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Everything posted by Bossfourpart1

  1. It was worth the long drive from Norwich Tunes were and still are awesome from all the dj’s and the atmosphere was red hot ! the Wonder Years !!! Well done all , regards frank
  2. Norwich posse will be attending
  3. Warming up for the A11 departure from Norwich. Posse should be in BluePosts by 21.30.
  4. See you tonight Matey , cheers Frank
  5. Mark , what’s the situation with the clocks going back an hour and the venues view on letting the gig roll on +1 ? That assuming punters are still there wanting more!
  6. Your google map has the wrong location on display
  7. Looking forward to the gig, should be setting up sound system at 1800hrs so warmed up ready for the vinyl junkies !!!!!
  8. Hugh, you are not alone mate . Life as we knew it stopped and we are now just just starting (slowly) to return to our social interests. We have been staring out of our windows for too long and its now time to get out again with friends. You could say that the last 17 months have become a bad lifestyle habit that we need to shake off. Choose the right events and enjoy yourself !!! MINES A PINT
  9. Nice footage that. We were so young then. Remember the gathering below the cliffs on a narrow stretch of road.We just chilled out watching the scooters and people . 99% of the attendees were well behaved. Great days 👍
  10. This is sad news , he had such a presence on the scene during my early years .
  11. Still have my copy from the 80ts and still love it
  12. Looking for the Precision’s on D-TOWN. 1033. BOTH SIDES MUST PLAY > VG++ PM price please
  13. I guess there’ll be a plethora of gigs resurface once restrictions have been lifted. Just hoping the good ones will still be there . Personally a passionate DJ /DJs behind the decks makes a huge difference to the event. An 8hour event only requires > 200 x 7 inch records , so make them quality tunes!!! Can’t wait to go to the first gig, as i am sure that while approaching the entrance and hearing the background buzz of the tunes , it will put a smile on my face and perk my ears to listen closer . “Like a soul candle to a Soul Moth”
  14. Just in case you were not aware . There’s a demo for sale on raresoul45s. For £150.
  15. 46= sea cruise 47=house party 49 =sweet sweet love 54= comeback girl 59= wake up to the sunshine girl
  16. 34= I am cold, am i hot
  17. 1 =Heat wave 2=ice man 4=PARIS BLUES
  18. Perhaps we are missing something here. Could this be the climate and the opportunity for closing down clubs and events held within residential areas where local councils have plans for redevelopment. Prior to Covid it was business as usual but now the financial burden and loss of earnings could close them down through this “no business -starvation “ waiting game. Just a thought......
  19. Danny Moore On All-rite Records, that caught a few people out in the past but seems to be common knowledge now and sold correctly identified today. There seems to be a lot of good “look a like” pressings out there and more turning up each year !
  20. Socially everything is on a narrow path with Covid restrictions in place and we still have the flu-virus adding further complications to it in the coming Autumn months. Treat this non soul event period as a time -out to recharge my Nighter batteries. Good venues have always been tough to find and this flat no-business season will thin them out further. I hope that the 100 club will get some help from someone. Perhaps the scene was getting watered down a bit with so many events happening on the same nights. I believe there is a strong following of like minded Soulies out there who will bounce back after these dark days have past .They will attend and support the events that appeal to them which will lead to some normality coming back into our lives. A lot of people will be un-employed following the devastation of the Covid impact on businesses and spending will return very slowly. I have been made redundant and its tough but there are a lot of people who are worse off than i am. Keep the Faith
  21. Looking for ex + condition of oz and the sperlings - dancing a hole in yout soul - villa 107 . Sensible pricing please. Many thanks
  22. Ady , put it out on the 100 club anniversary single years back and ref-o-ree followed later. somewhere on a previous thread it was said they are both legit singles. Peggy also did a cracking take of "One step" on the soul train show (I believe) but no single release to my knowledge. Lovely voice ....

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