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Everything posted by Soulfinger

  1. The mad juxtaposition of old and new in Paris
  2. I never liked modern buildings until I went to the Guggenheim in Bilbao.
  3. I've been listening to the Philly Box for the last three days. Bloody marvelous! I'm very impressed with the judgement shown on the choice of original single mix or album mix. Singles stuck to pretty faithfully except for the ones you'd want the long version on.
  4. Japanese kids really enjoying the art in Edinburgh....
  5. A shop window in Budapest. Mannequins with beer bellies....
  6. Well done Elaine, it's richly deserved.
  7. Roger Eagle and my mate Dave.
  8. I have listened to a number of these and enjoyed most of them. I'll definitely buy it. Have to say that I think what he's done to the extended intro to Searching is terrible though.
  9. That's odd. I also had a problem when I tried to pay with paypal. When the Demon page linked through, the amount to be paid went to £15.99 instead of twenty three whatever. I tried twice but gave up and paid by Mastercard instead. Weird
  10. Wow! Thanks for the heads up Ian! Just ordered the Philly 40th. How could you not at that price? Cheers John
  11. Too right! Looking forward very much to the release of Etta James.
  12. My dad wrote letters to my gran from Korea in 1952-54, Six of them were delivered in 1963, You shouldn't ever give up hope!
  13. I'm surprised that the Box thread was thought to be about the oldies scene. I thought it was mostly about egos and branding. It was the most soul destroying thread I have seen on soul source. It was unedifying and embarrassing. I have no axe to grind, I am just a bloke who goes out dancing to soul music and has done for 40 years, I just think some of the contributors to the thread need to have a word with themselves. All IMHO of course,
  14. I love this, it's just infectious. Somebody else likes it.....my Mrs teaches a lass who told her she was named after it. Bobby Newsome - Jody, Come Back and Get Your Shoes
  15. Richard's doing a 3 hour show on Radio Manchester from 10 p.m. on 12/12/14. He says: "The show will trace the development of the scene in the region, from it’s early beginnings at the “Twisted Wheel” in Manchester , to the Wigan Casino and through to today’s most popular dance floor favourites"
  16. Done Prosaically....
  17. Yes indeed. He's fabulous live. Saw him one time at the Band on the Wall and had a chat to him after. His accent was almost undecipherable! His hands are massive, which I guess is handy for a pianist. His autobiography - Under a Hoodoo Moon: The Life of Dr John the Night Tripper is some read. He was a rum lad when he was younger.
  18. I am very happy that Laut FM Soul Allnighter seems to be functioning once again, it had been off air for ages and I had really missed it. It has a really good mix of classics and less well known sides. It very often reminds me of stuff I had forgotten about as well as introducing me to stuff that had completely passed me by. Currently playing Ann Hodge - You're Welcome Back; which is lovely for a Sunday morning.
  19. This is competing with the Contours - Just a Little Misunderstanding compilation for best CD of 2014. If you haven't bought it yet, you definitely should.
  20. I'd be happy to pay for it Pete. Please let me know how. You are absolutely spot on about the bandits flogging recycled stuff you have posted for free. I understand your frustration but hope you know how much people on here appreciate you making stuff available to us. Much as I enjoy your podcasts, the wigan tapes just blow me away every time. Cheers John
  21. Superb article. I remember the original in the mag but it's long gone. Nice presentation!
  22. Thirteen (and seven on Dusty).
  23. Here's the winner for me! Tremendous.
  24. Why on earth would anyone pay money for that?

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