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Everything posted by Swifty

  1. I'd have crapped myself , thinking they were Sharks
  2. 70's I hope Geese , there must be still loads of good dancers to be found , can't be doing with most of the Funky/Gospel stuff to be honest
  3. In the late 70's early 80's I used to buy multiple copies of records (originals) at 65/75p and flog them locally to lads/mates in town. Now I know most of them only had a brief interest in Northern , 6 months maybe a year but I bet most of those records are still in the loft at either their place or the parents. I think nowadays if people find anything i.e. a box of dusty old 45's they immediately think there's some dosh to be made , so they will appear on ebay at some point I reckon. In the meantime I'll just have to scroll through the zillions of Boots/re-issues/crap etc. just my thoughts on this Swifty p.s. When I used to get soul packs from B & S and Soul Bowl other lads in the town did the same and as I said earlier dropped out of the scene nearly as quick as they came in , due to getting married etc. , wonder where those buggers are eh? Just off into town to see if any of the old lads are about
  4. Just a Bump on this , finishing Sunday afternoon , only a few low bids at the moment . Maybe I should buy a load of cheap boots and put them on ebay instead of nice original demos Cheers Swifty
  5. PPMd you , hard work this selling records Lawrence
  6. pmd you
  7. Just had look on google images (as you do ) and didn't realise that it came out on so many bloody labels must have sold trillions!!! I had the Green Harry J one when I was youngster
  8. Irish ?
  9. Just had to google opiates DOH !!! didn't want to look silly and ask what it meant
  10. Nice one , hopefully people will stop thinking I made it up that there was a film coming out
  11. Afternoon all , have a dozen records up on ebay at the moment VALA-QUONS / LOU JOHNSON / THERESA LINDSEY + Northern related Motown/Tamla/V.I.P demos all at £1.99 start , finish next Sunday afternoon . https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/kdc1956/m.html?item=390874837883&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 will do Free P&P UK for Soul Source members , please mention this if you win an item Cheers Swifty
  12. Nice copy of this 70's dancer ( has fetched big bucks at one time ) . Personally I don't like it anyway £40 and its yours. OLDE ENGLISH "800" - IT IS THE POWER / IT IS THE POWER/POWER BREAK - Ex paypal as gift please If not happy will refund , no questions etc Cheers Swifty
  13. R.I.P. Bobby , you were a top geezer
  14. Was the Tortoise really small or that Snail shell (bottom right) bloody huge ??
  15. Doni Burdick Major Lance Sonny Monroe
  16. Don't give up your day job Kegsy !
  17. Evening all , copy of this for £60 inc P&P OLDE ENGLISH " 800 " - IT IS THE POWER / IT IS THE POWER/POWER BREAK - EX CON £60 inc P&P anywhere in the world as long as it's England (only joking !) Paypal as gift please if not happy will refund no problembo ! Cheers Swifty
  18. Got a couple of spares of this cracking little tune @ £15 inc. P & P SYL JOHNSON - I'VE GOT TO GET OVER / FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN - T M P-TING - EX Youtube clip for reference only Paypal as gift if possible Cheers Swifty
  19. Also on the Original the Tone pattern (grey Area) is a coarse screen i.e. big dots and on the other one it looks like a solid grey , if that makes any sense
  20. Just back of holiday and saw the headline , can't believe it . Like many on here I didn't know Bob but loved his input and sometimes blunt answers , used to make me laugh. Also his lack of understanding British humour sometimes was classic. What a real shame that he maybe didn't realise what good work he was doing for the scene in general. Very sad indeed , top man Boba R.I.P matey

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