In the late 70's early 80's I used to buy multiple copies of records (originals) at 65/75p and flog them locally to lads/mates in town. Now I know most of them only had a brief interest in Northern , 6 months maybe a year but I bet most of those records are still in the loft at either their place or the parents.
I think nowadays if people find anything i.e. a box of dusty old 45's they immediately think there's some dosh to be made , so they will appear on ebay at some point I reckon. In the meantime I'll just have to scroll through the zillions of Boots/re-issues/crap etc.
just my thoughts on this
p.s. When I used to get soul packs from B & S and Soul Bowl other lads in the town did the same and as I said earlier dropped out of the scene nearly as quick as they came in , due to getting married etc. , wonder where those buggers are eh?
Just off into town to see if any of the old lads are about