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Everything posted by Colsoul

  1. for sale Peoples Choice vg condition lots of light marks scuffs but plays very well great for djing at half price £450 plus post, bank transfer or pp family and friends thanks Colin on SOLD
  2. rare miss press says soul self satisfaction on both sides, but plays one side sss and the other side looking through the eyes of love, plays spot on £600 one of the best oldies ever, bank transfer preferd includes special delivery, thanks Colin
  3. sorry but record sold thanks Colin
  4. WhatsApp Image 2022-03-23 at 4.22.23 P
  5. the Antiques go for yourself , ex condition of this solid Hitbound dancer, non on discogs only three through popsike in 12 years £1200.00 pms please thanks Colin
  6. for sale m- rarer demo copy of this class double sider £250.00 plus postage thanks for looking, Colin
  7. hi up for offers is this in demand tune in ex condition, just noticed today a small hairline on run in not audible at all leaving it up till next Sunday 12 noon payment by bank transfer ,thanks for looking money back if not happy on return of record pms please ,Colin https://www.bing.com/search?q=don+and+ron+im+so+sorry&cvid=b37df797b7274615a05baa92e28b3a9a&aqs=edge.0.69i59i450l8.5962883j0j1&FORM=ANSPA1&PC=HCTS&shtp=GetUrl&shid=9763436d-695f-45c1-8332-75dccacf53c1&shtk=RG9uICYgUm9uIC0gSSdtIFNvIFNvIFNvcnJ5&shdk=Q29weXJpZ2h0IERpc2NsYWltZXIgVW5kZXIgU2VjdGlvbiAxMDcgb2YgdGhlIENvcHlyaWdodCBBY3QgMTk3NiwgYWxsb3dhbmNlIGlzIG1hZGUgZm9yIFwiZmFpciB1c2VcIiBmb3IgcHVycG9zZXMgc3VjaCBhcyBjcml0aWNpc20sIGNvbW1lbnQsIG5ld3MgcmVwb3J0aW5nLCB0ZWFjaGluZywgc2Nob2xhcnNoaXAsIGFuZCByZXNlYXJjaC4gRmFpciB1c2UgaXMgYSB1c2UgcGVybWl0dGVkIGJ5IGNvcHlyaWdodCBzdGF0dXRlIHRoYXQgbWlnaHQgb3RoZXJ3aXNlIGJlIGluZnJpbmdpbmcuIE5vbi1wcm9maXQsIGVkdWNhdGlvbmFsIG9yIHBlcnNvbmFsIHVzZSB0aXBzIHRoZSBiYWxhbmNlIGluIGZhdm91ciAuLi4%3D&shhk=1CFRFQ6Zb6yEScL1jIr2cm4fJaOXuIGmz666H6eGUjM%3D&shth=OVP.oP-pTBAwC7vJzvl4xsvdVgHgFo
  8. hi its a 1975/6 emi disc not worth much sorry ,there were loads about at the time , Col
  9. try and get it put out on local radio stations,i think you will have to put a good reward on them, and you never know . hope your lucky John, Colin
  10. What a shame my friends and me had many years of pleasure at this niter i think 2nd only to the 100 club in years of long standing , Got to play records on occasion along with other collectors along side the big name djs at the time It was perfect for us location, and music policy and allways a friendly crowd, Colin
  11. who is the other guy Chris, Col
  12. Ive got it on the red and yellow swirl ,Capitol is it Canadian dont see many, ive had all the others but hanging on to this one.Col
  13. you should know to keep your eye on the ball Phil,ha, Col
  14. going to a wedding down south on friday but will be back up sat afternoon so im coming down Baz.Col
  15. Went to the cats in November 73 travelled down from Bishop Auckland, I remember a guy i think his name was froggy along with pep, we got in early and recorded the first spot the sounds played come thick and fast playing just a snippit of most of the records but remember the laws of love , still a fave to this day, it was chocker block, We later went to the casino getting there at 4 in the morning, T he sunday nite went to Chesterlee st Co Durham to the sombrero club Frank Elson was checking it out, Col
  16. Im going this Friday for the first time ,see you there Colin,
  17. Big play for Pete at the Bishop Auckland soul nites in the 90s never heard it since then till just now great memories Andy, Colin
  18. i remember John Powney telling me years ago about a daniel e skidmore 111, record that had similar backing to a doni burdick track on parkway ,but dont know which one, Colin
  19. Im sorry i could not make this one ,i must admit there are quite a few records i have never even heard of in that list, hope you enjoyed the nite ,Colin
  20. got to know yesterday about Johnnys passing ,still cant believe its true a well mannered gent with as Steve said a great sense of humour, his record collection was the biz everything was as near mint as possible he handled them like they were the crown jewells and probably are these days. travelled all over the country in late 80s and 90s to all the niters we could fit in, His mentor was the late Tony Colbey who put him right on all things Detroit back in the day He also loved uk singles and his cars also mint ,ford escort mexico, mk1 golf gti ,we all will miss you Johnny,rip Colin and Angela
  21. nice one Baz could not have been a better trip for me, great eye opener loved every second of it and coming back with a new box of tunes, you and Gaz looked after me and will go again as soon as your ready ,Col
  22. John Potts soul man from the seventies and local radio dj in the north east,Colin

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