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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. I know a lot of track where played at the Casino and Richard broke some awsome sounds that Stafford gets the credit for but what tracks defined the newveo sound, if there is such a thing? Alfie Davison - Love Is A Serious Business. RONNIE DYSON - "Lady in red" Get Into Your Life by Beloyd What sounds marked the end of one era and the start of another?
  2. No spell check so don't shoot me ok......... Single EP's Extended Play Singles, if I remember correctly still 45rpm but with 2 tracks squeezed onto one side, was the 3 before 8 on one? Has there been any other EP's with Northernsoul? I seam to remember a live EP or it could have been a boot? Also if my fuzzy memory serves, I often heard of tracks only avalible on EP's?
  3. Yup we are all getting our knickers in a twist, sorry Brent if I was a lite too aggrsive. I should know better and for the ladies , Karen not sure how I have offended you?????? Troid, thought u was a geezer, soz
  4. Brent If you have a burning question for me or if you want to get some thing off your chest then give me a bell: My Mobile number is 07877333236 and my land line is 0114 2838923 There is no agenda, there is no conspiracy, I know this all sound a bit boring and no doubt kinda hard not to think of it as personal but you don't know me and I don't know you, you do the odd weekender but you are not a nighter go'er, yup your at your local nighter for a few ours and then you go home. You have no respect for me a regular allnighter go'er other wise you'd say yup and stick to the soul nights or weekenders. I will not go to any allnighter that allows children in full stop, that is my choice and some thing I said at the top of this thread. Soul Source threads, like this one, quite soon run out of steam and then die a natural death but before this happens there are usually, not always, blood curdling threats so I will leave you with this thought. I have nothing more to say on this matter, I respect you and your son but I have never backed away from any one in my life and I do not and will not hide. If you feel the need to come and dazzle me with your ninja skills then come on, I live at 15 Crane Moor Nook, Crane Moor, Sheffield, S357AN and I will be at the Barnsley Allnighter on Saturday. It's got a massive car park and you can if you wish drag me into it and show me the error of my ways. In the mean time here is a picture of a haddock
  5. Troid, I'd have to go with under eighteens mate. I just want to be able to get away from the dustbin lids every now and again, not asking too much am I? The allnighters aren't exactly every week and its not as if I am depriving the little ones or their parents from enjoying soul music, there are oodles of local soul nights on that I am sure don't mind kiddies in. Can I ask, are you a regular allnighter go'er? If you are then you will know me surely? If not then what's the problem if nighters don't affect you? I'm going around in circles now, all I want is one or two fookin nights out with the grownups, its not as if I am asking for much? I just want the last bastion of our soul scene to not become a divvy fookin pastiche. 147 votes [93.04%] kinda tells a story but some of you are fibbing a little as you don't regularly attend allnighters there for there aint too fookin much for you to loose is there? Any way Troid I'm sure your going to dazzle us all with a list of allnighters you attend and make me look a right cnut. Ooh by the way I'm at Barnsley on Saturday if any one wants to come and have a pop, I'll be wearing shorts, usually do and I'll be on the dance floor. All I ask is that you let me finish my dance first. I don't do wingers, whiners or wankers.
  6. Just got off the phone with the crew who we usually travel with, we represent 10 people who are regular allnighter goers from South Yorkshire we car share and travel to most of the allnighters within the UK. On one of our last outings we became aware that children where being allowed into the nighter. As none of us feel comfortable with this we want to know what allnighters are children friendly and what allnighters are adult only i.e. 18's and above.
  7. As usual our Soul Source forum allows us to expand and explore the reasoning and why's and why not's but we more than often go off on tangents which are stimulating yet I personally do not wish to debate the benefits of kiddies in allnighters because I find my self senselessly discussing the wearing of baggies, how cute the kid is, how ace he/she looks doing a backdrop, how passionate the parent is, how the child cane name the "B" side of the Ric Tic catalogue, how early some of us started, and how children at allnighters are the futre of the scene. I don't dislike children, I like Lottie a Lottie and I have a real soft spot for her mum! I do kinda want to have a place where I can go as an adult with other adults and escape the fact that our washing machine is breaking down, my MOT is due, the gas bill needs, paying, my knees hurt and I feel old! I'm not a drinker so I don't disappear to pubs to enjoy a bit of me time, this may seam selfish but I aint Victor Meldrew if I just want to have an evening out away from children and the normal memories of a dull and boring week. My hobby is not a Saturday night soul night, my hobby is driving across the nation to immerse my self into the warm and familiar waters of Allnighters and all I want is to relax in the presence of like minded adults so I can let my hair down and do what I want to do without having the reminder that I should be being more responsible. There are enough soul nights that allow responsible parents/guardians to bring their little ones so they can relax and enjoy with mums and dads. I have been an avid supporter of allnighters during the lean years and also during this revival and its great to see so many people enjoying them selves. Liam I have on four occasions offered to take you to allnighters and you are hardly a child, your dancing is superb mate but you are not a hardcore allnighter go'er and your occasional allnighter visit does you justice but I'm not too convinced that you are in a position to be effected by what happens on the allnighter scene, I am and like many others I see some thing special being challenged to the extent that it may well alter the whole structure and flavor of the allnighter scene. I am not leading any charge to stop kiddies at allnighters but I will not attend any allnighter that allows children in. This is my personal view and one I feel very strongly about.
  8. Mace that was ace
  9. dude I'm wearing a durex If your gift to this debate is that kids (children) are better dancers than most "old men then fine but I refuse to have a battle of wits with some one who is clearly unarmed.
  10. Trouble getting a baby sitter? Sick of leaving early? From the makes of kalpol and Rusk we are proud to announce the arrival of "Junior dexamphetamine". "Nowt wrong wid dat" Shannon Matthews mother
  11. Can we have a list of Allnighter and Weekender promoters who will give their policy on this please When I travel I am traveling to an allnighter and not a glorified soul night. The furthest we traveled this year was The 100 Club, I aint spending time, money and effort to visit a childrens disco and I wanna know up front before I spend my hard earned coin.
  12. Ken, you seam very keen to have children at Allnighters mate, Can I ask you why? Do you like talking to them or just watching them dance?
  13. Simon thanks for that!!!!! I was just about to ring you mate to ask what your policy is on children as I will not be attending any Allnighter or weekender that allows children in , that is my choice and an opinion shared by every one who traveled up last night from South Yorkshire. I am not doing a nighter with children full stop. I respect any promoter's choice to allow children in all I say is let us all know up front what your policy is.
  14. DJ Mr DJ I have been here all night long DJ Mr DJ are you going to play that song? DJ Mr DJ please for heavens sake I asked for the Lambrini not the fookin Snake!
  15. Like it, its one of the most moving pieces I have ever read! It's up there with Poe's A Dream Within A Dream or Blake's A Poison Tree.
  16. Do you do Allnighters???
  17. Sue Are you saying that because there is a likelihood that most of us had a drink before we where 18 that its now ok to have children at allnighters? That logic is unsound? What age is ok with you Sue and how many? Any age, any number? I don't want kids there full stop!
  18. Hi Sue and good morning I can think of many practical reasons for a child not to be at an allnighter such as drugs, booze but the total and utter disrespect for the other allnighter goers or weekenders is mind-blowing. The age limit is 18? If not then the promoters should tell us that children are welcome because I don't want to be at the venue when potentially there could be a childrens tea party scenario and any parent who wants to argue that only one or two are there then how dare they because one or two leads to three or four and at what point do the punters say no/ I am saying no to any!!!! Fine if the venue's policy is for kidz, fine if the promoter wants a kiddies party al la Northernsoul, all I am saying is I want to know so I can avoid the venues who are allowing and encouraging children to go.
  19. Can we hear from a promoter who allows children into the venues please? I aint bothered how well mum n dad has dressed their little Timmy and how cute they look in their Spencer Bags, I don't want kids at Nighters! Not too bothered what happens at the local Soul Night but I aint driving half way across the country to a weekender or a Nighter that allows children into the venue.
  20. Children at Allnighters Yes or No Children at Allnighters and weekenders? Kinell!!!! What the hey is going on???? Can't parents respect that this is a time for grown ups, what the F are promoters doing allowing children into venues?
  21. Hi steveluigi, maybe its time to try another hobby? Dude, the poem sucks
  22. Tracks please???????
  23. Whities from Blighty Northernsoul from the UK Lulu, Helen Shapiro, Dusty Springfield? Have we any UK Northernsoul artists? Have we any white Northernsoul artists? Under my thumb?

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