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Everything posted by Soulfinger

  1. It's not anywhere near as good as Left, Right & Centre which he wrote when he was about 15. I'm not knocking him though as he's one of the few folk making mainstream music which acknowledges the importance of of 60's Soul.
  2. People who hardly dance all night and then, when you've been on the floor for hours come and invade your personal space because (insert timeless classic of your choice) comes on. People who routinely slag off Russ Winstanley just 'cos it's become kind of expected that that's what die-hard soulies do. People who still think women and young 'uns can't deejay. People who worry more about what a tune is worth (or rather what it costs) than what it sounds like Blokes who amble in to a soul night at 11.30 after a dozen Stellas in the alehouse and hit the dancefloor, sending all and sundry flying, only to retire with a John Barnes hamstring or asthma attack symptoms 90 seconds later People who are never knowingly wrong. Apart from that little lot I'm cool
  3. That's incredible! As good as the David Ruffin acapella on Ain't to Proud to Beg which, for me, was the best on the 6 box set.
  4. Oh, that's a bit harsh!
  5. I have the 6 CD set which I paid £15 for from a US e-bay site. It's brilliant. I hadn't realised there were more until Richard played them on Cellarful of Soul. I'm keeping my eye out for them but I'm not optimistic. I also have a Marginal compilation of Choker Campbell / Earl Van Dyke versions called Detroit Instumentals which is crackin'.
  6. They're available at not much difference from Amazon. https://amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_/203-8...=13&Go.y=12 Who I don't work for but did get mine from.........
  7. I agree entirely and they can be had cheap nowadays. The third box of 10 CD's cost me £42 recently! Margie Joseph - Medicine Bend has always been one that did it for me
  8. I remember the crow from first time round, I read Dave Godin raving about it in B&S and as his word was law, couldn't wait to hear it. Didn't believe it when I heard it -what a dirge! Truly awful. He released it on Right ON and people bought it . I didn't think Levine had anything to do with it, though that might explain why I loathe it...........
  9. The Girl's Alright with Me / I'll be in Trouble:Temptations (Gordy) Though I think I maybe had Jr Walker's Greatest Hits first.
  10. First: Landslide - Tony Clarke (Chess) in 1972 Last: Heaven in the Afternoon Lew Kirton (Alston) Saturday morning
  11. I think that's fantastic, I'd be on the dancefloor to that. My lad who's a keyboard player says he likes the way the keyboard notes have been bent whatever that means! And a mention in the thread for Zoot & the Roots - I first met my Mrs at a Zoot gig in the dim and distant.
  12. I'm new to this forum and didn't put two and two together to realise it was Pete who was responsible for putting all that great innercalm stuff on youtube. I'd been enjoying the clips for a while and can't see how them being posted up there infringes copywrite any more than stuff like the Legends of Rare Soul DVDs; which surely can't be legit. I guess youtube was certain to go the way of Napster once it got all corporate. I think Pete should be proud to have done what he did and though there's a noticable collective arching of eyebrows hereabouts at anyone trying to make an honest crust - e.g. the Casino Cafe, I'd be completely cool about him making a few bob flogging the same stuff on DVD . I'd also be thinking about having "I sent a DVD to Etta Bloomin' James" as my epitaph.
  13. I can't help with Northern backing tracks but I have the 6CD Motown original backing tracks set if any of those would be any help. It's at https://www.dvdstars.com/product.php?sectio...hiPgKD9AyDh8vgP
  14. Bunny Sigler for me too which is odd as I love Chuck Jackson's voice usually ... What am I Gonna Do Without You would be my favorite.
  15. Jimmy Thomas - Where There's A Will I remember that as being very short indeed. If I could find where I've put it I'd know how short. Found it. Says 2.05. Nomination withdrawn. I must've been standing a long way from it and it just looked shorter.
  16. I'm two albums short of a complete Kent Various Artists collection (yeah, I know ) so if anyone has a spare Soul Cities or Down to the Last Heartbeat....
  17. Epicentre feat Sandra Feva - You Can't Come Up In Here No More James King - Memory Happy memories of the Halfway House

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