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Everything posted by SOULCENTRAL

  1. I have not been on Soulsource for some time so forgive me if this issue has been raised previously! Earlier in the year I logged many of the events I was interested in and was not overly surprised at the number of events that were on the same evenings, close to each other, playing the same sort of music and hoping for the same punters. WHAT DID surprise me was two of the established European weekenders happening on the same dates along with a relatively new weekender also on the same dates. These are Bilbao, Hamburg and Serena Soul. All three of these looking to attract the same people that love and follow the style of music they are playing. I know many who have travelled to these but expressed their disappointment at not being able to go to at least two of the three. Why is it that promoters seem to be incapable of talking to each other and coming to an arrangement where they dont clash! Over to you while I look for mi tin hat.
  2. Some really good suggestions there guys, many thanks for your ideas and input. ROY
  3. HI ALL, Just wanted to ask does anyone know of any book publications that give a fairly definitive history of the Motown company and its artists or other record companies like Philadelphia. Really looking for content including the artists and a basic discography. Got a few Christmas presents to buy so hopefully some bookworms on here can help me out. Thanks Roy
  4. Why would they even need "lookalikies" if they don't advertise their event as OVO?. There's the problem.
  5. It is much the same ady for many people who love the music and enjoy the social side of things. As my good friend Illusive points out, the thing that has changed for the worse is there are many more unsavoury elements that bring the scene to a lower level. Many of those being driven by money and greed. roy
  6. Just goes to prove that where soul music is concerned "variety is the spice of life"!. ROY
  7. Hi, Could you also send me a listing please, info@raagencies.co.uk Thanks ROY
  8. HA HA, Love it Jordi. ROY
  9. Another thread methinks!.
  10. Steve, I think it was the "fanny" comparison that got him. ROY
  11. Regarding the original post, it is my opinion that the Shangrilla's would not be considered to be Northern soul artists as such within the uk. This due to the lack of any of their material establishing itself as being played on the scene. As for the developing argument regarding the origins of Northern soul the solution is simple. Both the USA and the UK coined the term Northern soul but both have different interpretations and applications as to why it is so called. Dave Rimmer for me sums it up admirably in his post above. Dave Godin did not take the term from the USA as I am sure he was totally unaware of the NS and SS communities at the time and therefore cannot be accused of hijacking the name for his own use. ROY
  12. The BBC are well known " bandwagon" jumpers as well we all know. ROY
  13. A few years back I gave a copy of Afternoon on the Rhino to the pre match guys up at the Leeds Rhinos Headingly ground. They used it as the anthem to which the players entered the field of play. Pretty apt tune for such a high collision and high tempo game. ROY
  14. If this is your view then your obviously speaking from experience having visited, by choice, "Many" of the venues you denigrate. If this is the case you need to take the blinkers off and give your head a shake because there are many venues out there that do not susbscribe to your view, either musically or the social aspect of them. Personally I have not been to a venue where Duffy or Bob Sinclair have been played as one of the highlights of a particular dj's spot and neither would I frequent such a venue. No doubt venues do exist that will fall into your ethos of a Northern Soul night and play every week/month thirty or so of the top 500 but for me these will be little more than small pub/club do's and are few and far between and hopefully their demise will be quick .
  15. Bash the over 50s for wanting to enjoy a night out listening to music they have loved for over 30 years in a venue that has some atmosphere. As your post above is not specific I can only assume that's what you "Mean"
  16. Here we go again!!!
  17. We could go on and on regarding the merits of this interpretation of which term copied material is given. CONSIDER THIS....The only true original medium of any music is the master tape it is recorded on and the first vinyl record off the pressing plant. EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST A COPY OF WHATS GONE BEFORE .
  18. Until Mr Levine is nailed to a cross and publicly crucified I would say your safe for the time being Pete. Roy
  19. HI PETE, Not sure but I think he just uses his regular name of Eli Paperboy Reed. ROY
  20. He has been around a few years now and has toured the uk in the past. A very talented singer who for me is under appreciated and under rated as I believe he is one of the best, if few, white soulful singers around these days. He loves performing and is a pretty avid vinyl collector, as Adam says above he does sell some records on soulsource. regards ROY
  21. Is your exclamation regarding actual price against your perceived value of the record, or just the fact it has reached this price for a second issue (as clearly stated in the description ). In MHO, a record that does get dance floors going although I don't think it is worth over £100 even for an original. ROY
  22. HI BRIAN, I am not too good at posting links but if you go to Utube and put Temptations-Paul Williams in the search bar it will list the videos on the right hand side. Look for the video posted by Jneo of the song in question which has the best co-ordinated/dubbed soundtrack to the video and enjoy. ROY
  23. HI ALL, Just by chance on U tube music I came across a video of Paul Williams of the Temptations singing " For Once in My Life" the Stevie Wonder version, posted by Jneo . The emotion in the mans face is just unbelievable as he pumps out the words. Certainly brought a tear to my eye. Watch it and if you are not moved by this then you have no soul! ROY

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