I don't want to hijack the other thread but some of the comments there reminded me of this article from last year, a doo wop record shop closing because that market's gone, along with the aging fans.
Val Shiveley's quote particularly seems to echo what Pete S is saying. I'm not sure I agree wholeheartedly with their conclusions, but food for thought, enjoy the article.https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/01/nyregion/as-ronnie-is-closes-sounds-of-doo-wop-fade-away.html
A sad loss indeed RIP Cecil and Condolences to Linda and their children
Womack & Womack was the first concert me and the missus went to after our daughter was born.....26 years ago
This video contains content from SME, UMG, EMI, CD Baby, The Harry Fox Agency, Inc. (HFA), Warner Chappell, INgrooves and The Orchard Music, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
bloody hell barry you're going to scare the cats
like the Joneses got one meself a while back
oh and my latest.......J.P. Rodgers - All My Lovin' (Inculcation) gotta feed that Bernie Hamilton habit
It worked for me
This is easier though https://youtu.be/MdVGmCsf0UQ
I've seen these guys, a lot better than some of the talentless muppets that usually perform on the subway.
Couldn't agree more, the earliest mention I've ever found is in Bill Brewster's "Last Night A DJ Saved My Life", which dates from 1999.
The Billboard from Aug 11, 1979 reports on the Disco Forum with a whole load of awards, not one for Best Disco though.
Also, Blues and Soul mentions nothing about it, and the Casino ads from the time say nothing, which is probably most telling.
I saw this in John Manship's auction and was shocked.....didn't know it was that rare!
I saw on another site that only 25 copies escaped.....probably hyperbole but is there an idea of the number of copies out there?
Why do I ask.....because I picked up a copy at the time.....along with many other new releases that radio DJ's were selling to a dealer I knew.
This was taken a couple of years ago....its filled up since then
It is an obsession....which I'm trying desperately to break.....I realised that when I had a month where I couldn't open all the new arrivals before the next lot arrived
.......but there's so much good music I don't own yet
Ann Sexton - You've Been Gone Too Long (Seventy 7)
Chuck Bernard - My Baby (Satellite)
Brothers By Choice - Oh Darlin' (ALA)
Diplomats - Love Ain't What It Used To Be (Wand)
J.G. Lewis - Dance Lady Dance (Al & the Kidd)