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Everything posted by Swifty

  1. Kev , I was being polite as I'm only on my 3rd glass of Vino !! If it were later he would need decapitating
  2. Fair play mate , hands up and all that but you're mate could ruin your reputation and as you know it's a relatively small scene Give him a slap ! Swifty
  3. pm'd you mate re Charles Thomas Swifty
  4. See the Nutters at it again https://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=151181616376&item=151181616376&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466 Swifty
  5. PMd you Mitch Swifty
  6. Nicely put there mate , what a great description of your memories , top post ! Swifty (who unfortunately never went to Clifton , maybe I was in my jazzfunk days ,whoops ! )
  7. For what it's worth , here's my thoughts. Firstly a large percentage of folk on here have decent collections I would have thought and a lot of the mid range stuff (£30-£100 records , not that they are to me ) most will have or not want. I don't think it's worth trying to sell a so called £20 record on here for £15 because most will either have it or don't like it, you would be having to offer it at £5 to get any takers , I reckon. I've been that daft tw*t who's bid on ebay for a record I don't really like to re-sell to make a few quid for a want. That doesn't seem to work for me though , as I can buy a record that books at say £120 , buy it for £50 and sell the fooker for £25 if I'm lucky Swifty sorry for the Vino speech
  8. C'mon you know it makes sense , will do free P&P for SS members (Soul Source obviously)
  9. Can't believe you didn't post sound clips with them Rod , tut !
  10. Watched that documentary about him a while back , seemed a really nice sincere bloke. Well deserved imho ! Top man Swifty
  11. Doh ! , that's why I couldn't find it on google , thanks for clearing that up Pete , still bloody shite though lol Swifty
  12. It's up to £153,000 now Barry , priceless !!!
  13. What was that Marco Page crap on Avco ?? Help 'cause i'ts now bugging me , still a shite record but need to know as I won't sleep
  14. Don't know the answer Eddie but have noticed quite a few on ebay recently ? and 1 seller has had each label up for sale in his ads at the same time on a couple of occasions so maybe a few have turned up. Brilliant record though. Swifty
  15. Absolutely Brilliant !!! PMSL
  16. No BRUT left then , eh ? Sorry off topic
  17. Good point that , just because we're into it you think everybody else is and they Ain't , never thought of that to be honest
  18. No , I pressed the wrong fooking button !!!
  19. Always 'Stretching it a bit !'

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