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Everything posted by malik

  1. Hello ... Just a small question : What would be the average price of Carl Hall "Need Somebody to Love" issue on Atlantic. I almost always see the demo being sold. There's one copy on Popsike at $237 ... but I suppose that it's not a realistic price at all. Many thanks
  2. The Presidents . Girl You Cheated on Me is pretty good too
  3. What would be the value of an issue copy of Sarah Vaughan 'Inner City Blues' cover on Mainstream ( just curious ). Many thanks in advance !
  4. What about this one ?
  5. Slightly on the Doo Wop side but lovely
  6. Two more "funky soul" efforts
  7. I hadn't paid attention before, but now that I look at it again : It's written A Dynamic Production on the right of the label ( like for all tunes on this label ). But under the title the credits are actually "A Trojan Production". So your first guess must be correct : it was a Uk production brought back to Ja afterwards ... Oh and AFAIK = As Far As I Know
  8. I have a copy on Tiger ( I mainly collect Jamaican music and I've found it in a reggae lot ) .. I'll post a picture in this topic once back home tonight
  9. I would think that it was recorded in Jamaica , the original issue, AFAIK, is on the Jamaican label "Tiger" from 1969 ( a Dynamic Production )
  10. Derrick also recorded a fantastic ( IMHO ) version of The Temptations "I gotta Know" changing the title to "Sitting on Top of The World"
  11. Checked again and it's a.o Thierry Boulanger who'll be DJing at Soul Inn saturday . So expect mostly 7Ts and ( great ) Modern sounds https://www.facebook.com/events/1457918991192420/ , but no Popcorn
  12. Not much going on this Week End I'm afraid ... if you're Downtown ( near Bourse ) you can always drop by the Soul Inn Bar. Depending on who's DJing the music could be OK if you're lucky https://www.facebook.com/soulinnbrussels But otherwise I haven't found anything interesting ( unless you happen to like early Jamaican Music )
  13. Another Tighten Up-alike : The TNT Boys - Musica del alma ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDcX1tbXHuk
  14. Hello here are 10 of my faves ( I decided to skip the Ska tunes it was already difficult enough to narrow it down to 10 ) Bob Andy - You Don't Know Winston Francis - Ten Times Sweeter Uniques - Love and Devotion Uniques - My Conversation Techniques - Go Find Yourself a Fool Ernest Wilson - Undying Love Boby Ellis - Step Softly Cats - Falling in Love Clarendonians - Lonely Heartaches Milton Morris - No Bread and Butter
  15. yes ! on Torpedo, really a strange version
  16. Mill Evans -" Ain't You Glad" does it for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZF7tMjV8ms
  17. Derrick Harriott's verson of Look over your Shoulder is great Also not that known but Sabrina Williams "A Word to The Wise" on 56 Hope Road has also the same kind of feel
  18. https://www.xs4all.nl/~tapirs/
  19. It's a cut to the LLoyd and The Groovers "Do It To Me Baby" on Caltone ... first time I hear the DJ version

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