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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. How many Northernsoul tunes are about trades or jobs? Jerry Butler The Iceman Frankie Beverly and the Butlers - If That's What You Wanted Voices of East Harlem - Cashing In Gene Chandler & Barbara Acklin - From the Teacher to the Preacher
  2. Are we doing some students home work for them? :-)
  3. Hi Soulboy74, I hope you don't mind if I kinda hijack your thread and ask a related question? How many Northernsoul tunes are deffo "Civil Rights" driven or related? Black Power - James Coit Teddy vann - Theme from colored man The Brilliant Korners - Three Lonely Guys ?
  4. "Keep the faith" was not a battle cry but it was certainly a phrase used by the African Americans when the seeds of the Civil Rights Movement where started in Jacksonville between 1940 and 1970. The clenched fist is a very potent symbol that has historically been used to show unity when faced with diversity. The most aggressive of this type of hand gesture is the "two fingered salute", or "bowfinger", According to a popular belief in the UK, the vulgarity of the V sign comes from English longbowmen who, during the Hundred Years War, would have their index and middle fingers cut off by the French if captured in battle, due to the large numbers of French knights who were cut down by English arrows at battles such as Crcy and Agincourt. To show defiance before and during battle, they would display their two bow fingers to the French to show they were still able to shoot their bows. The clenched fist is still used to this day by armoured units of the British Army. The most enduring and famous use of a black man using a clenched fist is in one of The Top 10 Most Controversial Olympic Moments, see here https://www.ishkur.com/sports/olympicmoments8.php We all know the deeply rooted gospel, religious and singing culture so I won't bore you with that but needless to say a collision of the phrase "Keep the faith" combined with the clenched fist seamed natural, inevitable and very iconic. Many moons ago in the days of patchwork jeans, David Cassidy, Brutt n feather cuts, to see "Whitey from Blighty" giving each other Ze Black fist (Ooh er not in the bang bang sexy time fun way) was not uncommon. "Keep the faith" and fist as often as ya can!
  5. Peter re my last post, I am not saying that I am a lady. I haven't been a lady since I got pissed up with a rather dodgy doctor in Thailand. During my ill-fated "Snip cock" sausage tour. Soul content.......... Patti and the Emblems - I'm Gonna Love You a Long, Long Time. Hutton, Bobby - Lend a Hand. Poets - She Blew a Good Thing. Tams - Hey Girl Don't Bother Me. Fascinations - Girls are Out to Get You. Porter, Nolan - If I Could Only Be Sure. Michael and Raymond - Man Without a Woman. Spellbinders - Help Me (Get Myself Back Together Again)
  6. clever.............. I think your just messin with my mind! Can't you find Something New To Do, It's Not Where You Start, You Want To Change Me but I'm Giving It All To You ! If You Need More Time, there is always Heaven In The Afternoon but Is That Any Way To Treat A Lady? An Independant Woman!
  7. Simsy, Lady are you crazy(For me) good call mate! The Moments nine Times
  8. Bazza "They are both Tripe" Bazza me old cock sparrow, your not putting enough pepper n vinegar on mate. Tripe tastes a lot better eaten this way. Forget cooking it with milk n onions that is fookin disgusting! Eat it cold drowned in vinegar (try chilli vinegar for an exotic yet satisfying change) with freshly cracked pepper :-) https://pitchblack70.tripod.com/gaijingirl/beeftripe.jpg
  9. I can remember standing out side, the car park was just around the corner and we would watch all the pissed up birds leaving after a session in the Bier Keller. Down the street from Bensons was a caf and a few of the Hull lads used to meet there, we would some time narrowly miss a fight as we mingled with the piss heads leaving the place. As well as the nighters there were some top allayers there and the modern room was mixed with soul fans and those into electro. It was a great time for underground street music. Never Too Much & I wanted your love by Luther Vandross. J Blackfoot where is love and Ronnie Dyson Lady in Red, who would of thought that he would go on to become a major player in house hold appliances with his bag less vacuum cleaner!
  10. How Can I Tell Her - Curtis any one got a file please?
  11. When you pick up a Casino related CD, well the early ones any way, your head clicks into jukebox mode as you read down the list placing the tracks into your own personal boxes labelled, "Like it", "Hate it", "Ooh" and very rarely "Haven't heard that?" When I got "into" Northernsoul it was just after the wave had rolled back into the ocean, leaving a beach looking like Branscombe but littered with unwanted baggy trousers and circle skirts. There was a new "Cool" and an even bigger secret, gone now where the coach trips of Soulies smelling of Charlie and Tabac, gone now was the uniform that gave the game away. Contrary to popular belief, and "Northernsoul Myth", the music was still there and the so called new movement ushered in by Richard Serling and later Guy Henigan, Keb Darge, Dave Thorley and my fave, Pat Brady, didn't replace the tired oldies, it just gave us another dimension to the music. We seamed overnight to have gone from at best "Vesta curries" to "gourmet" and this was too rich for some taste buds. This was too much too soon for some and a lot of the "Old Guard" left leaving a younger, trendier and more adventurous "Soul Boy". I did like to consider my self the "new guard" I joined a small rank of soul fans who ventured out into the dark after the merry go round had stopped. I remember when Manifesto first came out and it was difficult to spot a new or strange face on the photographs and to hear, "I've seen you about" was a top compliment. I can still remember the first time I realised how diverse and exciting our music was when we went to "Bensons" in Bradford. If my memory serves, Pat Brady, Soul Sam and Arthur Fenn where the main line up? I heard so many new and exciting tracks at Bradford, the biggie at the time for me was "Alfie Davison Love Is Serious Business", well it was and I just couldn't get it out of my head. It was so clean and fresh well that was until some trendy bird in the queue at Bradford said that she was sick of hearing it, fooks sake it was hard to stay on top of these sounds. Thee top record for me personally is not a great favorite with most but I fell in love with Curtis How Can I Tell Her (12"). Charm City Records (US) / 1979 / DM 81853. I just love the way this clears the floor of some and drives other nuts! I have always been more interested in the dance side of our culture and too be honest for a long while I thought the collectors had some how missed the point, and some had lost the plot, mind you most of the old dancers now have lost the fookin plot but for different reasons! I would truly love to get a decent file of How Can I Tell Her for my PC, I know some hate it but it instantly makes me feel happy and young. Some of my other faves where ......... King Tutt You've Got Me Hung Up Eddie Holman This Could Be a Night to Remember Bill Harris Am I Cold, Am I Hot Bobby Sheen's 'Something New To Do' Alfie Davison Love Is Serious Business Greg Perry It Takes Heart Soul Bros. Inc. Pyramid Loads of wonderful memories, loads of wonderful tunes. Gotta say a big thank you to Dave Rimmer for taking so much time and effort into writing and recording so much of our history, and history is what it is.
  12. Quick note to Gilly and Elaine who I know read this forum every day, Elaine get some fookin house work done! And both of you join the list and stop lurking!!!!
  13. Having lived in ze land of the Bratwurst for the last 11 years you'd kinda expect that I'd be well versed in the German Northernsoul Scene, well I kinda aren't. I mainly plumped for their "Scootering" scene, and it seamed as if the two "Cults" where a bit like oil and water? Of course there where some crossing, over but certainly not on the scale as in the UK with folks seamlessly enjoying the tastes of both camps. (Never been on a Scooter Rally? You'll love it, camping with hooligans) Now I know John Buck ventured over to Berlin some years ago and I have heard that the initial reports on the night where a little "fluffed up" to say the least? The night was an almighty flop? I have been to a few "Do's" over the years, some ok other dia fookin bolical! The thing is that you can have a realy fookin good time over there! The real question is would I go back? Well the answer is definitely yes!! Who has been over before? I know Terry Davis, Nige Brown, Dave Rimmer, Eddy Pillar and Keb Darge have been across but who else? Is any one planning to go this year? When, where and can I come? Here are a few write ups I did on the German northernsoul scene, some have been published in Manifesto, have a read, it's my personal take on their take on our scene, comments welcomed. Please note that derogatory comments may be met with a bayonet to the face. Are there any Germanz on list? The Velvet & Silk Mod-Weekender Krefeld https://www.tafsc.com/KREFELD.htm Monsters of Funk and Soul Weekender https://www.tafsc.com/JAZZ.htm Northern Soul All-nighter in the FZW Dortmund https://www.tafsc.com/Dortmund05.htm Wuppertal All-nighter https://www.tafsc.com/WUPPERTAL.htm Cologne Soul Weekender https://www.tafsc.com/Soulweekender.htm The Soul Cellar Nighter in The FZW Club of Dortmund https://www.tafsc.com/Dortmund.htm Terry Davies does Germany https://www.tafsc.com/TD.htm SOUL BOWL Germany 20.04.2002 https://www.tafsc.com/Bowl.htm Who the Funk is Keb Darge? https://www.tafsc.com/Keb.htm
  14. Jim Davidson doing his 'Chalky' routine in a toilet! Brilliantttttttttttt I am sure Jim Davidson was behind "Man of value" I have a version of it by Jim Davidson.
  15. Pete, it must have been the acid tab LOL
  16. Al Wilson - Touch And Go sounds like Walter Jackson - touching in the dark or was it the acid tab I dropped for lunch! How can any fooker say oou scene is stale when there is so much soul to discover and enjoy! Good to be alive when you hear a sound that moves ya, brillliannnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttt.
  17. Al Kent - Backstreet superb instrumental and of course every ones fave Edwin Starr - Backstreet. Any one know the story behind these two very different takes on the same tune? Is it Ric Tic's session musicians or Motown or both or neither? Any one?
  18. Ever heard two songs by the same artist that sound so unlike you suspect they are by two different people? The Snake by Al Wilson and Show and tell, sounds like two different geezers! LJ Reynolds & Chocolate Syrup - What's A Matter Baby and Your Magic Put A Spell On Me, One sounds like Otis Redding the other sounds like Smokey Robinson? Check out LJ Reynolds - Key To The World, this is what's making me go "oooooooooh" today! Quite fookin brilliant!!!
  19. If this is the Janine that I know then hi and have a nice one in oz? Janine you know I used to live there and my brother still does, if you get in the shit give me a holler and it will be sorted. Yours as usual Simon Cuerden. Oh and if this isn't re Janine Snow...... whoops sorry xxx have a nice one.
  21. Gonna vote for Ady Crowsnest as DJ of the week folks. Top geezer thank you, they must get inundated with requests and the like but Ady on sat night did me proud! Thank you! Three thumbs up!!! Mods you can remove this if you wish, a couple of days would be nice xxx
  22. Sutty name and shame :-)
  23. Barnaby Bye - Can't live this way atlantic-1975, better as...............
  24. https://www.tafsc.com/ImberSoulSam.jpg This is the real Soil Sam
  25. Don't slag my bird off Martin! I have just split up with Christina Aguillerra and that has resulted in a very nasty restraining order. :-)

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