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Everything posted by Soulfinger

  1. The Artistics - I'm Gonna Miss You and The Four Tops - Ask the Lonely and I'm a really bad singer, but I just can't help myself....
  2. Chicago Soul is the bible for me. Sweet Soul Music by Peter Guralnick and Nowhere to Run by Gerri Hershey are also among my favorites.
  3. I have it, and most of the others that seem to be going for barmy money in Japan. Surely this is the sort of thing that Fopp does for a fiver?!?
  4. Four_Tops___Shake_Me_Wake_Me__When_It_s_Over__acapella.mp3
  5. Levi's voice and Junior Walker's sax were the two things that got me into sould music in the first place. I remember seeing my first live show - the Four Tops at the Odeon in Manchester in the early 70's and being absolutely blown away by his voice. I last saw them just after When she Was My Girl was a chart tune and he still had the killer voice. The Shake Me Wake Me Acapella demonstrates it to perfection.
  6. Rich, thanks for the CD's. Fantastic choice of tunes. It's lovely to find someone doing something for purely altruistic reasons. Good on yer!
  7. All these are great imho in spite of the odd titles Come Back and Get Your Shoes Jody - Bobby Newsome Atomic Dog - George Clinton He Broke Your Game Wide Open - Frank Dell She Caught the Katy - Albert King Frog Stomp - Floyd Newman Skinny Legs and All - Joe Tex
  8. Thanks for that Johnnyf but timthemod has sorted me out. cheers John
  9. OK, with many, many thanks to Steve W, I am now what my Mrs describes as "one album short of a complete Kent collection", Some kind soul sourcer must have a Soul Cities they aren't using............
  10. When I'm browsing and find a tune I haven't played for years. Stick it on and two and half minutes of pure joy. Happened today with These Tears - Mary Johnson - gorgeous!
  11. Since I Lost my Baby does it for me too. along with The Love I Saw in You was Just a Mirage - The Miracles And slightly out of left field: A Man Can't Lose What He Don't Have - Q-Tips
  12. No problem. I have one but I haven't sold a record since 1972 and I can't start now. If you'd settle for a CD copy I'd be happy to help.
  13. I'm looking for two Kent vinyl compilations: 084 Down to the Last Heartbreak and 089 Soul Cities. Thanks. John
  14. Nope. It's an EEC funded project to increase inter-cultural understanding. Once the foreign kids had done the Rugby League and Uncle Joes Mint Balls; the only thing of any note left was the the Casino. We taught about sixty french and spanish kids to dance proper! None of that flamenco nonsense.
  15. Mr Consistency.
  16. Earlier this year my Mrs got Russ' phone number from a friend of a friend and asked him to do a charity gig involving kids from Wigan, Spain and France. She doesn't know him from Adam but he said yes straight away and came up with loads of ideas for making the event work better. He did a lecture and a filmshow and DJ'd & brought a mate along to do a NS dancing lesson for the kids. He went out of his way to talk to the kids from abroad, was charm and wit personified and the adult foreign visitors thought he was the epitome of northern friendliness. He did the gig for free. I thought I should redress some of the slagging he gets. It seems some people are just fair game for some reason. I also liked Once Upon a Time in Wigan and have visited the Casino Cafe.......I'll get me coat.
  17. Isn't it on the Avco mobile disco compilation album from the early seventies? I have it somewhere but can't find it right now.
  18. Good luck with that mate. I'll check back soon to see if you get anything from a bit earlier than 1978!
  19. That's it for me in a nutshell. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or what you're talking about. Every cell in your body is suddenly telling you "Stop this now, get out there and dance". It often just takes the first note and I'm away with the missus trailing in my wake. She's used to it by now. I also like that feeling you get when you go to a venue you haven't visited before and you get there early doors, enter the big room and do the mental checklist: plenty of interesting looking record boxes, big, proper dance floor; big, long bar with lots of people ready to serve, lot's of good sitting space, vaguely remembered nice tune playing, friendly faces all around - woohoo
  20. Don't be downhearted if you have little kids. They get bigger if you don't watch 'em too closely and before you know it they are mid teens and you get your life back (and your inclination to go further than your local soul night).
  21. I Had it All - Barrino Brothers
  22. I agree. The video is brilliant though. We should give whoever is responsible the challenge of reworking some of Ian Levine's strange world ones.
  23. It's the same old bland, synthetic twaddle. It's just loathsome garbage! It sounds like it was recorded in a studio with marshmallow walls. I bet it's also got an annoying video with all those swooping multi shot split screen nonsense like he did on the SWoNS. To be fair, the lass sounds like she might have a decent voice if it was less overproduced. That guy who did the wade in the water remake would have made a much better job of this.
  24. Aretha had brilliant material to work with and sang it wonderfully. I loved Gladys with the pips but never really got her solo stuff. For me, I get more pleasure from the lesser known female vocalists who may have had only one or two tunes like Mamie Galore or Joy Lovejoy. On the Motown front it has to be Barbara McNair and Chris Clarke. I remember the first time I heard You're Gonna Love My Baby. I'd swapped with a mate to get the Motown Memories Volume 2 just for Ghost in my House in 1971. I heard Baby and couldn't believe it and I've loved it ever since.
  25. Two years ago in Trinity Beach near Cairns in Oz......me, the mrs and the kids walked out of a beachfront restaurant and the bar alongside was playing Pressure Drop by Toots & the Maytals. I remarked on the quality choice of tune and when it segued into Can't Satisfy - The Impressions; I had a dance in the street - much to the amusement, bemusement and entertainment of the drinkers outside the bar and to the eternal humiliation of the offspring who legged it of down the street. It just felt like the right thing to do! In my defence, I had partaken of the odd amber.

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