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Everything posted by Soulfinger

  1. Blimey, they play some great stuff! That's a new one I will definitely listen to regularly. Thanks .
  2. Quite a warp on Isleys / Barbara McNair but plays fine. Otherwise all good (very bloody good actually),
  3. Mine just arrived in a box alongside the Holland Dozier Holland Box Set. There goes the next few days....
  4. I agree entirely, much as I love the Deep Soul Treasures CD's, Slow and Moody, Black and Bluesy is my favourite. I had bought the first two Kent Albums and bought the third simply assuming I was getting more of the same. What an eye opener! It led me to the equally brilliant Atlantic compilation Soul Deep Volume 2. These are still among my most played albums.
  5. I have a Roberts internet radio which I have on for a couple of hours a day as background. I use the music player on it for listening to podcasts but I have a bit of a soft spot for 94.9 The Surf from South Carolina. Having said that, I have just turned it off because Justin Timberlake came on..........
  6. This happens a lot with Amazon with higher priced stuff like box sets. I have stopped pre-ordering and give it a couple of weeks to see where the price settles. Having said that, I thought the original price was pretty good, so have just ordered at the new price; which is a proper bargain!
  7. I have been listening to the three Ska, Rocksteady and Reggae Treasure Isle double CD compilations over the past few weeks and I would put them alongside my old classic vinyl comps like Club Ska 67, Intensified and Monkey Business.
  8. That's brilliant Dave, thanks for posting. What a story and what a gorgeous building! I like the description "tasteful blend of Hindoo and Burmese styles," - there was me thinking it looked a bit art deco / nouveau.....
  9. Hard to pick a fight with the content.....no doubt there's plenty will try!
  10. Thanks. That's a shame. Really nice version.
  11. Hi Pete, Great selection as usual. I presume The Underdogs is unreleased? Cheers John
  12. Shows currently scheduled: https://www.davidgestonline.com/release-legends-concert/ We really enjoyed the last one.
  13. CP's a great bloke. He has a fantastic and wide ranging record collection. He introduced me to loads of obscure R&B in the 70's and 80's. He was a big pal of Roger Eagle and did the eulogy at his funeral. He was also in Alberto y lost trios paranoias, funniest live band I ever saw. Not saying the programme will be any good, just glad that CP's getting some work from the beeb.
  14. This arrived today with a nice, personal message from Dennis written inside. I am 40 pages in and it's excellent.
  15. It has just been previewed on NW Tonight. It was as expected. Though I was surprised to hear that all us "Northern Soul Fans" are keen to drag NS into the digital age.
  16. Thanks for flagging that up. I would rather have a hard copy but at 99p it's a no brainer.
  17. Thanks for that Dave, I have ordered direct from the link. Amazon seem to only do a kindle version and, as with all soul books, it just isn't the same without an actual copy. Cheers John
  18. Having not played a record in public for 25 years, if I did I would end with. The Dells - Thinkin' About You Little Anthony - It's Not the Same Big Maybelle - Oh Lord, What Are You Doing to Me
  19. I think it may be the arts world climbing a long way up its own backside and trying to take "Northern Soul" with it. Expect adverts for people to demonstrate their floor work.
  20. Have a great night Stu, two minutes on the floor and you will feel like you have never been away and regretting you were.
  21. You're Not an Ordinary Girl - The Temptations Because she's not.
  22. We saw Crowd Company support George Porter at the Band on the Wall last night. They were seriously funky. Their new CD Now or Never is on amazon now and the vinyl is out soon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Now-Never-VINYL-Crowd-Company/dp/B00IWGYYHE/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1394528114&sr=1-1
  23. That's a great CD Chris, Some I knew and some I didn't that are superb! And thanks for reminding me I should listen to Annette Poindexter - Wayward Dream more often - it's a shame there are so few of those to be had.. Many thanks. Cheers John
  24. No contest for me. I been listening and dancing to soul music for over 40 years. I learn something new most days on Soul Source. Folk on here are knowledgeable and helpful. Facebook? Not so good.
  25. Good heavens Mr Smith sir; how very dare they? Do you want to set an age limit for those from whom you are prepared to take such abuse....just so we know where we stand? A couple of the girls from the Highfield Soul Club got to dance with Pharrel Williams on the telly. I am dead chuffed for them. All a bit of fun of the harmless variety.

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