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Everything posted by timthedim

  1. That was very good of you Doc, thanks for that......... still looking!
  2. Didn't know that, so thanks for that........still looking BTW
  3. Anyone have a decent copy of this they're willing to part with? PM me with a price please and thanks for looking!
  4. Anyone have a brunswick copy of this they want to part with, drop me a PM please, and set prices only please
  5. This was looked for over on the wants section recently
  6. FFS this has to be the most ridiculous thread I've ever read. Northern soul is only the backdrop for the movie and if I was a director I'd be straight on here telling people about it, word of mouth and all that. Although I don't know the director personally I am aware of him and he is a soul fan but maybe not as devout as ye lot. If you were working on a project you don't tend of give too much away about it at this early stage or your idea gets nicked and as regards the soundtrack it hasn't been picked out yet but isn't Keb Darge there as a consultant (I notice nobody directed any complaints in his direction), instead of trying to stomp all over him why don't ye try opening his eyes to a few things. The way extras are being treated is nothing different to any other productions there all like that but some people will do anything to get on the TV and I bet there'll no shortage. Keep treating people like this and I reckon the scene will have strangled itself in a couple of years. YOU DON'T LIKE THE MOVIE DON'T GO AND F**KING SEE IT THEN
  7. I'd imagine it would be harder to get a decent venue without the venue insisting on a full bar, the venue would want to make money somehow. No expert on these matters though
  8. Didn't know that Pete, although it probably explains the shit recording quality
  9. HIya, It's on the Jomar label, costs about the £15 mark, seen a few come up on the sales section of late
  10. Thought it was a bit stop start alright but still a great record and its great to hear new bands releasing this type of music
  11. There was a COLD BLOOD in the sales section recently for £35 and I don't think it sold so do a search on here for it. Great tune check out the Barbara Lynn version as well. Good luck
  12. Will stick a pic of it up as soon as I can to make sure..... but I'm confident it's legit..... goes someway towards making up for all the records i've overspent on recently
  13. Will do tonight.........Thanks!
  14. Anyone know if it's been booted?? Picked up an A&M copy on e bay on 'Buy it now' about 6 months back for $7
  15. Prices reduced if they don't sell by Sunday they'll be back in the box
  16. Cheers Chris! Anyone interested?
  17. Hi All, I have the following 2 for sale if anyone is interested. It will have to be cash only this time around I'm afraid as I have a record that needs paying for in cash. P+P is free within Europe and please drop me a PM if interested Lind Lloyd - Breakaway Columbia White Demo looks vg+ plays better than that £175 NOW £165 Tony Middleton - To the Ends of the Earth MGM Demo Ex £150 NOW £140 Thanks for looking
  19. Does it come up on e bay much? At the time I saw it for sale I compared it with prices on GEMM and they were all about the same
  20. Got this about a month ago for 190 euro. There were a few copies on GEMM at that time as well for about the same price. I'd search for Shindig city rather than standing in a corner though (Both great tunes though)
  21. Last copy I saw went for £100
  22. If there happens to be another copy going I'm after one......... but only after Andy is sorted Tim

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