True story Simon, it pisses me off when this record is mentioned or when Butch plays it.
I purchased a copy from Mike Charlton around 1990 for £30. About a week or so later Mike got in touch with me and asked for the record back as Sam wanted a copy and Mike assured me that further copies were on his way to him and I'd have a replacement copy very soon. I vaguely re-call some issues in Middlesborough at the time so I didn't hassle Mike about the record and just made a note of it to deal with at the right time.
Fast forward many years later, I'm dj'ing at the Bridge & Tunnel with Butch, he plays Ice which got me wondering what happened to my copy.
I'm lead to believe that mine went to Sam via Mike (I thought he left the country). This copy then went to Chris Huggins which then went to Butch.
Butch may well have got another one from Japan, either way Mike Charlton still owes me this bloody record !!!
BTW. I've always found the Tab Walton a bugger to find.