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Northernsoul Time capsule A time capsule is a historic cache of goods and/or information, usually intended as a method of communication with people in the future. Time capsules are sometimes created and buried during celebrations such as a World Fair, cornerstone laying for a building or other event. They can also be unintended caches such as at Pompeii. The phrase "time capsule" has been in use since about 1937, but the idea is as old as the earliest human civilizations in Mesopotamia. You have ten items you can select to represent The Northern Soul Scene for future generations. The items are to be sealed inside a container and the buried for one thousand years. We expect the future humans to be able to read watch and listen to every thing enclosed and we want them to understand as much about the Northern Soul Scene as possible. You can select anything you want as long as it will fit inside the average size suit case you should include an explanation as well. I would go for; A circle skirt as worn by the girls Big baggy trousers, 40" flares My old Clarks Polyveldt shoes Brut aftershave Johnson's baby talk for making the floor slippery My old sports bag for my change of cloths amphetamine sulphate naughty but has to be included The Snake by Al Wilson I hate the record but it seams to represent the scene, like it or not. How can I tell her by Curtis just so there is a bit of confusion with the Snake A patch with a soul fist that says "keep the faith" cheesy I know but kinda works. I didn't get room for the records, you can use your suit case size space for this if you want. .........................
Jackie Wilson He is my favorite artist and one with so much more. If I could be totally greedy I would love to see Jackie Wilson along with Edwin Starr, I saw Edwin, like others, so many times I didn't appreciate him at the end, so I would love to hear him do his thing on the same bill as Jackie Wilson. Imagine hearing "Backstreet", "I have faith in you" along side "Whispers getting louder" and "I'm the one to do it" plus all the other wonderful tracks that give you goose bumps, a lump in your throat and a tear in your eye.
nice tats
I remember some of it..... I think there where a couple of patches or even a t-shirt with this on? It was deffo when the Pepsi add was on the cinema, it started with a glass of ice then the Pepsi pouring over with the backing chant....... Lip smacking thirst quenching ace tasting. Motivating good buzzing cool talking high walking fast living ever giving cool fizzing ... Pepsi. The northernsoul chant went some thing like.... Hand shaking friend making hand clapping record spinning cool dancing record collecting northernsoul?
Angie Stone - Wish I Didn't Miss You. Ouch, when I first heard it I was blown away but now its like fingers down a blackboard! Gladys Knight & The Pips - No One Could Love You More. This used to get me on the dance floor now it just seams to drown on and on and on and on and on. What was your once faves that now make ya cringe.
A Taste Of Honey - I Love You This blows me away every time, any one got a file of it?? Is this Modern Soul? Did it, should it get any plays??? https://skyhigh-mizell.bravehost.com/ILoveYou.mp3
Not too sure if the "Caisters Crew" and The Jazz Funk Fans would like to categorise most of the stuff on the list as "Disco", I suppose all records played to a paying audience are "Disco"? But this list hardly represents the Friday night and Saturday night chicken in a basket crowd?
Rather shitty day today and needed a fix of Stella so I do hope I am not slurring my keyboard? Drove past Canclow the other day and thought about how lucky we all are to have such a rich Northernsoul vein running through Doncaster, Rotherham, Sheffield, Mexborough, Swinton, Sheffield and Barnsley. It honestly blows me away the diversity of our little Yorkshire Pudding Scene (Vault if soul lads remember that). I know there will be other little enclaves with the same love for rare soul music as ours, and I am just taking the pee pee out of some of the very special people that I have the honour to call my friends when I say Lurkers. I watched with great interest as South Yorkshire Soul established it's self on the map with a real passion and love for our music. I can go to the Earl of Doncaster and be educated as if I had just joined the scene, I can go to The Vault of soul boys do's and experience the groove and kick back at Drax with old mates who don't give a monkeys about the Soul police or the beard strokers. Long live the puddings and long live white rose soul!! Loves it!!!!
Godzilla, sorry first of all for copying a bit of what you said. This bit......... "the Travolta character would want to escape from the depressive reality of his life to seek sanctuary in the false glitz and glamour of the disco scene" You see this is the rub, whilst most where escaping crap jobs and the like by going to the disco I went a little further. I went a lot further in fact, I stole into the night passed the crushed velvet jackets, the chicken in a basket, the disco ball, the baby cham and the Friday night slapper with too much make up and too much larger, I embraced a secret music that was not the main stream, I gave my soul and let the music become part of my DNA. I watched my mates go for the quick fix; I watched with a feeling of belonging as an underground music movement wrapped me in its arms and gave me a different perspective on life. I became aware of so many different things and I am not ashamed to say it shaped my life. What did my pals get out of disco, well some got married, some got nasty little rashes but that was about it? It was as disposable as a Bic razor. I suppose that's why DISCO is a dirty word? To compile the odd list of decent dance tracks is one thing but to say DISCO has depth (I know you didn't say this) compared to the Northernsoul Scene will take more than a few danceable tracks.
Dave as soon as its played on the Northern scene its ours and no longer disco...........
Hi Gordy, is that you??? Me old mate???
Godzilla, what the fooks R&B... ?
oh and I agrea with wott pete says
Godzilla the original post on this thread reads: "Can't help noticing on this forum that 'disco' is a dirty word for some people! Why is that? What is it about 'disco' or some people's perceptions of 'disco' that winds people up?" And not as you say "whether any disco music is good or not" Of course there are literally dozens of good Disco records, I was not trying to discredit you, you rock dude! I also agree Ottowan is a pile of sh*te but are you suggesting that I can not really differentiate between likes of Earth Wind & Fire or Tower of Power? Well I can so there! You need to realise who I am on this forum young fellar me lad, I was doing it hard corps at Imber when the likes of you where doing the Disco Duck and The Frugg and as far as the links you need try here: https://www.tafsc.com/IMBERBOY%20IS%20THE%20AUTHORITIVE%20FIGURE.htm There is only one real northernsoul expert on this list and that's me!! Well that's not true really, there are three others who decide what is good and what is shat. Godzilla, don't listen to your uncle Simon coz I know nothing except two things and that is every one has an opinion on this forum and disco is shat.
I can dismiss the Disco scene because it is dismissible, I don't make the rules. Sorry She is D desirable She is I irresistible She is S super sexy She is C such a cute She is O oh, oh, oh D.I.S.C.O. She is disco It don't get much better than this....................................
QUICK JOEY SMALL Kasenetz Katz Singing Orchestral Circus - 1968 Quick Joey Small went over the wall With a ball an' a chain behind him Quick Joey Small went over the wall Send the dogs right out to find him. In a striped prision suit with no room to move He headed for the highway With his chain still dragin' He thumbed down a wagon said Well you're goin my way. And they say now Run Joey , Joey run run the hounds are on your trail Jump-up Jump-up Run Joey , Joey run run they're gonna send you back to jail. Sheriff got a shotgun, he do He'll fill you full of lead son, it's true. He's also got a blackjack, he's mad He'd bust your head with one wack, Here I go now. Run Joey , Joey run run the hounds are on your trail. Sweet Mary Jane was goin' insane When she heard of Joey's jail break But she knew all the while 'cause She sent him a file Baked inside a fudge cake. Sheriff Jack Banes was a light on brains But he knew one thing for sure He took some toughs and a pair of handcuffs And headed straight for Mary Jane's door
I think first and foremost that just about every one would agree that as soon as you give music a label or try to catalogue or define into genres the trouble starts. Disco is a dirty word because if you compare the music and more importantly the "Disco" fans they appear as shallow and phoney compared to the emotive connection between Northernsoul and the Soulies. When ever Northernsoul is described, references are always made to the feelings of joy and passion, making our soulful experiences almost unique compared to other genre fans. I am yet to hear of any "Disco" fans being driven to tears or having to stop driving and pull over after being over whelmed by a black singer tearing their heart out? Disco isn't a dirty word, crevice is a dirty word, Disco is just a week word, a disposable, throw away thing like a Rubic cube, a Hula Hoop, a Slinky, Deely Bobbers and the Smurf Dance.
Lurkers of Doncaster Unite I know as much as the day I was born How many Lurkers are on this list that watch most threads but hardly if ever post? Last week I went to The Earl of Doncaster and as I ascended the stairs I was blocked by a lady who wasn't half bad looking and I thought my luck had changed. After an uncomfortable age she said....... "You're Imberboy", I of course asked her how she knew and I was told "Soul source of course!" I replied "Oh brilliant, do you post on the forum?"............ "Oh no I just read it" Finding a welcome seat amongst Sue's 50th birthday revellers it became very apparent that every one on the table had some thing to say about the recent "Jump Dance" post on the forum and very apparent that every one sitting around the table where regular readers of Soul Source. I have known for some time that Elaine from Doncaster reads the forum daily, when she should be busy with the house work before Gilly comes home, I asked her why she doesn't post and the impression I get is that there is a perception that the forum gets a little too "high brow"? I have been doing this stuff long enough now to be an expert, but in reality I know as much as the day I was born and I am continuously blown away by the sheer depth of knowledge by some on this prestigious forum. So come on all you "Lurkers" out there get on the key boards and give your opinion, its very much needed and wanted other wise the "Train spotters" win! And the list gets a bit dry and bland, a little like our lasses fookin Yorkshire puddings! The music clip I have added is a cover version of The Style Council - Shout to the Top, I first heard it played by Soul Sam at Bretby many years ago and loved it......... Fire Island featuring Loleatta Holloway - Shout To The Top (Play it very loud n boogie!!!!) Well that's the lot today, I'm off to crash out and watch England the I'm off to Stoke, if any other nice looking ladies want to stop me on the stairs.............. Download Video Youtube Link
Brian I remember playing strip poker with you! Walk with a winner.. can't remember who did that? Queen of clubs? Or was it Fools? Or both?? This is the house where our love died not sure on that but I think it was Evelyn Thomas? House for sale Millie Jackson Ghost in my house R Dean Taylor
Wigan Casino, what a fookin rip off! No card tables roulette or even slot machines! How Russ Winstanley ever got away with it I do not know? How many tracks where played with a "Cards" or "Gambling" reference? Lenny Gamble The Joker went wild The Wigan Joker Voices of East Harlem - Cashing In Poets - She Blew a Good Thing Laura Lee - To Win Your Heart Derek & Ray - Interplay Joey Heatherton - When You Called Me Baby Newbeats - Run Baby Run Youngblood Smith - You Can Split Burning Bush - Keeps on Burning Don Gardner- Cheatin Kind Joe Tex - Show Me Marvellettes - I'll Keep Holding On Dalton Boys - I've Been Cheated First Choice - This is the House Any thing on "Roulette" Obvious ones but there will be a lot more?.................
Download Video This bought tears to my eyes! Music qual V bad
OldSkool Jumping Download Video
2 4 6 8 10................. They have fookin sampled Shirley Ellis' Soul Time!!!!! I had to listen to this a couple of times to try to pick out what was niggling me and there is a fusion between different styles like the Dylan type harmonics and the Kid Creole stuff that fuses very well then I heard in the back ground Soul Time!
Stomper45 are you taking this thread seriously? The guy who wrote The Hokey-Cokey died last week. It was a terrible affair. When the mourners were gathered at the graveside, they discovered the coffin was too big. It became damaged as it was lowered in, a huge hole was ripped in the side and the body was half hanging out. Then the problems really began. First, they put his left leg in . . .