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Everything posted by Swifty

  1. Thanks mate , If it were me it would of had to be a Submarine !!!! So this exactly the same but why is the demo of UHF called GET on the right track ? It doesn't really matter , I just thought someone might have the reason but hey! it's only cheap !!! Cheers Swifty
  2. It's no big issue Bob , I just wondered why mine has a different title , that's all ! the UHF is 1973 and SSC is 1975 and both have the same credits/publisher etc Swifty
  3. Now I'm definately confused , SOUTH SHORE COMISSION - WE'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY - WE'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK (can't find the vocal on youtube!) but my UHF demo is called GET ON THE RIGHT TRACK ?
  4. Just a bump - Finishing Sunday 2pm ish! Cheers Swifty
  5. Cleethorpes was THE Business !!! Swifty Forgot to say , the best times of my life ! Thank You
  6. I'm a bit confused , just bought a demo of ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY - GET ON THE RIGHT TRACK - WAND 11257 Stereo/Mono but when I had it before I'm sure it was 'WE'RE ON THE RIGHT TRACK' ? and when I google it they all seem to be 'WE'RE' does anybody know why this different Cheers Swifty P.S. They even sing 'We're on the right track'
  7. Pete , I have an Holy Grail , OG B-B-Q for sale if interested , once owned by the Carstairs !! if you're interested? Swifty
  8. Morning ! have a mixed lot on ebay at the moment at low starting prices , please have look https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160740642380?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Cheers Swifty p.s. thanks to those on Soul Source that have bought from me , small world !
  9. Got this on a demo in a soul pack !! f*ck knows what I did with it Swifty
  10. The Mrs. has just walked past and seen what I put ( sore Ear now!) Hey Ho! Swifty
  11. Sorry folks , have reached my quota of likes , so take it that I like the records big time !!!! Swifty Bloody hell this is bringing back some memories (and mamories !!! ooh er missus!)
  12. Classic !!! Me and mate went into the record selling business in the 70's and our first imported LP was 4 of these ! He's still got 2 and so have I , funny never did make a living out of records , liked 'em to much ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSOQhIl_kXU Swifty
  13. Now I'm pushing it ! Waiting for the Northern Soul Police to knock on the door and take me away as we speak ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvibfdHErmY Swifty
  14. I put this on recommended Record of the Day thread but it was a bit out of place . but it now has a new home !!!!!!!!!!!! Play it LOUD !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzBL8hG30t4 Swifty
  15. Hey up Rick , welcome to the mad house! was it ' Laso Square ' or something like that , remember having the LP , will have another think matey Cheers Swifty
  16. https://www.ebay.com/...L-/200490235018 Little bit pricey me thinks Swifty
  17. Had to change my record but hey this aint bad Swifty
  18. Kev , as soon as I saw Snoopy Dean I thought of King Sporty , reckon I bought them both the same day Swifty
  19. Jackie Ross - Selfish One - Chess Swifty
  20. Know what you mean Grant , as you say it's entirely up to the buyer , at least it's in great nick! I don't understand some of the prices for records that are in terrible condition. Cheers Swifty
  21. I only missed out by about £900 nice copy though but is it over the top? Genuine question as I really don't know. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/170782583167?ssPageName=STRK:MEDWX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1435.l2649 Cheers Swifty
  22. and this !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LMu7ZiwpFI

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