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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. Jackie Wilson - "Whispers (Getting Louder)"
  2. The worst mix ever is fookin southerners putting lemonade in larger or even ........................ farther forgive me............ bitter!!! "Do I love you indeed I do" gets my vote! Chris King
  3. Is there a "Black Sound"? Is there a "Pop Sound"? I am quite certain no one ever makes a record to fail? The idea of a hand full of poor black folks singing their hearts out in Detroit is romantic but I kinda suspect that there weren't many who didn't do it as an escape route? Ergo all records are pop records..... Aren't they? Dave Rimmer told me that, thanks Dave. There are a zillion reasons a record doesn't succeed and nothing what so ever to do with whether its "Good" or "Bad". So is there any difference, apart from the imagined or intellectually implied, in the sound of say ...... Frankie Valli-The night and The Phonetics - Just a Boys Dream? We are not talking about personal preferences, some like marmite some fookin hate it but marmite remains a constant. (I fookin luv it by the way) The flip side was always a second choice and carefully crafted at times so as to not spoil a follow up single, not always but often the case. To have a club in the 6Ts just play flip sides doesn't make sense unless the punter is a sudo-intellectual trendy student type who is making a statement, lets face it a club doesn't open its doors to fail it has to sell drinks and charge an entrance fee? I believe that clubs like The Torch, Wheel, Cats, Junction all saw a niche that could be filled, nothing sinister in that but also not as purest as we give credit. Wigan Casino was a massive success, yes there was a bed rock of rare soul but there was also a mass of disillusioned music lovers cringing at TOTPS every week. Its great to take the high ground when comparing our scene to other musical genres and scenes, I think we are the longest lived? But "Where Did All The Pop Come From", Dave I don't know? Better ask Those at PYE Records, EMI, or ask Ian Levine and Russ Winstanley.
  4. Dread to think what's in your loft Pete! I know I have bats in me belfry
  5. Thanks mike, that clip is Mood Mosaic...... Can any one sling the two versions up on here so we can compare? I have tried many times to force vinyl into my CD Rom tray but it always seams to snap! Spot and Gail I will be at The Ritz Nighter on Saturday Night hope to see you there. Yours Imberboy and yes I am keeping the "Axe Murderer" picture lol. Pete Smith, Pete can you help with the two music clips or even the three??
  6. Wow!!! love to hear her do Ray Pollard's "The Drifter" Hope Ian Levine doesn't find her!!!!!
  8. 'The Penguin Breakdown' kin brilliant.............. my bessy mate plays this every time he phones me!!!! Luvs it
  9. Day off Monday so I'm stopping up to play my Johhny Dankworth and Charlie Parker tapes, when the music changes, so does the dance.
  10. My record is on major Minor MM 600 1969 and credits "Ferdy" as the writer and Norman Newell as the Producer. Any one got a "Mood mosaic" at hand to compare?
  11. MOOD MOSAIC "A Touch Of Velvet, A Sting Of Brass" (one time Dave Lee Travis Radio Caroline Theme tune, and also the theme from Germany's "Beat Club" TV show) Dave Lee Travis "DLT," as he was known, joined Caroline South in September 1965 where he took over the Lunchtime Show and became "your dinner spinner." His show started with the sound of Big Ben chiming followed by A Touch Of Velvet, A Sting Of Brass by Mood Mosaic. Still need to know were "Second city sound" fits in?
  12. Dave was the Tony thing Mood Mosaic?
  13. For years smokers never bothered me and they don't bother me now. At Middleton it was fookin freezing out side and just plain daft to see so many people have to go out side, the Northernsoul scene is full of naughty people doing naughty things all night so why don't we just be naughty and smoke inside? I don't smoke by the way....... It clashes with my speed.
  14. Wah wow doo doop be ddopy dooh diddle whoo whooo whooooooo eeee they don't write lyrics like that any more! Here's the question, in my hand I have a single by Second City Sound, on the "B" side is "The Dream of Olwyn" and on the A side is A Touch Of Velvet & Sting Of Brass, but what was played on the Northernsoul scene? Mood Mosaic or Second City Sound?? I know one version was played at the Wheel in 1967 and it was also a Wigan Casino sound. I must admit that it is one of my all time favorites and I never get tired of hearing its haunting melancholy tune, I love it. A Touch Of Velvet & Sting Of Brass - Second City Sound Mood Mosaic - A Touch Of Velvet A Sting Of Brass Mods, please don't freekin move this just coz it has a media clip on....... Hi to every one I met at Blackpool and hi to every one I met at Middleton and mods please don't move this coz I mentioned a venue.
  15. These Things Will Keep Me Loving You by Diana Ross Can some one please e-mail me afsc50@hotmail.com this file please. XXX
  16. Was any of his stuff played on the scene I wonder? I did hear on the grape vine that George Benson and Kenny are indistinguishable when playing On Broadway.
  17. Phil all soul forums dry up, go around in circles and some times get a bit up them selves but most of the time its just knobbers like me with too much time on the key boards. There are real people on list who do care about other people and I hope that you are OK and just want a break. If you are in the shit then please don't suffer on your own, there are a lot of good people on list with huge hearts and a wealth of experience so e-mail or send a personal message via this means. You probably won't get any answers but a shoulder or an ear are some times enough. If you just want a break then just leg it and come back soon.
  18. Why was this moved?
  19. Reg, just seen the Latino thread that you started and the first track you posted up Hector Rivera - Do it to me is brilliantttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt! please post it up again.
  20. The other day I posted a thread on Cal Tjader's brilliant Soul Sauce that was moved for lord knows what reason? Any way I am now convinced that The Soul Source Thought Police are now watching me so I will move swiftly along to the subject of my next post..................... Latin Soul, Cal Tjader's Soul Sauce gives you a real taste of latino vibe and there are others that have "Crossed over" from that genre to Northernsoul. Ricardo Ray - Nitty Gritty is an absaloute peach of a track that I'm sure would make a coma patient's foot tap! Again I have never heard this played at a venue but I would love to see it get some floor time. Shirley Ellis - The Nitty Gritty is an exellent track as well but in my opinion lacks the explosive energy as the Ricardo Ray version and I thin k it was recorded live, which one is the original I do not know? Shirley recorded the track in 1963 and Ricardo Ray in 1968 this would suggest that Shirleyn is the original but I am not convinced as it is a step away from her norm although she was regarded as a bit of a novelty act, any Shirley Ellis spotters out there? My next Latin sound is The Showmen - Our Love Will Grow, Latino? You tell me, but I hear the beat. Johnny Caswell - You Don't Love Me Anymore Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up Gil Scott-Heron - The Bottle Doug Banks - I Just Kept on Dancing Any others or has my ear gone tits up?
  21. Pete, rodger that ref the Funk Brothers, they are "undissable". Did you clock Osama Bin Laden going mental chicken oriental on the bongos? Brilliant musicians all of them and makin it look so easy, I was a mong on the recorder at school.
  22. Fromage frais Pete, fromage frais :-)
  23. Download Video Youtube Link This is one of those tracks that still makes me kinda go ooh when you hear the complexity of the music and the sheer joy to the ear. The xylophone gets right under your skin and burns deep into your memory banks, you aint ever forgetting this tune! Loved by Jazz Heads and Soulies alike it gives off a resinous of sophistication that the Funk Brothers would die for. I can never ever remember hearing this played at an allnighter and I only guess it was a Wigan sound? The last time I heard it was Keb Darge bombing the The Altstadt in Dusseldorph with it as a warmer to his funky set, it went down like a tramp on chips.
  24. Just use Google and Youtube, type in Northernsoul and Northern Soul and surf. https://www.nightowlclub.com/ this is the best place to start The Soul Club Jukebox web site is brilliant and free!! https://www.soulclub.org/home.html https://www.soul-memorabilia.myby.co.uk/ THE SOURCE FOR NORTHERN SOUL BADGES, POLO-SHIRTS, STICKERS AND MUCH MORE. There are of course many others, all linked from each other. The Soul Source site is not the best place to start, its more of an intermediate site and can appear a little daunting so don't be put off. Happy surfing and remember that the UK has music and a scene both get a little complex for those on the out side looking in but there are enough people on The Soul Source site to give you a good explanation on all concepts of our scene.
  25. Chalky are you telling me Jackie and Edwin are both dead???? How did this happen?? Was it a dreadful car accident??? :-( Sorry folks, thought it was a wish list thread of who you would like to see by no longer can.

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