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Everything posted by Barry

  1. I'll give you some of my Wigan floor packers: The Seeds - Pushin' Too Hard Roger K - Give Me The Love The Vibrations - Cause Your Mine The Nite-Liters - K-Jee The Deadbeats - There'll Be No... The Royal Esquires - Ain't Gonna Run The Q - That's The Way The Nomads - Somethings Bad "Ah Ba Bap Aah Yay!"
  2. When is someone gonna take the Soulie by the Bowling Shirt and start releasing NS based wallpapers and carpets. We all loved Corries Hilda's 'muriel'... ...Oh how we larfed, but how many of us, really, would love to have a Mel Britt 'muriel' behind us as we sat cabbaging on the couch? Just think about racking up on a circular etched glass coffee table with a depiction of a Cecil Washington 7" etched therein? Or ringing yer mates doorbell, then noticing the bell-push was a perfect enamel rendition of an obscure Stateside demo? There's got to be some legs in that man surely? 400,000 members at Wigan alone!!? Come on!
  3. Ta for the reply mate. I'll check it but listening to the GF version and your input I'll say they are the same track for now. Until someone, maybe, puts me straight. Regards Barry
  4. Remember BITD when there was a definitive line between the 'Shepherds' and 'The Sheep', a time when there were 'Real Collectors' and just 'Us Punters'? In the 70's it didn't seem to be a 'thing', we sheep simply accepted that we didn't have the money,the looks, the records, the clothing nor the 'Joi de Vivre'(sic) to be one of the upper eschalons (Alpha's) on our personal NS scene. They were just better than us, no problem, that was the Status Quo. Then came the 80's when NS and it's PP took on a different look, the drugs changed, cliques were formed as did certain peoples outlooks, and PP took on a whole new look. Enter the Soul Terrorist! You were f*cked in the Services on the way home if you didn't know a particular uncovered c/u or label or, whatever! Maybe I just got picked on ha ha. Spin forward to today...okay? Now everyone has sussed that after years of practice, they too can be an Alpha, not through want or need...'Alphaism' just comes after being a Sheep for years. I suppose to a degree I'm a Sheep too. Bear with me, I'm as lost right now as you: Is todays all loving, all caring, information sharing Soulie any better than Yester-Years Soul Terrorists? After all, imparting knowledge gained may as well be done with a smile on your face as a snarl and a smirk. Beware the 'Smiling Tiger'. Mmmmmm!
  5. Rotherham Clifton Hall '82, 'bout 7.30am. Beautiful.
  6. If it comes down to making it look as easy as breathing - Vernon from 'Bradfot' had it (spinning especially) nailed.
  7. Excuse my ignorance my man but has the 'SITP' reference anything to do with Georgie Fame? I ask as me and't t'wife have just been up to Southport for a late drink with Yogi and I played the arse out of 'SITP' by GF all the way home. You gonna say now 'No' aren't you?
  8. I don't know? Tell me Mossy! The Weekender thing has come to fruition of late (the last ten years or so) due to the simple fact that peoples working lives don't able them to go out weekly as such, so they have an occasional blow out at 'The Weekender' (Southport, Creamfields, Prestatyn, Lockstock and Two Smokin' Students...wherever). Now any Weekender costs a bob or two to attend, and some just like football tickets are out of reach to many, true? What I'm asking is, I think, have Weekenders lowered the musical standards by simply becoming a place whereby meeting up with your 'National' friends holds a greater percentage vote with you and yer missus than the music that is played there? Does that make sense?
  9. ...sorry 'early' but, and this is a true question (not in anyway a pop you Mods - I'm on me Final Warning it seems): Have Weekenders become simply a place for folks to gather and reminisce? Do they offer the same verve with their rosters and playlists today? Is there still an urgency there, to educate? Now, I don't mean 'shove one up' other collectors and jocks by dropping an unknown da di da - I mean a real passionate urgency? I ask as I don't have much experience of Soul Weekenders of late and am going off my own limited resources ie: Southport (which is, and has been for a while, lacking in real Soul content). Do Weekenders today offer the correct variety, quality and Va Va Voom that they should, or have they, like SP become simply a weekend whereby people who don't see each other that often (with enough money that is) go to meet up?
  10. Nearly Imber!? (You playing me at me own game son?)
  11. To Mike The Mod: See - it's not always me.
  12. About £140 quids worth love - G'night!
  13. Speaking of 'Fylon Records' (sic -as f***) I'm off to bed. Big love to you all, once again it was a task I loved to be involved with. You'll miss me. Give my love to yer Mum. Regards 'Bouncin'
  14. I spotted it 'Jumpin' but I hate edited posts - on your death bed you'll regret those two minutes love. All the best. 'Bouncin'
  15. Every buggers read me 'Jumpin', no worries. (By the way I never read it, I bought the BBC cassettes (stereo) in 1982 - lazy non-reader me).
  16. For the sane lurkers on this forum: O-H M-Y G-O_D!!
  17. 42 Jumpin' (?) refers to the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. It is/was the answer to 'life, the Universe and everything'. Nothing as sinister as you thought I'm afraid 'Jumpin'.
  18. Malc, the NASA quote: Boopa:
  19. MALC!!! It's not fucking 'Come Dine With Me' mate. AWWWW!
  20. What's Thom up to, anyone?
  21. Mate! I do apologise, and I do. I thought 'Hermanthegerman' was Swedish the other night - don't ask. I tend to argue on a UK knob level, maybe I should take more notice of where you guys are from before I start. At heart I respect and love your passion for this/our music and never at any point want to be a twat. But a twat is a twat and I hope that you will un derstand that as much as I am a British twat you have been as much of a Tijuana one as I have. Much love. Your corresponding UK friend Bazza (I mean it mate, no problems with me and you in full view of the board x)
  22. I'm just hi-lighting your heavy-breathed, finger fumbling mistakes here mate. Your stumbling fingers undermine your lack of cool - slow down. I think you're ace.
  23. You've met the wife then? Malc, I hate to tell you this but....you know those dreams you have when their is an intense cold eyed balding gimped-up fecker staring at you from the end of your bed-stead. Well....it's actually me. I sleep in your airing cupboard.
  24. Mate - I can't be arsed, your spade wasn't big enough and unfortunatley for you the ten minutes you took to compile your piss poor reply tells the board more than I need. Papa Ooh Mow Mow (And I'll bet you are older then me too - Tssk!)
  25. I have secured Gordon Jackson's ashes off ov Ebay from a marginal retro shite cop shop site www.deadupstairsdownstairsbutlers.com so I have full MI5 coverance - Gavin has been assigned to my case - don't worry, no comebacks from the old SP mate.

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