried out a cross-border crumpet raid into Yorkshire wink.gif And I haven't been since satnavs were invented so may not need to circle the area for hours looking for the venue either :lol: I'm already out on 7th Jan, but shall we make a big London turnout for 18th March?

    Tee x

  2. Thanks for pointing that out, although I have already read the thread, twice.

    Just be careful who you welcome into your house with open arms and a gleeful smile as their axe could end up being swung wide and far. That's all.

    And thank YOU kind sir, for your warning, but I'm always careful who I get into bed with :thumbsup:

    Fraternising with poachers turned gamekeepers is a fool's endeavour.

  3. The prowlng wolves working themselves up at the smell of blood is pretty silly and in my opinion short sighted.

    If the authorities got hold of the scene it would probably be finshed as we know it.

    James I think you're slightly missing the point of the thread, which is commenting on the irony of a convicted copyright thief proselytising to others about the evils of copyright theft.

    Folks on the scene commit some and all of the heinous crimes you mention, and I can only count myself as a hardened repeat offender :thumbsup: but I would never dream of threatening to shop someone else for exactly the crime I've committed myself. That would indeed be hypocritical.

  4. Yep, it's a bugger. He seems to be irresistible to most women which maybe explains the cross he has to bear vis a vis being a sex addict...........:)

    Ian D :sleep3:

    Nonsense Mr D, I for instance have hardly spent any time thinking about being sandwiched between Eric Benet & Lenny Kravitz :yes::thumbsup:

    Eric's A Day In The Life album from 1999 has stayed constantly in my top 20 ever since I heard it - the man is unashamedly sexy, and extremely talented.

  5. Great news that the December niter is going ahead Ady.

    My grandparents & parents before me attended the 100 Club and it feels like part of the fabric of my life, I'd hate to see it go.

    More importantly I've already booked a hair appointment for the Christmas party, so I hope to God you can keep it hanging together until then Ady :D

    Tee x

  6. It's interesting to note that 'Time Will Pass You By' and 'Gone With The Wind Is My Love' were both written by white men (which may or may not be relevant) and the lyrics to both songs were inspired by older works.


    Nice thread :lol:

    Not just Shakespeare though - also in the lyrics 'And it waits for no man...' is from Chaucer :lol:

    I remember reading that Weller is a big fan of this track, and always wondered about his iconic 'Broken Stones' beginning with 'Like pebbles on a beach...',

    but I only recently clocked (while listening to maudlin tunes recently, lol) that his 'There's No Drinking After You're Dead' is heavily influenced by it, and even includes the line 'Time will pass you by':

    Come, taste the wine

    Come, lose yourself

    Taste this time

    But keep it well

    Only love it all

    With heart and head

    For there is no drinking

    After you're dead

    Dive and swim

    In the amber ocean

    See all that you can

    In this new emotion

    Embrace it now

    Before its skin sheds

    For there is no drinking

    After you're dead

    Stand back to back

    With yourself again

    As you spin and reel

    Like a new found friend

    And have it all

    With heart and hands

    For there is no lovemaking

    After you're dead

    Today is but a second

    If tomorrow you may die

    And empty pages glistening

    To eternity's lie

    And time is money's worth

    Encased upon the wall

    That brings our day of reckoning

    Much closer to us all

    Time will pass you by

    Light the candle

    And burn it well

    For only time knows

    What it cannot yet tell

    Only love it all

    With heart and head

    For there is no drinking

    After you're dead


    On 10/20/2010 at 22:12, Kris Holmes said:

    Saggitarius. It's actually a bit messier as of a few nights ago because the kid has been rummaging through the CDs trying to find stuff to add to her ipod. The best move ever for the 45s was getting them out of boxes & onto shelves, having most of that stuff in stacked cardboard boxes did my head in. But now it's all alphabetical & much easier to find 45s. Still there's only about 6000 45s there, which is a manageable size, moving house is a pain though even with just a small to medium size collection like this.



    Hey Kris, impressively tidy! I was going to ask the same thing as Sian - bet you've got Virgo rising, ooer :wub: PM me your time & date of birth & I'll cast your chart :yes:



    The moral of the story is, get a Gemini bird to plan & design your room for maximum comfort & style. Get a Virgo bloke (like Len, above) to painstakingly put everything into alphabetical colour-coded categories, cross-referenced by genre, date, popularity, condition, price, value & anything else you can think of :thumbup:



    I am available for commissions, currently in the planning stage for a northern DJ. The first item of storage going into his room is one of these... :yes:



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