and it gets even worse,
Having only just seen these notices about IAN BURT i am getting kind of steaming if you know what i mean ? !!!!!
he contacted me through ebay early feb. or it could have been late jan 2007 whatever, he offered me a pack of records for £250.00, i replied back through ebay yellow button asking for list of what he had got & condition, the way the reply message had to be sent was different to the usual contact way, i had to type in a code of which i did, on his reply that also went straight to my e-mail, he listed some & said he did not have much time to list all but said the rest of them were great oldies all US. originals & in almost mint condition? the ones he listed which i already had, i thought well ok i'll sell em on & look at the rest keep the ones i liked sell off which i did'nt want, a couple of days later i am in hospital with yet another minor heart attack, so i could not contact him from home so i used the tv. patient line system & let him know i would deal with him when i got home, then i was moved to another part of the hospital where there was no tv.system.
On my disharge i switched on my computer to contact him, i went to my ebay & there was a message from IAN BURT ! because i had been so ill he reduced the price to £150.00 to cheer me up was is words, ( best joke this year ).
Anyway i thought great so off went the cheque dated 22nd feb. i kept sending e-mails asking if he had received it, guess what his answer was a week later,( yeah you've guessed it ) NO
it was not taken out of my account untill 6th march.
i kept sending e-mails to him with no response, so then i rememberd that in one message he gave me is mobile No. so i rang that, surprise surprise guess what ?? he "wait for it" ANSWERED "hello said the mail voice" i then told him who i was, he replied hello mate
(mate??? i have never met him ) anyway to cut to the chase we talked for a while & i thought he sounded like a nice chap ( i hope i am not wrong now ) he told me that he was no longer into the scene & like he has, i now know to others told me he was selling off his record collection, plus he also said that if i did not want them he would get his sister to put them on ebay, which brings me to a question for soulgirl are you his sister ??? the reason i ask this is that the way you are supporting him ??????????????
i contacted him again to which eventually i got a reply as follows /
hi steve
sorry mate off work with a shit of clod ..i fill like shit
i will post has soon has i get back to work
once again sorry
take care ian
in my last message earlier today to him i have offered to go down from sheffield & collect them, i hope he responds to that & tells me like he has before they are packed & have been sent ??
otherwise it is most deffinatley a long journey from here.
i will wait till end of the week and then. so long all see ya at skeg. weekender. steve foster