Yet another three page (at the moment) thread of complete b*ll*cks.
Local soul nights and up front events are two completely different animals.
Most people attending local soul nights are not soulies in the true definition, most wouldn't know, or care even less about the authenticity of a record, but then again that statement also applied to a large number of punters who attended venues back in the mid 70s .
If a Dj ? plays a bootleg and the attendee of the event wants to listen and dance to it where's the harm in that ?
Lack of taste or knowledge doesn't mean that someone belongs to a sub species that should be despised and looked down on by a self appointed hierarchy. People buy all manner of fake items, handbags, watches, clothes, perfumes etc if the buyers of all this crap are delusional enough to believe they have got anything like the real thing then who am I, or indeed anyone else, to pass judgement.
This is not to say that I personally approve of "Fakes" in any shape or form, but I am realistic enough to recognise, that should I wish to view a real Reubens or Picaso, I'm not going to see them hanging in the "Local (please insert the cuisine of your choice ) restaurant in Cannock town centre.
Live and let live chaps, FFS, no ones getting killed !!!