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Everything posted by Swifty

  1. Yup heard 'em both , I just thought mine was a bit knackered
  2. £25 on Anglo's price guide thingy ! Cheers Swifty
  3. Must say that all those 'Sound Superb' albums are great , I think most if not all have some unreleased tracks on ? Swifty
  4. Great singer - found a demo of this in New York for $4, well made up and I know it's not rare but there's something about finding a tune in New York that makes it all that much better , if you know what I mean ? BETTY WRIGHT - IF YOU LOVE ME , LIKE YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME - ALSTON Cheers Swifty
  5. Played this last night , forgot how good it is imho LUTHER INGRAM - TRYING TO FIND MY LOVE - KOKO Cheers Swifty
  6. This is floating my boat at the moment DELILAH MOORE - I'LL JUST WALK AWAY - MONEY Swifty
  7. Swifty

    A Merry Xmas...

    Merry Christmas Mike & The Moderators (nearly put Modifiers! ) and all Soul Sourcers. Cheers Swifty
  8. I Think I put Syl Johnsons version on earlier on the thread but this is a good version imho! TYRONE DAVIS - ONE WAY TICKET - DAKAR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFIujLGYpg8 Cheers Swifty
  9. Had loads of Youth Club sounds like Donnie Elbert , Tammi Lynn etc early 70's , even had Major Lance - Everybody Loves A good time - uk Columbia when I was at school and played them a couple of times a week in the Art Classes. Also remember buying the Ric-Tic relics lp , can't remember what year that was though. Swifty Oh , remember buying The Artistics - Hope we Have - MCA ? from a little shop in Grimsby when I was still at School (left in 74)
  10. Bloody hell Martyn , I always thought Marion was a woman !!!!!
  11. Do you know , for all the shit & bickering we have on here , it goes to show that we have a heart. After reading that I have tears running down my face (big soft git that I am) , it shows how kind people can really be. Nice one RIP Percy Swifty
  12. Andy , which bit was she singing mate ?
  13. Used to have this , belting record imho Cheers Swifty
  14. I'll get my Coat (and my big Tin Hat now) Swifty (Who's expecting a big knock at the door!)
  15. Here's ONE of mine , I know it's D.I.S.C.O!!! but this mix just does it for me , Play it LOUD I put it in 'Recomended Record' thread and someone else actually liked it , so here goes ODDYSEY - NATIVE NEW YORKER - UNCUT DISCO MIX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzBL8hG30t4 just looking for my Tin Hat again Cheers Swifty
  16. Just got another copy of this (Cheers Dave) JACKEY BEAVERS - TRYING TO GET BACK TO YOU GIRL - DADE Swifty
  17. Here's my little offering , Merry Christmas Folks Swifty
  18. for your perusal https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/kdc1956/m.html?item=160698597473&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&_trksid=p4340.l2562 Cheers Swifty
  19. Landa Coloured mmm Swifty
  20. One of my 'really ' all time favourites - went to Soul Bowl one Saturday morning and got this for £6 which was nearly half my wages! But worth it , also got 'Baby Don't You Weep' Edward Hamilton £7 . Them was the days eh! HAROLD MELVIN - GET OUT - LANDA Cheers Swifty
  21. As in ' Toucan have a party ' ? Swifty
  22. Well some of you lot have had two ! BOBBY PATTERSON - WHAT A WONDERFUL NIGHT - JETSTAR Cheers Swifty

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