I had a PSA blood test two years ago at 57, I had no symptoms of prostrate cancer but seeing as the council along with the charity CHAPS were holding a men’s health day I thought what harm, mine came back in the red zone, a result of 9.32, I was advised to see my GP which I did, I was sent for another blood test and it came back high again, now as previously said I had no symptoms at all, I had to go for an MRI first which came back inconclusive, next step biopsy which was horrendous and not a pleasant experience, this came back positive with cancer, options were remove, radiotherapy, or monitoring, I chose removal, the cancer was 3mm from the surface of my prostrate which if I’d left would now be in my lymph nodes which is catastrophic, how many more lives could be saved if there was a screening process, now I know there’s a chance of a false positive but I think it’s better to be safe than sorry because like I said no symptoms, it’s not a nice feeling sitting in the waiting room with other men who were at the biopsy clinic and watching them come out of the consultants room with their families in floods of tears because they were diagnosed too late