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Posts posted by Theresa

  1. While we were travelling to a niter recently in the Price family bus, we started dreaming up theme tunes to match our occupations, triggered by 'Wash and wear love' for Freckles as he has a dry cleaning business :wicked: .

    I work in HR so got 'Job opening', Justin's a painter so he got 'Paint yourself in the corner', chef Tommy Hall got 'Double cookin', Lucy in the NBC newsroom got 'Headline news', Julia who works for a young person's charity got Marvin's 'Save the children'. We were a bit stuck for Angela who's an expatriate tax specialist, but I'm sure someone can come up with something...

    So, give us a giggle and let's hear yours.

  2. There are definitely regional variations on the clapping. Me & Angela went down to Newquay earlier this year and it was a completely different ball game. We clapped at the usual intervals and the piano stopped and everyone turned round to look at us :lol: .

    I'll never forget Taff from Newton Aycliffe had a broken thumb all strapped up one month at Keele, but couldn't stop himself from clapping throughout, so all you could hear was 'clap ouch! clap ouch! clap ouch!'

  3. 2 words: SEAN CHAPMAN! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

    So true, Sean Chapman and also Warren Boogaloo are a joy to watch as they're just so into it. There are also a couple of DJs who shall remain nameless that I rather fancy and I'd happily pay to watch them stand there with their arms folded not even putting any records on. But then I think I've probably spent too long indoors with three under-fives... :yes:

  4. 7 miles per hour band - playing your game on Music City

    Hi Albert, this is Dru's friend Theresa. Tony Turner sent me that on a CD and I love it. Is the original hugely expensive then, or just none about? Am I gonna have to sleep with somebody to get one :) ?

  5. So you see for spotty teenagers wanting to get off their heads and dance around an aircraft hangar then I suppose it's spot on...for anyone else it needs a wide berth

    By heck Beeks, I was wondering why I still get spots when I'm 41! It's obviously all that bloody soulful house & garage I've been dancing to. I'll give it a wide berth in future then. No more Clearasil for me! :lol:

  6. It Takes Heart - Greg Perry

    I Wanna Give You Tomorrow - Benny Troy

    Love Is A Serious Business - Alfie Davidson

    It's pass the sickbag for me... but loads of people love 'em.

    On the right night, after a few drinks, I'll still dance to Ruby Andrews though. On the other hand Carla Thomas 'I'll Never Stop Loving You' makes me sit straight down.

  7. No I don't think so, but we'll probably see Vanessa this Saturday night. They're a bit busy with the two kids now! She's hilarious though she comes out with some one liners lol.

    Yep, calls a spade a spade that lass! Ah bless, give her our love. I used to knock about with Craig on the Melbourne mod scene in 1980-82, and he ended up marrying a friend of my husband's from Manchester within a week of us getting married, and they also had little Charlie the same week that my Reuben was born. Spooky but great...

  8. Psycho - being on the cusp of the 28 day lunar cycle, women born under this sign, (and there is a very high percentage), tend to be loving/hateful, calm/erratic, kind/selfish, considerate/selfish, and very rational/irrational.....AND THEY ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. :lol:

    That's so true - my husband calls it pre-Minstrel tension, as it always seems better after a large bar of Galaxy...

  9. soul zodiac is an all-time classic psychedelic soul jazz LP, it's pretty excellent, like out spiritual jazz with weird zodiac spoken word over it.

    I see you can get it on CD. That's got to be a post-niter 'in the car' album if ever I heard one. Spacey zodiac spoken word is right up my street on misty mornings wending my way home from dusty northern civic halls!

    A few Geminis on here then. Annoying self-obsessed twats aren't we? Clever, but annoying nonetheless...

  10. Some great ones guys, and one truly awful one Mossy. Did you know that Leo Sayer isn't even a Leo? His parents should be done under the Trade Descriptions Act. On a number of counts. Toni Braxton has got to be infinitely preferable in every way.

    So, no-one's fessed up to being a Virgo yet? Come on Mr Dopson, I know you're one.

    On Dusty Groove America I noticed a 1972 LP by Cannonball Adderley called Soul Zodiac, featuring a different tune for each sign, but I've never heard it. Has anyone got it?

    Theresa x

  11. floaters - float on

    prophecy - whatever's your sign got to be mine

    prophecy - betcha can't guess my sign

    Wasn't 'Float On' on Disco Fever from K-Tel? "Cancer, and my name is Larry!" I was 10 years old and it's stuck in my consciousness for ever.

  12. There are loads of record labels named after astrological signs, but how about artists, or the tunes that have them in the title or mention them in the song?

    Here are some to start us off:

    The Stars - Barbara Lewis

    Gemini Lady - Ron Henderson & Choice of Colour

    He's an Aries Man - Star Bright

    Let's have your contributions plus your own star sign. I'm a Gemini by the way, and quite happy to accept that you fellas think it's a load of old toss! It's not manly to appreciate astrology, we know that.

    Theresa x

  13. On the same cd they also sampled The Four Tops - I Just Can't Get You Out of My Mind in their song "A Week Away" and Rare Pleasire - Let Me Down Easy in "A Trip Into Space".

    Haven't listened to this record in years but just took it out and found it to be really great!

    Has anyone got a link to these Spearmint tracks? I haven't heard them, and though I think The Four Tops could be sacrilege, I still need a listen as that's one of my all time top twenty tunes and I'd love to hear what they did with it!


  14. I went to Stoke, and there were large numbers there, but after my fourth pint of wine I lost count...

    Maybe 800-900? You literally couldn't move on the dancefloor for the first few hours it was that busy. I'm sure someone will come on and slate me for being miles out.


  15. Oh yes it's me . Have you seen the picture of you and Angela K at the IOW hipshaker do in scootering. It's on the free poster , just a small picture and the pair of you are smiling with your mouths clamped shut :lol: also a picture on the same poster of a certain ex boyfriend .

    Hi Stevie boy, yes - five years off for good behaviour, back to the rallies and I'm still the centrefold! Both of our mouths clamped shut - now that's unusual. Did you also see a certain ex-husband in the Mersea write-up, looking like one of the Dubliners? I see Loz sneaked in there too - they must have needed to up their ginger quota or something :D

    They were some proper good nites at Hilsea Lido though. I'm sure Colin Barratt got banned because they thought he blocked the toilets up... Was just reminiscing about the place to Justin when we went past for the IOW. That South Coast crowd were so friendly and welcoming. The road down there always seemed endless, although it's not actually that far, but we always seemed to fly home in about 10 minutes :thumbsup:

    Great to see you recently, and looking so happy mate x

  16. Loved the Masters @ work " Strange games & funky things" lp`s [ a good few years ago mind]

    I saw Angie Stone live in Brighton doing "wish i did`t miss you"....... fantastic :lol:

    Should`t you be reading bed time stories to the wee one`s or cooking hubby a meal, instead of sampling SS.

    Women.... know your place :thumbsup:

    Oh Uxbridge Man, how I love it when ginger men get all masterful with me, *sigh*. You're right, I know nothing about soul, but I do love little kittens... Are you out this Saturday then? We'll be up at Stoke. Did you have a good birthday?

    T x

  17. Me and Tony had been going to the Hilsea Lido for a year or two when his brother and Ian etc started going. Only trouble with sleeping in the car was the blokes knocking on the window asking for a light or the time etc. Later found out that over the bridge was a popular meeting area for the local queers :ohmy:

    Need any more clues ?

    Ha ha. Is that you then Mr Foreman? How you doin?

  18. We really like to vary it a bit - it's nice to go to something different every week. But saying that, I definitely prefer a 'full-time soulie' niter crowd, if you know what I mean. They don't go home early, and clap in the right places :ohmy: . Love watching groups of really talented dancers, and they need a bit of space usually. The big venues tend to have the sprung dancefloors, which is always good. Remember the Ritz when everyone would be stomping together and the floor was literally bouncing? Small intimate venues are more atmospheric, and if all your mates are there, plus a couple of sexy DJs, you don't need much else. Some of the best nights ever have been like that.

    T x

  19. I hope that's a joke!

    Or do you seriously see a connection between rocksteady and oi? :thumbup:

    Personally I loathe oi, psychobilly and whatever - but then I can't stand modern soul either!

    We're getting off topic here, but it's not a joke, honest! You get a bit of all that at every scooter rally, depending on which do you attend. It's not to my taste either, but it obviously floats some peoples' boats. Plenty of skinheads who'd get up to any of those genres, they don't see any dichotomy. Personally I find a dancefloor swilling in beer and littered with drunken boneheads a massive turnoff, but I love scooters, northern & modern. The folks at the ferry company said there were 17000 at this year's Isle of Wight, so it continues to be popular.

  20. I'm deffo with Chalky and Pete on this one. At a Northern do should be soul only!

    Tis true, I can't be doing with that there skanking on a northern floor...

    Plenty of scooter nights available for that mixed market - bit of northern, bit of ska, bit of psychobilly, bit of mod, oi, whatever.

  21. Spiller's "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" was better than Carol William's "Love Is You" IMO (and I'm a Salsoul freak)........

    Ian D biggrin.gif

    Definitely. And Soulsearcher's 'Can't Get Enough' pissed all over the crap lyrics of 'Let's Lovedance Tonight' by Gary's Gang.

    Respect to the Carshalton Massive... I used to go to St Phils!

    Theresa x

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