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Everything posted by LOU

  1. Can't seem to pm you are these still for sale
  2. I have a copy of this on RCA but the lable colour is like a pale grey its definately not white gone discoloured. It also says Mono 47-9244. I was just wondering if anyone has any knowledge or information and value on this-Thank you Lorna
  3. Well completely the opposite for me -lost my brand new silver bracelet my dad bought me for my 18th birthday and I didn't realise till i got home-phoned the casino and someone had handed it in picked it up the next week. Just shows there are decent people out there.
  4. One of the first things I bought when I started work think it cost £38.00 Still got it and was wearing it up to a couple of years ago. Not sure how this will turn out not posted picture up before group of us on our way to wigan
  5. The one on a dark red patches lable is that a reissue or a boot as its not been mentioned-same version as the bulldog.
  6. Well guess what steve it was the R&B tapes you did for me in 2001- just couldn't stop playing them
  7. Denise Lasell-do me right Have some everybody- Flaming emeralds Keep on Keeping on-N.F Porter What memories Knees have definately had it after dancing to all those records
  8. Tomiko Jones-Spellbound Dukays-The Girls a Devil Betty Lavette-Witchcraft Lavern Baker-Voodoo voodoo The Natural Four-The Devil Made Me Do It Johnny Sayles- My Love's A Monster
  9. I've Got To Find Me Somebody-Velvets Picture Me Gone- Evi Sands Free For All-Phillip Mitchell
  10. Two of my all time top favourite oldies -will never get tired of them-I have demos of both. The you Busted My Mind has He's The Kind Of Guy on the B side.
  11. Totally agree with you there -would have defiately posted this up if you hadn't beaten me to it
  12. Thanks Di its been alot of fun back to normal life now
  13. All I can think of is Yesterday -Ray Charles my daughter listens to it
  14. goingout now won't be back till 10pm X thats going to be hard
  15. I know think same time Kids mithering for t can't cocentrate

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