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Everything posted by Stubbsy

  1. Cheers Dave Think it's the Red Boy version in refosoul. Can anyone put up a clip of the Sandbag version?
  2. on Red Boy 1001 Anybody got one for sale - VG+ or better?
  3. Cheers mate
  4. on Red Boy 1001 Anybody give me a current value for this one please?
  5. That's really great to hear they're back together performing Dave, as a result of the NS scene interest in "Man Of My Word" Might we be seeing em at Cleethorpes next year?
  6. on Love Music 2000 Anybody got one for sale? If so what's the sound quality like - I understand it was pretty poor on all of them?
  7. Here's three that spring to mind: "Shame" - Evelyn "Champagne" King "Galaxy" - War "Tom The Peeper" - Act One (t'other sides pretty good too!)
  8. And also played in the main room at Cleethorpes Weekender a couple of years ago, I seem to recall Went down a storm - great choon Julie
  9. Prefer the more uptempo Carl Carlton version meself
  10. Here's three for starters: Judy Street "What" Frankie Valli "You're Ready Now" Billy Ocean "Love Really Hurts Without You"
  11. Yes, that was a really enjoyable trip I'd deffo be up for another coach outing - no worries re drinking, driving etc.
  12. Also featuring Oscar from London (great dancer) and Ray North from Bradford
  13. "A Beautiful Morning" Great tune by The Rascals, or Young Rascals, on US Atlantic 2493. Plenty going cheap on ebay (at the moment) if anybody wants one
  14. That's a classic Julie !
  15. Yeah, "Let's Go Somewhere Baby" - top tune - hammered to death 1974
  16. These 3 spring to mind: Continental Four - The Way I Love You Baby - Jaywalkin Joe Simon - The Girl's Alright With Me - SS7 Betty Swann - Lonely Love - Money
  17. That's a great very well put response Beeks Boy have you mellowed since you first joined
  18. Top read, from a top man! Deffo one of the most knowledgable blokes on the scene
  19. No he's not! See Dave Greenhill's comments above All the stuff I had in my "younger" days was on British but I didn't get the collecting bug proper till I started collecting US. I've bought numerous records on US which I already had on British, especially Motown stuff, but still kept the British one's as well! Guess I'm just a hoarder
  20. Too right mate

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