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Everything posted by Swifty

  1. Is it just me or does that look like more than 600 records in the big case? Swifty
  2. Mine seems to change every couple of weeks Andy , some nights when I play stuff at home it's all fast 60's (traditional style , if you know what I mean) . Then I go through phases of playing Modern (70's even 80's dancers) . The other night I started playing a few of my Motown label 45's of which I've never had many but realised how many great dancers there are . Ive just bought some more 70's 45's so I guess that's the flavour of the month! Confused of Louth Swifty
  3. Finishing in at 4pm today , Robert Parker - I caught You in a lie - Nola - Cavaliers/Ojays/Judy Clay etc. 20 in total Cheers Swifty
  4. I've 20 Records on Ebay at the moment that will finish Sunday 15th https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/kdc1956/m.html?item=160712820832&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&_trksid=p4340.l2562 Thanks for Looking Swifty
  5. Martyn, it's of the speed I can swing my false legs to ( You Tw*t)
  6. Not put any on for a bit , so here goes . This one is doing it for me at the moment. Just bought the 45 of ebay WILSON WILLIAMS - GROOVY FEELING - ABC Cheers Swifty
  7. Yup heard 'em both , I just thought mine was a bit knackered
  8. £25 on Anglo's price guide thingy ! Cheers Swifty
  9. Must say that all those 'Sound Superb' albums are great , I think most if not all have some unreleased tracks on ? Swifty
  10. Great singer - found a demo of this in New York for $4, well made up and I know it's not rare but there's something about finding a tune in New York that makes it all that much better , if you know what I mean ? BETTY WRIGHT - IF YOU LOVE ME , LIKE YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME - ALSTON Cheers Swifty
  11. Played this last night , forgot how good it is imho LUTHER INGRAM - TRYING TO FIND MY LOVE - KOKO Cheers Swifty
  12. This is floating my boat at the moment DELILAH MOORE - I'LL JUST WALK AWAY - MONEY Swifty
  13. Swifty

    A Merry Xmas...

    Merry Christmas Mike & The Moderators (nearly put Modifiers! ) and all Soul Sourcers. Cheers Swifty
  14. I Think I put Syl Johnsons version on earlier on the thread but this is a good version imho! TYRONE DAVIS - ONE WAY TICKET - DAKAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFIujLGYpg8 Cheers Swifty
  15. Had loads of Youth Club sounds like Donnie Elbert , Tammi Lynn etc early 70's , even had Major Lance - Everybody Loves A good time - uk Columbia when I was at school and played them a couple of times a week in the Art Classes. Also remember buying the Ric-Tic relics lp , can't remember what year that was though. Swifty Oh , remember buying The Artistics - Hope we Have - MCA ? from a little shop in Grimsby when I was still at School (left in 74)
  16. Bloody hell Martyn , I always thought Marion was a woman !!!!!
  17. Do you know , for all the shit & bickering we have on here , it goes to show that we have a heart. After reading that I have tears running down my face (big soft git that I am) , it shows how kind people can really be. Nice one RIP Percy Swifty
  18. Andy , which bit was she singing mate ?
  19. Used to have this , belting record imho Cheers Swifty
  20. I'll get my Coat (and my big Tin Hat now) Swifty (Who's expecting a big knock at the door!)
  21. Here's ONE of mine , I know it's D.I.S.C.O!!! but this mix just does it for me , Play it LOUD I put it in 'Recomended Record' thread and someone else actually liked it , so here goes ODDYSEY - NATIVE NEW YORKER - UNCUT DISCO MIX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzBL8hG30t4 just looking for my Tin Hat again Cheers Swifty
  22. Just got another copy of this (Cheers Dave) JACKEY BEAVERS - TRYING TO GET BACK TO YOU GIRL - DADE Swifty
  23. Here's my little offering , Merry Christmas Folks Swifty

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