Hi all, as I need to fund the cost of new shafts for my woods I need to sell the following all are Ex or better I can take PayPal and money back if not satisfied I will also do free recorded post.
Satisfactions - Take it or Leave it - Smash w/d EX £155 (very very faint click for a second halfway through) Sold
Mel & Tim - Forever and a Day - Stax EX £60 Sold
Chi-Lites - She's Mine - Blue Rock w/d EX £130
Jimmy James - Hey Girl - Pye EX £60 Sold
George Byrd - I'm Available - TRC w/d EX (black felt on label) £60
Linda Jones - Just Can't Live My Life - WB issue EX (2 drill holes on label) £90 Sold
Thanks to all who helped with pricing in other thread, can do pics if requested.
That's all for now,