As purchasing Northern of late has gotten us all OCD whereby you get all obsessive about how many times your vinyl actually comes into contact with a stylus and all that shit.
You know wherbey you buy a record on the basis that it 'is okay to dj with' (?????)
I read this as I read the prawn sandwich brigade:
It seems that you either have to be that 'hard' or that financially secure to actually 'play' your records on this scene today.
Stop it off lads.
We all know that we have gone out of our way to obtain these tracks, we all know what we are able to do with our, lets stop wanking each other off and admit the only sensible thing to do with our 'record collections' (cos that's what they are these days, just bad tattoos), is preserve them for the bloke you would like to be's perusal.
Don't play 'em, just keep 'em in a box and feel good about that bloke that shows interest in one of 'em.
Copy the feckers, play em and stop giving it the big machismo angle.
Make sense?
I honestly don't believe there's an argument against that,