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Everything posted by Dsoulie

  1. Cheers I know of that one
  2. Looking for a long time want, I know that I will not get but thought I would try. Please no make me an offer. Thanks for looking
  3. Original only you don't love me no more no make me an offer Cheers
  4. Pm'd you
  5. Looking for an original copies Key to my happiness and Stronger than her love please no make me an offer Thanks for looking
  6. Hello all, Looking for an original please. No make me an offer Cheers
  7. Looking for a copy if you have one for sale. Thanks for looking Please no make me an offer
  8. Another B side record played Sweet Lies- Emanuel Laskey. Nice one Andy. See you and Jeff soon
  9. Following records all original for sale, full money refund if not happy. Pete Warner - I just wanna spend my life with you Ex £65 Sam Dees - Fragile handle with care Ex £65 Fay Simmons - Please tell me I'm yours VG + £30 Flirtations - Change my darkness into light Ex SOLD Tyrone Barkley - Man of value Ex £45 Four Below Zero- My baby's got ESP Ex £75 Postage £3.50 recorded and £7.00 special delivery Thank you for looking
  10. Excellent night of music from start to finish with Dave Eyley blowing the roof off. Martyn Bird was well amazed with Daves set.
  11. Pm'd you
  12. Nice list Billy, Two for me cheap as chips Debonaires and Joanie Summers.
  13. Cracking record on Atco.
  14. No problem Dale, A copy will come along in time.
  15. To slow for Duke and Leonard, one of my wants. Nice one Dale
  16. Mike Vickers and Sammy Ambrose, two class tunes.
  17. Now sorted Thanks
  18. If you can't say anything nice Pms only Cheers
  19. Many thanks to all who pm'd
  20. True patron of arts Pm if you have a copy Please no make me an offer Thanks
  21. Nice to see Edward Hamilton b side being played.

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