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Everything posted by Soulfinger

  1. Thanks for this info Robb. Very interesting. It's a real shame she didn't do more like "Stop, I don't need no sympathy", I have always thought that it was a great tune, really soulfully sung. I like "Show Tune style" as an insult and will be using it at the earliest opportunity!
  2. Do you have a link to these please Nick? I can't find any info about them. Cheers John
  3. You're not but there's nowt wrong with being on your own when you are right.
  4. Grab This Thing Pt 1 - the Mar Keys vs Don't Turn Your Heater On - Sam & Dave is a hard one to call. I knew the instrumental first so probably like that more. There's loads of soulful instrumentals from Stax and stuff like San-Ho-Zay - Freddie King, Nowhere to Run - Earl Van Dyke and Burning Spear - The Soulful Strings are all full of soul.
  5. The CoB box arrived today. Very nice indeed. Only listened to the two bonus tracks CD's so far and I am extremely impressed. Well done you Harmless people!
  6. Not even a close contest for me. Spyder's version has been a big favorite since I first heard it Lack of rarity doesn't make it any less a complete soul classic. The Havens version is just nice....
  7. I thought it was very well done. Great to see Colin Curtis appear and get the recognition he deserves, big shock to hear Ian Levine say he went too far and nice to hear him make a measured contribution. I thought he came across well. Excellent contributions from Ian D and from Richard. I guess the story had to stop in 1980 when everything stopped sounding like I Can't Help Myself!
  8. I guess choosing top 20's is a very personal thing, but it's not so much what he's included (apart from that terrible version of What's Going On) , but what's left out that surprised me. I take Pete's point about trying to represent each phase of the development of JA music, but surely there are lots of much better tunes than most of these?
  9. Snake outbreak in Bolton https://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/11354798.VIDEO__Flash_mob_hits_Market_Place_shopping_centre__to_promote_Bolton_/
  10. Will do Dave, if they are still there when I get back from the Lakes. Cheers John
  11. They don't sell online, but if they are still there when I come back from me hols, I can get you one.
  12. I am up in the Lakes climbing mountains for a fortnight, but if they are still there when I get back, I will pick you one up. Cheers John
  13. I saw them at the Odeon on Oxford Rd in Manchester (I think it was the Cut the Cake tour) so I guess 1975. They were terrific. I have a vague memory that they were supported by Osibisa but I might be making that up....
  14. There was a big stack of the books in Fopp in Manchester for £3.99 at the weekend.
  15. I ran out of shelf space some time ago. It'll end up in one of the precarious piles of stuff that I shuffle around occasionally to try to make it look less obvious where all my money goes........
  16. The CoB set is £19.99 on Amazon. For 9 CD's worth. Having bought the H-D-H box, I wasn't sure I would need this but at that price? Pre-ordered! https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Complete-Invictus-Recordings-1969/dp/B00JYDGJG8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1405497670&sr=8-2&keywords=chairman+of+the+board
  17. I thought it was pretty well done. I thought it was great to hear snippets from musicians like Wilton Felder and Denis Coffey. Would have been nice to hear some recognition for Jack Ashford's tambourine which was all over it! I am also surprised at the absence of the Elgins and thought This Old Heart of Mine would've been a certainty too.
  18. These are absolutely great Pete. Proper memory jerkers. Thanks for the tip about offliberty too, it's good to be able to download them. I think these'll work nicely through my headphones at the gym later, though doubt they'll make me run any faster..... Cheers John
  19. RIP Bobby. One of the true greats. Even better live, I remember his performance at The Carousel in Manchester as one of the very finest I have seen.
  20. Good to see that the ultimate party dance northern soul mix DJ has followed the "In Emergency Break Glass; play 'Cause Your Mine" code........ Pete Smith should write a Northern Soul 101 book!
  21. My box is 1251 Singles are numbered 535 056-3 up to 535 056-9
  22. Very nice indeed. Cheers John
  23. One of my all-time favorites. The intro is just stunning. Never heard it played out. I simply don't know why it isn't more popular.
  24. This is just an incredible collection. I have just finished listening to the whole thing from start to finish. It's taken a couple of days and I am about to start all over again. There is so much I didn't know and the quality is really, consistently high. I really like the classy packaging and the informative booklet. I can't believe you can get this kind of quality for this price! Big, Big Congratulations and Thanks to Ian, Dean and everyone else involved. What's next chaps - not sure how you could top this?

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