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Everything posted by ImberBoy
I saw him in Hamburg never been so bored in my young fookin life! I was all pumped up for "I don't want to see my self" and "Look at Me Now" he played some right suicide music that you could bury your Aunt Mabel to. Terry Callier has three top tunes that make ya go ooh on the dance floor, the rest is for pot heads! And for those who want to jump up and say Imberboy don't know his music....... Behave! I am a Northernsoul legend! Ask any one on The Downe. I bet that any one on this list could only listen to TERRY CALLIER - ESSENTIAL-VERY BEST OF only three times, even if it was for charity you would rather kill yer sen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V2-_7YvD9I This is Theee only Callier track, the rest make me wanna kill prostitutes!
godzilla ya got me, my spelling is shat.. cnut :-)
I think I have finally gone mad? Does Cody Black - I'm Slowly Molding sound like the Ad Libs - Johnny My Boy? I know there are loads of links between loads of different tracks such as the same stable, same session Musicians and the like, are there any conections with these two? Or am I the only tosspot who thinks they sound similar? You can hear the Adlibs on The Vault of Soul page; (Sheffield Hi see ya tomorrow at Ponds forge) https://www.vault-of-soul.co.uk/audio.htm https://www.vault-of-soul.co.uk/stream/adlibs.ram and Cody Black here on the Soul Club Site: https://www.soulclub.org/cgi-bin/alpha?s=C https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Cody_Black_-_I'm_Slowly_Molding.ram
Kinell! Just had a flash back to the day! We where all cool as fook! The music was brilliant and a zillion light years from Casino Classics, I am not too hot on the Modern front, well hard to keep up but I do still get electricity through my feet every now and again from our wonderful scene. Never thought I'd be nostalgic about newies played at Bensons but then again we are all getting a little old. Bensons for me was the first time I'd seen the dressers wearing trainers and sports casuals with expensive labels! I think "Footloose" was on at the cinemas at the time and commercial music took a turn for the worse with no dance music of any worth getting on TV. Soulies where still associated with baggy trousers and tank tops but we where secret agents who disappeared into the cold dark nights searching for some thing more than half a larger and Agadoo. If any one has Searching by Change could they please send me it xxx in advance.
kinell!! Cheers mossy, looks like all my cool have gone....... forever. Is this scooter scene soul scene crossover? LOL
R R R R R R R R R R Rave on!
Imagine there was no internet for a second? Well I for one of many spent most of my twenties and thirties at Nighters when the tinternet was unheard of by most. This is how it worked, You got a copy of Echoes and flipped straight to the back for Brady's Beat for the next Nighters venue. You rang up 9not on a mobile) one or three of your mates to see who was going and to score.... (Bad subject, read past this) You went out and bought a new shirt and made sure you had enough deodorant, aftershave, talk, and clean socks n shreddies then counted down the days to the venue. Promise your young wife you'd be back in plenty of time to do some thing on Sunday and swear blind that you won't spend all day in bed Phetting! Pick me mate up from Doncaster, Scotty, drive towards the nighters playing or cassettes and playing the "Remember this game". Get lost; ask some local who knows nothing about where he lives for the location of the venue. Prey its still on. Pay yer money and shake hands with every one. Buy a coke, shake hands and hug. Change shoes and have a dance, shake hands kiss cheeks hug. Dance some more, squirt some deodorant and change shirt. Dance. Buy coke do some more wiz, dance. Drink coke, dance, hug, bend some ones ear off in the bogs, or avoid having your ear bent in the bogs by some equally boring dude who is just fookin happy to see you and be at a Nighter. Dance, have a coffee, get pissed off coz it's the last record. Hug, kiss on cheek, shake hands, pick up the flyers from the tables and walk towards the door. Hug, shake hands, kiss cheeks, swap phone numbers when some one produces a pencil (remember them?). Blink whilst walking towards the car, sun glasses on, drive to motorway services. Coffee shake hands, kiss cheeks, hug. "See ya at Keele?" Drive home trying to remember the name of the track that nearly bought you to tears. Get home; pretend to be interested in what your wife watched last night on TV whilst trying to remember the track that nearly bought you to tears. Have a power nap and spend Sunday talking shite and trying to mingle in with your wife's friends hoping no one ever finds out that you are really from a far distant planet where you only really exist between 1200hrs and 0800hrs along with the other aliens from the planet Soul! That's what it was fookin like before the internet, not too bad me thinks. What have we now? Well every one is a CD e-bay expert with a collection of electronic northern tracks that would make the big DJ's weep over. No one needs to move much further than their back bed room to comment on The Casino or on any other Northernsoul subject. Could I do with out the internet?................ I'd cut my mousse balls off in a thrice.
kin ell!!! Loves it!!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgynNVBDsDM The Spinners
Just found this! JOAN OSBORNE I'll Be Around Terri Wells - I'll Be Around did a cracking version of this around about 1984 and it still gets some plays to this day, the original was the Detroit Spinners or was it The Detroit Emeralds? Love the track, down tempo slider but wow what a toptastic tune! What's your favorite?
Well I have to come clean over this, when we see a "Norvun" DJ on a scooter run me and the lads take it in turns to request the Snake, some times we will have 5 or 6 people request it. When the DJ eventually snaps and plays it we go mental. Sorry if this was our lads n lasses but it makes us giggle. The best thing to say is "I left it at home" but we have this covered coz we will have bought it along!!! Whoooooooohooooooooooooo Great to see you there.
Ady Crowsnest at Mersea Island Scooter Run Great to see our very own Ady Croasdale zipping around like a punter at this years Mersea island Scooter Rally, Ady I did say hi, I was one of The Armed Forces Scooter Club wearing a camouflage kilt! Hope you had a great time, The Northernsoul aint gonna blow any ones sox off but the party atmosphere was fantastique! Did a little write up and we have some very strange pictures on our AFSC web site: https://www.tafsc.com/MERSEA%20AGM%202007.htm
I first heard him played at Bensons in Bradford 1982 or possibly 1983? There are to my knowledge three Luther tracks that have been played and accepted on the Northernsoul Scene: I wanted your love All my love Don't Wanna Be A Fool At Benson's there was a Newies/modern room where the spins like Bobby Womack - So many sides of you "Taxi' by J. Blackfoot but I think the flip side "Where is love" was the player? Can any one help me with this?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uFUjw1N-5Q this is Taxi, hope it works if you click on it? Alfi Davidson's - love is serious business was just beginning to be played out, remember it was a very ultra cool mega underground scene and one that I think had evolved into a very different creature than The Casino... thoughts? Ronnie Dyson - lady in red was the big floor crusher for me! And of course Benny troy I want to give you tomorrow. Well happy memories for me, I suppose this was my Wigan casino? You couldn't see any daft Spencer bags (not knocking them) and I think the punter was a little more "Street" .... Thoughts again? I have just booked my tickets to Blackpool northernsoul weekender, any one going?
Well that didn't work did it, sorry abot that I was trying to paste a youtube clip in? I'll get me coat
Here is a little self indulgence on my part, sorry in advance but this is one of the Northernsoul newies that heralded the second wave of Soulies who took a very tired and battered soul scene to the next level after the divvies deserted the scene on the Casino close. Here we have Luther Vandross, rest in peace, giving it large and flopping in the charts at the time only to be championed at the nighters around The UK with one of his many superb soul tracks. This and "I wanted your love" became deeply embedded into a the Northern scene, I hope you enjoy it as much as me.
Brian, first of all, how the devil are you my old friend? My uncle Mick said that he had seen you, can you please e-mail me. afsc50@hotmail.com The shirt is spot on, I didn't know that there where 2two of them? it's the very same one you have on Brian!!!! Can you elaborate a bit more on how you came to wear one??
The origins of the "Soul Patch" are well documented so I won't bore you with it. The whole idea behind wearing a patch was to show were you had been i.e. the "Anniversaries" patches and those commissioned to commemorate an event and the like. The practice of e-baying a collection of soul patches just belittles those who "earned" the patch originally. I see every week on the many scooter runs and ride outs (remember the scooter scene mirrors the soul scene in most ways), I see the battalions of "born agains" who want to "Dress up" and believe they get a bit of cred for wearing a patch or badge they have just paid for on e-bay. I know this is a little silly and shouldn't bother me but it does! If I have ridden a lambretta 200 miles and bought a patch to show that I did it I do not want to stand shoulder to shoulder with some "Divvy" who couldn't tell me the difference between a TV and a GT! Like wise on the soul scene, if you see some one with say a casino patch on then it would be kinda nice to assume that he or she actually attended that night before nodding or speaking. I have no time for pretenders, waffelers, w**kers or time wasters. Jim McCluskey of Wigan' Ovation told me of how a t-shirt was produced for Casino members to buy as a souvenir, one shirt was produced but it was not accepted in favour of embroided badges. We all no the badges but I have the original shirt given to me by Jim, I will treasure this always as a real piece of secret casino memorabilia. "Badges... we don't want your stiiiinkin badges"
Early 6ts/100 Club Membership List - Wot Number U Got?
ImberBoy replied to a topic in All About the SOUL
Just found it!!!! Bit of a Sprogg number Simon Cuerden 3745 Is the membership still valid????? -
Early 6ts/100 Club Membership List - Wot Number U Got?
ImberBoy replied to a topic in All About the SOUL
Ooooh nice one! I have my membership card tucked nice and safe in an old photo album............... I have just had the rollicking of my life off our lass as I am pulling the place apart looking for the album, can't find it!! But I will!!!!! Drummonds, The 100 Club and of course The Unicorn Club in Leighton Buzzard oh and Buzzards Hall?? My early Army days where spent in London, fookin happy daze!!!! -
Pissed up blokes at soul nights with their wife's who dance with no shoes on as their pie eating husbands give every one the evil eye as if we where back at the youth club................ "I don't believe it"
Needing the loo at an all-nighter is a "Victor" moment in its own right but being cut short for a dump and having no bleedin toilet roll.................. "I don't believe it"..............
..."I don¢Å¾¢t believe it People who walk straight across the dance floor at a ..."Soul night with two bleedin pints of Watneys red barrel spillin just enough on the dance floor for the next unsuspecting soul do be sent somersaulting through the air as he or she tries to dance to their fave tune¦¦¦¦¦.. Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh ..."I don¢Å¾¢t believe itÂ
"I don't believe it" OK we have all had our "I don't believe it" sessions, you know the times when some one does some thing that makes ya turn into Victor Meldrew. My last Victor Meldrew moment was due to a certain lady who on her arrival at the venue proceeded to empty a full Johnsons baby powder onto the floor instantly turning it into an ice ring................ "I don't believe it" ooohhhhhhh it makes me blood boil. What's your Victor Meldrew moment?
Are you talking about the flip side "It's U"? coz that's what I am talkin about, never hear that played yet? Just wondering if it was? I think its ace that there are some numpties who still choose their moozic based on what others may say or think, didn't we used to call them robots or summit? Who knows? I was at Drax on Thursday night, hello to every one who was there, I was particularly amused at the reaction by one of the record dealers at my comments that "You can get all these now on CD" his face was a picture as he turned away in discussed. Yip yip made me giggle for a few minutes. "It's U" By DJ Genesis is a good tune, love it or hate it but make YOUR own mind up about it!! Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't be a sheep, we have loads of them at Imber folks xxx.
DJ Genesis presents Audra - "It's U" Is the flip side of DJ Genesis feat Elveria - "Tribute To Betty Tonight" getting any plays? Its fookin brill!! Or shall i get me coat? :-)