Remember BITD when there was a definitive line between the 'Shepherds' and 'The Sheep', a time when there were 'Real Collectors' and just 'Us Punters'?
In the 70's it didn't seem to be a 'thing', we sheep simply accepted that we didn't have the money,the looks, the records, the clothing nor the 'Joi de Vivre'(sic) to be one of the upper eschalons (Alpha's) on our personal NS scene.
They were just better than us, no problem, that was the Status Quo.
Then came the 80's when NS and it's PP took on a different look, the drugs changed, cliques were formed as did certain peoples outlooks, and PP took on a whole new look.
Enter the Soul Terrorist!
You were f*cked in the Services on the way home if you didn't know a particular uncovered c/u or label or, whatever!
Maybe I just got picked on ha ha.
Spin forward to today...okay?
Now everyone has sussed that after years of practice, they too can be an Alpha, not through want or need...'Alphaism' just comes after being a Sheep for years.
I suppose to a degree I'm a Sheep too.
Bear with me, I'm as lost right now as you:
Is todays all loving, all caring, information sharing Soulie any better than Yester-Years Soul Terrorists?
After all, imparting knowledge gained may as well be done with a smile on your face as a snarl and a smirk.
Beware the 'Smiling Tiger'.