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Posts posted by Theresa

  1. I'm Under Your Spell - Mind & Matter, c/u as Merlin & the Magicians.

    I know I'm a disco dolly at heart, but hadn't heard this for years until heard it played out at a nighter recently and it sounded brilliant.

  2. If you print your own postage via Paypal Pete, then the buyer gets an immediate email saying you've bought postage. You have to use the postage label that day or the next day, so the buyer knows it's going out within 24 hours.

    I like it because it prints an address label for the parcel, plus a proof of postage for you that you just get stamped at the post office. No need to even write if you're a lazy bastard like me :D

  3. Some fantastic feedback with regards to the new Brixton all niter.. A mixed crowd dancing to soul and funk tunes..

    Some put this down as the way forward, as was the case when i was part of the promotions for Soul Revolution....

    Maybe the way forward for some but not for others..

    I really enjoyed Soul Rev in London with a real mixed crowd and broad musical taste.. All kinds of people and style of dancfloor ettiquett that could piss some off...

    I like more tradtional all niters too with a hardcore crowd of soulies that know the score and things aint changed much in 30 years..

    I like the taking the music into little bars without or very little dancefloor and playing different tempo and style from early RnB, jazz, Northern, beat ballads/ deep soul, ska funk,crossover etc etc..

    I like Mod events that play 60s RnB encourage a certain style of dress..

    I like some crossover modern events too..

    I lke the European events with a youger crowd

    Or sitting around at home with jazz fags and listening to deeeeeeeep soul wrist slashers for hours on end and making grown men and women cry ( you know who you are) :D

    I can mix with shandy drinking southern folk, northern ferrett breeders,mad Geordies, drunken scots and Irish and them overseas folk too...

    Maybe i am a strange creature who can be at home at any of these events laugh.gif .. All these type of events and people are present on this forum and the scene in general... Some people at all of these events are trying to push it as the way forward g.gif ...

    I would like to think the way forward is for people to just go and do what they wanna do and let others do the same.. There is so much choice at the moment, get it while you can, long time dead and all that...

    I'm in heaven at the thought of these choices each weekend... Can't imagine life ( or don't want to) without it..

    Peace brothers and sisters..

    The rev.... Kenny Lynch.. xxxxx

    Agree with you completely Steve. Love having the choice, love going to different places, and also love coming 'home' to a big, perfect, sprung, (dry!) polished wooden dancefloor where everybody knows the score :D . The dancefloor etiquette thing can rankle at times in places like TWT (not sure that's an acronym that Ion's gonna like!) but you wouldn't get that combination of tunes played anywhere else, it's kind of exciting, and you also wouldn't have the chance to meet so many genuinely friendly 'off the scene' people. The majority on Sunday were normal London clubbers, so how can they know what constitutes good manners on a northern dancefloor? Promoters can hardly give everyone a lesson on the way in :thumbsup: That could be a whole new thread - has anyone ever written the definitive dancefloor rules?

    Another issue pointed out by my single friends is that these soul nights with an overall slightly younger, more eclectic clubbing crowd, offer a bit more of a pulling environment than your traditional northern venues :)shhh.gif

    T x

  4. But the fact remains ~ they shouldn't issue cheques KNOWING that there aren't enough funds to cover them, they're making a rod for their owns backs.

    Of course they shouldn't Mr (or Ms) Pachino, it was an ill-judged and probably desperate move, we all know that. And we haven't a clue about the circumstances, because nothing's been communicated. Maybe they were hoping for a loan or overdraft that wasn't granted.

    However, it just doesn't sit well with me to destroy some fellow soulie's life for the sake of my 30 quid. The whole thread was starting to remind me of the stoning scene in Life of Brian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mm2BsjACkuI I'll take two pointed stones, two flat ones, and a bag of gravel please :huh: Oh and I'd better take a beard too.

    Don't get me wrong Davie et al, if I was sure someone had maliciously set out to defraud me of even 30 pence, I wouldn't rest until I'd annihilated them, and I'm a complete bastard of an enemy to have. But these people are not our enemies for God's sake. Could we not have a think about what we might be able to do to help them? Giving them a nervous breakdown is hardly likely to assist in getting our money back. If we continue with a measured approach we'll be much more likely to get a successful resolution.

    Right then, my first suggestion is, if they're finding it difficult to face anyone, would they be willing to speak to a third party who could maybe fill us in on what's happening? An accountant or other professional if they've got one? Seems to me first priority is to get the communication channels open again.

    T x

  5. Aww come on folks, it's all getting a bit 'Crucify Them!' for my liking. What are we going to do - string them up if we see them buying food at Tesco? It might be amusing to bay for their blood on here, but they're still people for God's sake, and you're proposing ruining their lives.

    I don't know the couple personally, but know from folk that DO know them that they're not con artists. You wouldn't wish this situation on anyone. If they were your mates, what would you do to help? I'd probably say look Tracey & Andy, you used Soul Source to advertise your event, so you've got to be prepared to use it to keep people informed after it all went tits up. It's the lack of communication & explanation that's really getting people's goat, so get your heads out of the sand, take a deep breath and type 'Sorry again everyone, it's understandable that you're fuming. We haven't got enough money at the moment, but anticipate being able to repay your money by this date, and will reimburse the bank charges you've incurred because of us. Here is the list of people and amounts we owe, and these are the measures we're taking to get the money together as soon as we can...'


  6. I did complain recently that they didn't have enough champagne flutes at Bisley, and the two they had didn't appear to be very clean.

    And everyone at the Baltic Weekender was just so, er, Germanic. Outrageous.

  7. I know just what you mean, and I'm not even a promoter. Never ceases to amaze me when people turn up at a do where the music policy and DJ line-up is clearly advertised on the flyer and then they moan about it. Mind you, working in HR, I've often said 'this job would be great, if it weren't for the people...'

    The chairman of a company I used to work for, who was one of the wisest men I ever met, once said to me when I was struggling with a constantly complaining customer who we just couldn't please, "Theresa, it is time to say to this woman 'Madam, yours is not the type of custom we wish to encourage, please take your business elsewhere.'" Can't tell you how satisfying it was to say it! Shut her right up and we never heard from her again :ohmy:

  8. When buying a new pair of shoes the first thing you ask yourself is "Can I dance in those?"

    So true! In fact when buying anything at all to wear.

    We're looking to move at the moment, and one of the plusses on my favourite house so far was that it's only 2 mins to the motorway so it would be easy to get to niters! It's also got a big lounge with a solid oak floor that'd be fab to dance on. Er, and I think it had some bedrooms & maybe a garden :thumbup:

  9. got up this morning, getting ready to go to work.

    whilst making my butty box up, I put a breakaway biscuit in it...

    then started singing to myself- your daddies workin' hard, & your momma too, you gotta get the kids to school, get em'up get em'up.

    whilst doing a little dance in the kitchen.. at 5.15 on a monday morning!

    still a soul nut then! :lol:

    Me & the hubby Justin did the self same thing a couple of weeks ago (except we don't get up as early as you :P ) singing & laughing in the kitchen over the Breakaways when I was doing the packed lunches. Mind you I've also done 'Your Wispa's Getting Louder' now that they're available again, and couldn't help singing a burst of Native New Yorker when we had a multipack of Taxi biccies lately - 'It's a thought you had, in a taxi cab, that got left on the kerb...'

    Maybe we should have another thread for northern soul brand names :thumbsup: or even just chocolate biscuits.

  10. Going a bit off topic here Joto, but that seems a little harsh on the part of your bank? The drawer should be charged for dishonoured cheques, but not you as it's hardly your fault or even within your control. My bank doesn't charge me. Who are you banking with? I'd be straight on the blower giving them a rocket.

  11. My refund cheque also bounced, but to be fair Tracey did initiate an email today to try and sort it out. Fingers crossed!

    It reminds me a bit of a few years back when I worked in HR for a company that was going down the pan, and we had the horrible job of deciding who to pay, knowing that we couldn't pay everyone. Different circumstances obviously, but I imagine the feeling is similar - pretty horrible, wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm sure will be all sorted out soon.

    Theresa x

  12. thats my sink n loo too!.. great minds... love the wallpaper, looks fab and stil tasteful lol x

    Careful FT, before we know it there'll be a thread in All Our Yesterdays entitled 'Which was your favourite NS bog?' and the anoraks will start arguing over whether the seat was the original and who was the first to sit on it, and whether the flush sounded better when the cistern was full or half-full :wicked:

    I say best bogs - Wilton, worst - Blackburn Tony's Empress Ballroom :thumbsup:

  13. Northern soul bogs are already available Barry. We can do alternative versions with no locks on the doors, wraps in the sink, broken mirrors, floor swilling with piss etc if you have a particular soul venue in mind that you'd like to recreate. Visit www.soulandshit.com for more details...

    T x :shades:


  14. All-time fave is Keb Darge. But used to love watching Soulie too, and Paul Sadot & Oscar Romp (or Oscar de la Rent Boy as we call him :) ) when they went hell for leather at the 100 Club.

    These days, like watching Freckles from Brighton as he's cute :g: and always love seeing Chantel from Bedford out on the floor.

  15. So can't we just leave it at that? If you're going somewhere where you're not sure of the policy or what one of the DJ's plays, and the possibility of a few modern tracks (whatever your interpretation of that term) might spoil your snivelling, whining, miserable, godforsaken lives, then just ask on here beforehand, or even, shock horror, phone the promoter and ask them to talk you through the expected proceedings for the night.

    But I guess that would mean you couldn't argue ad nauseam for several more thousand posts :)

    And if we're forming a hit squad to take out Benny Troy, count me in :g: It's mainly his hair that vexes me.

  16. When I first heard Prophecy's 'Rain In My Life' I thought it was awful - the gasping delivery sounded like Marvin Gaye's constipated younger brother in the throes of an asthma attack. But on revisiting recently, what a grower! I don't even hear the ridiculous intakes of breath any more, just the desperation that the guy's girl mustn't leave him. Can't stop playing it. And squealing along with him :thumbsup:

  17. Hate to be a party pooper but I don't buy into this theory...someone who is into Modern isn't necessarily going to like R&B and vice versa...which is understandable because lets face it they are miles apart musically

    If you're theory is to be compared to other genres...it's like someone who is into soft rock liking thrash metal...same umbrella of 'Rock Music' but completely different in so many ways and generally never the twain shall meet :thumbsup:

    My answer to the original post is DEMAND. 'Modern' got involved in the northern scene because paying punters like me and all my friends LOVE it just as much as our northern, and we travel, dance, and buy lots of drinks in loads of venues across the UK and Europe. In our minds there's no disharmony between the two, just synergy.

    And Beeks you're both right and wrong, lots of my mates don't like R&B, but lots of them do, and I've got absolutely no problem with an across the board northern venue like Rugby having a bit of everything. My husband will be up for all the R&B and the stompers, I'll be up for all of the modern, and we'll both dance to a bit of everything in between. As will Mr Vickers above, one of the original open-minded cross-genre promoters.

    It beats me why some people spend so much of their time actively HATING other genres of soul. If you don't like across the board policies, go somewhere else. We're spoilt for choice with the number of nights operating. What's the big problem? Peace be with you :thumbup:

  18. Love it. Always have and always will. Lots of scootering memories associated with it for me too.

    Kylee I'll have to put you over my knee and spank your sequinned knickers with a mint copy of the Carstairs until you see sense laugh.gif Can't see any other use for it, unless Pete S needs a coaster for his coffee obviously.

  19. Count the girls of the South London Massive in to be your southern distributors Carmen. And don't sell the film rights before talking to me!

    As for what's on the pants:

    Are you ready for this?

    Go on and laugh

    Mighty lover

    Lend a hand

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