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Everything posted by Bossfourpart1

  1. Personally I feel there is still some energy out there in the scene but it is a little tired. As mentioned above we are getting older along with the scene and the numbers of younger Soulies coming through has slowed down. There are loads of great tunes out there but they do not all make it to the decks. Collectors must be sitting on most of those. People go to different events for different reasons. Personally due to the number of years I have been going I prefer rare and underplayed all-nighters, soul nights. It doesn't help when you feel knackered at the start of an all-nighter. Work these days for many of us is very demanding so that does not help with the positive thought process. As mentioned previously , there are many factors affecting the scene these days. There a lot of good people out there running good regular Soul nights and all-nighters trying to keep the flame burning. Just my reflection on it today. p.s. working night shifts all week. KTF Frank
  2. I have both and I like them both even with their differences
  3. please remove this add in
  4. Nice build up on this one !
  5. Too many to mention !!! Good beer helps me to forget.......
  6. I like good soul music across the board really ,so Soul music covers it for myself.
  7. "can you play something we all know ? "
  8. I played W.King Cole at Cleethorpes this year , Sunday afternoon session , Great tune ! Micron records.
  9. Anything from £80 and up from there, depends on condition really. I've seen more Demos than issues. Ask on the wants section , most people are pretty fair on their pricing . I am sure someone else can add to this topic. regards Frank
  10. I recall some whisper (not sure how true) surrounding the detail regarding Ray Agee and the I'm losing again. The quote was that Ray Agee couldn't remember performing or recording the tune ? Any substance behind this quote ? I know he did quite a lot of tunes so not that unlikely .....
  11. People have money to spend !!! whether its is cash or credit the prices reflect the present market. Individuals have their own financial circumstances that reflect their spending. The internet does allow for a lot of sales being bought from your armchair from anywhere in the world (with wifi ) Personally I preferred the record faires and the record bars and the events where it was more social and open to offers, perhaps these will be the next casualty? If people do not have the knowledge or do their home work then they are open to being duped and this could encourage fraudsters.
  12. Andy Gill from near Fakenham in Norfolk during the late 80ts djing at the Backstreet soul club (Norwich ) Playing the; Passions- If you see my baby , Sensations -Demanding man Ray Williams -gonna get even Poets -just a boys dream Fascinators - in other words Johnny soul - can't buy me no love and the list goes on ! all direct from Soul Bowl - GREAT DAYS
  13. Its spun down the 100 club , great tune !
  14. not a bad B-side either .
  15. I did play it at my last spot at the 100 club last year, it has been a regular spin in Norwich for the past 20 + years , originally spun locally by Andy Gill (Fakenham). Fred Kibble also produced the Fantastics track - Me and You another great tune. ( Fantastics also on Copa records with - High Note ) Frank
  16. Ray Pollard is it Sad thing underrated tune....
  17. Ambers -now I'm in trouble - verve Melinda marx - Happens in the same old way - Veejay Sam Cooke - Change is Gonna come- RCA Mr Lucky - Born to love you - stardom Broadways - are you telling me goodbye - MGM loads more but I am getting depressed ......
  18. Perhaps this might be the tune ; Little Hank - try to understand - SS7 records . Its always reminded me of that Billy Stewart rrrrr singing style.. Great tune this. regards Frank
  19. Great show , great humour and great tunes . still smiling ,
  20. Couldn't make the last gig due to a local event /weekender. Definitely attending the next 100 club dates. The high quality of music is like a "candle to a moth" , can't help but attend .... On behalf of the Norwich crowd.. "Keep on going !"
  21. NZ COPY . like the large print , good for Old eyes !
  22. Arthur Prysock - In the rain (Old Town Glad to see this getting some airtime !!

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