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Everything posted by Colsoul

  1. Happy birthday Joan Col xx
  2. yes mike please tag it thanks Col
  3. apparently Glen is poorly i just heard but i will get back to you Col
  4. This event is now cancelled
  5. nice copy wanted missed one last week,Col
  6. pmd you
  7. sorted
  8. DEBBIE Joe graves
  9. looking for Sheryl Swope cant get him of my mind , on Duo nice playing copy please, Col
  10. RIP Sandra Brown Sandra from Bishop Auckland passed away yesterday morning after a short illness, A wilton and lifeline Stalwart along with devoted husband John frequented allniters up and down the country for more than 40 years. Sandra will sadly be missed by all who knew her, Colin
  11. A white eraser or rubber as we used to call them but keep the bits off the grooves,
  12. =Another good guy passed r.i.p Carl a true gent, Col
  13. yes p vine i think wasnt far off
  14. i think it sounds like Johnny Sayles maybe unissued on one derfull
  15. Arin Demain isnt the only record that 2 dealers are putting up, i think between them it goes to the highest bidder ? what you think seen it a lot lately.
  16. A fitting tribute to the original artists and musicians, Col.
  17. Nice pic Wally long time no see, Col from Bishop Auckland
  18. Another good one gone, Karl was a top man with great taste in soul music, always had time for us lads when we went to DDA or grumpy soul he will be sadly missed, just played the shades, hit it ,a cover up for karl back then choked up, Col
  19. Sleep well Paul, had some top nites at the Wilton along side of you and other great company, Col
  20. p md you ,Colin
  21. for sale this top double sider in spotless condition slight storage dish nap. 1k plus fully insured postage thanks Colin
  22. Blue Jays FOR SALE £800 .00 plays spot on dirty label ring wear, plus postage dance floor monster, thanks Colin
  23. anyone know a price for this great double sider, vg+ and vg a few light pops on the peaceful lonely free side Col

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