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Everything posted by Mark68

  1. I think we both most probably picked up untold cracking records from Blacknight back then.
  2. Oi Mr Murray ! I forgot to ask you on the phone earlier. Do you want a hand moving your records I think I picked up my copy of the Wynd Chimes from Gary S in the late 8t's, wasn't expensive either. Any ideas on its value nowadays ? Did this get played at Rock City ? Just wondering who else played it back then.
  3. Great record Ivor. You shouldn't have problems selling this.
  4. They were superb at Hammersmith Odeon in the early 8t's. I still have the Maze Craze t-shirt somewhere...no chance it'll fit. I saw them the last time they were here at the royal albert hall, good but no longer the class act they were back then. Shorter set and different line up.
  5. Male...Female Vocal ? First thing that sprung to mind was Monica Thornton on Quality.
  6. I always liked 'A Little More Time' from this album.
  7. You're right Chris, I bought mine from Mick the same afternoon Sam played it at that Blue Moon place in Arnold. My copy is the same as the scan. Quirky record but I like it. Ron Jonas 'Cross My Heart' is also a good dancer but I don't know what its worth.
  8. 10K Fun Run In Norwich ? I''ll be there in July (31st) Chris, got me ticket the other day. Are you up for a beer beforehand ? Gutted about Tevez
  9. Yes Detective Hayzer...its me guv.
  10. Is this a wind up ? This was a cheapie back in the 8t's and it got played at Clarkies do across from the Barbican.
  11. He's just put his prices up as well (50% I think...I was never any good at maths).
  12. I used a product specifically for records which is pretty good - PERMACLEAN The company are based in Bury St Edmunds and I bought the kit from Bartletts on Holloway Rd. Here's the bumpf - https://www.milty.co.uk/i95c166/MediaCare/P....htm?mennum=166 https://www.stoneaudio.co.uk/default.asp?re...asp?product=250
  13. I've put myself up for the next round of battle mixes on BTH. Going head to head with James G playing disco and modern soul (the split decision band, solid gold revue etc). Mixes can be found at www.bringtheheat.com - Enjoy !
  14. Have you tried Sounds Of The Universe/Soul Jazz ? I'm sure they had copies.
  15. Sorry to hear about your cat cover dilema. I reckon you could still make it for some of the weekend, birthday drinks are needed. It'll take 3hrs max....you know it makes sense.
  16. My good friend Johnny 'Reckless' Waterman had one for sale. Try his excellent website - www.cybersoulmusic.com
  17. Can someone please remind me what the track is inbetween Winfield Parker & Delegation ? Thanks.
  18. Great record, I remember Searling used to play this off a cd import. I never had a cd player at the time. Did this get a general release vinyl or cd ? Sorry I've been out of the loop too long.
  19. I think its also a case that these records have more exposure now due to the internet etc + these records have since been played by higher profile dj's 20 years later. I'm surprised at the prices some records command nowadays, then again not many people knew them when they were 'cheapies'.
  20. He's a top fella is George, you'll more than likely bump into him on the jazz circuit. Infact if you want to catch George doing his Mr Barnfather impersonation, you can catch him DJ'ing at the following charity gig - Happy Jazz presents 'Feelin' Happy' charity night at Ruby Lo (rear of Selfridges) on 22 March. DJ's Adrian Leach & Mark Taylor - Happy Jazz Radio Show Stuart Chalk - Fish Bowl & Brighton Jazz Rooms George Arthur & Stan Kalapita - Jazz 625 Seymour Nurse - Shiftless Shuffle & Wonderland It should be a cracking do, superb music and all proceeds go to helping children with autism.
  21. This was sent to me from my good friend Adrian Leach. It's an article from the Spanish press about the legendary "soul sam" who we know to be an old(ish) white balding school teacher. The funny thing is that the picture you will see (the black fella) is actually a pic of our mate George Arthur. The pic was taken last year at the soul do in Spain that they attend. Absolutely class!!! George Arthur is Soul Sam!!! The REAL Soul Sam. Check this out; https://www.elcomerciodigital.com/prensa/20...e_20070301.html
  22. I think Keb sold his about a year ago. I quite like the record but I think the engineer went a bit overboard with the efx. Check out that over the top echo/delay on the chorus.
  23. Also well worth picking up for the track 'Come Back To Me'. Definitely my favourite off the album.
  24. True story Simon, it pisses me off when this record is mentioned or when Butch plays it. I purchased a copy from Mike Charlton around 1990 for £30. About a week or so later Mike got in touch with me and asked for the record back as Sam wanted a copy and Mike assured me that further copies were on his way to him and I'd have a replacement copy very soon. I vaguely re-call some issues in Middlesborough at the time so I didn't hassle Mike about the record and just made a note of it to deal with at the right time. Fast forward many years later, I'm dj'ing at the Bridge & Tunnel with Butch, he plays Ice which got me wondering what happened to my copy. I'm lead to believe that mine went to Sam via Mike (I thought he left the country). This copy then went to Chris Huggins which then went to Butch. Butch may well have got another one from Japan, either way Mike Charlton still owes me this bloody record !!! BTW. I've always found the Tab Walton a bugger to find.
  25. Hi Simon I got your old copy from Nigel about 16-17 years ago in a trade for a copy of The Rappin' Reverend 'I Ain't Into That' + £15. I've since sold it on last year to Paul Phillips via ebay. All the Best Mark G

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