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Everything posted by Bossfourpart1

  1. If you know the other DJs and what they normally play ,you can reduce the records down but a 100 or so normally covers it. When you get home you always wished you had played some of the other tunes in your box. I have a half an hour set to play this weekend so I will take the smallest box of about 50 only to play 14 tunes ,lol.
  2. Great set Phil , atb Frank
  3. yes , clicked on discogs to buy records and as you said ,they say the item is no longer available. I go back onto discogs again and item is still there ?
  4. Yes I like his work . One of my favourites is "hurt so bad" Little Anthony & the Imperials...
  5. Great stuff ! thanks for the posting . see you at the 100 club
  6. James Taylor - Ovide needs more spins. always sounds fresh Clear the empties off the carpet before the Missus gets back !
  7. Sometimes we miss the obvious. This might be it Tears of a Clown- Smokey Robinson n miracles
  8. "Pusherman" oooh, nice glass of Red wine ! Perfect.
  9. Well , I still think it was a great first Film from Elaine . It was entertaining and I could relate to a lot of the detail in the story line although I was not there in the 70ts either. I can only guess that when you make a film, a lot of the decision making must be made while sitting around a table and discussing the distribution and all the finances that go with that. Meeting the viewing time and editing a lot of material that you really wanted to be in it. It would be great if a directors cut could be released, as I am sure there would be a lot more material that would lift this movie to another level. Great Movie , not easy to make and made by some one who cares about the scene.
  10. Prophets - One Gold Piece
  11. The Norwich crowd enjoyed the sounds as usual. A great weekend of quality !!!
  12. Yes a great period in the Soul scene , early weekenders and all that pioneering and championing Obscure soul sounds .. Travelling in Mini's and fiesta's in those days , all within a small budget..
  13. Paying high sums of money for records is a con ! I guess some people can afford it.....
  14. Great raw guitar sound on this nighter tune !
  15. This was spun at Bridlington last year in the under played room. Heard it and went over to see who it was and then remembered I already had a copy oops. great tune...
  16. Great loss ! I'll be spinning a few of her tracks this Sunday in a tribute to her passing away .. Last Pub standing Norwich.
  17. Very memorable weekenders with great radio shows from banks n Bicknell and Ian Clark. I have a few still photos somewhere of the soulies. Remember ordering four pints of "snakebite n black" at 05.00 am and the bar staff were so impressed they gave the Pints free of charge. Top weekenders !!!
  18. At last - name and shame them.. I should imagine a few other unofficial suppliers are feeling a little less comfortable as this gathers more focus in the market place.
  19. twisted wheel real Ale...
  20. Looking forward to seeing the details being posted a.s.a.p.
  21. Nope....
  22. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=anthony+imperials+hurst+tso+bad&view=detail&mid=61AAF2EABEB82C96A7C161AAF2EABEB82C96A7C1&FORM=VIRE

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