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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. Ignore all that stuff about Tina? Bollox, the man was a knob sack and any one thinks its ok to systematically beat a woman is a dog turd! Fook his music and fook him.
  2. Melbourne Shuffle Soul down under Spencers are back! I haven't seen this before? I did hear of it some time back when some one in Oz sent in a new paper article comparing this dance to "Northernsoul" The music isn't too bad, turn yer sound off if you need to? The dancing is similar to "Stomping" and or "Shuffling" ? Point to note is the baggy trousers they are wearing and that most are dancing on talc! I am adding a few clips here but to see more visit youtube and type in Melbourne Shuffle. The basis of the Melbourne Shuffle has traditionally been footwork performed by combining three basic steps. It is known as "shuffling" in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Sliding to the left or right and then back and forth. When performed well Shufflers, can seem to be gliding across the floor seemingly defying friction. Shuffling on Spot is used for different reasons. A Shuffler using this step can conserve energy for a few moments prior to a change in beat and pattern of music. A Shuffler may step back and allow another dancer to take centre stage meanwhile Shuffling on Spot. Arm movements come into play more often while in this step as it allows the dancer to express a connection with the music as to the beat with the feet. Shuffle in a triangular pattern is a very energetic step which can be performed with great flair. The modern shuffler usually performs around 5 different moves while shuffling: The running man is the most popular move where the shuffler "runs" on the spot. One foot is lifted from standing position and placed in front while the other slides back, then the foot at the back is lifted up into the standing position while the forward foot slides into the standing position and the process is repeated to the beat. This is also known as the two-step technique. The shuffle is a t-shaped movement, where the shuffler moves to the right with their left foot, shifting left and right as the right foot rises up and down, creating a T-shaped like shape. It is a common move amongst Shufflers. Slides, where the shuffler normally slides left and right occasionally, the slide is usually and long "glide" along the dance floor and is mostly followed by a spin. Spins can be "normal" or "inverted". A normal spin meaning you lift one foot from standing position and use it to propel your body in a clockwise direction. An inverted spin is the opposite, where you lift one foot from standing position and use it to propel yourself in an anticlockwise direction. Both spins are common and are incorporated into the shuffle. Kicks are done with one foot while the other is used to "shuffle" along to one side. Kicks can be low (some shufflers prefer to kick at the ground while shuffling to one side) and high (some shufflers kicking up to their waists). The point of kicking is to look balanced and controlled, so when kicking multiple times shufflers prefer not to bend their knees while their leg is in the air. Dance moves from other styles such as mimeing, popping, locking, liquiding, running man and breaking can also be incorporated into shuffling. Forget all that "Running Man" stuff and look between that...... ">
  3. Just dug this out, it is an Iraqi musician called Ilham Al Madfai, you can see him here singing The Drifter "Ray Pollard". Obviously the lyrics are all in Arabic and the sound has been changed ever so slightly but for those with even the basics of the Shi'ite dialect can hear the distinct "Drifter", for those who can't, well you'll just have to take my word for it as I would never lie to you. ">
  4. In March 2003 I was part of a massive push with US and British forces as we moved in on Iraq's second-largest city Basra. After days of heavy fighting and some of the most exiting times of my life we broke through and I found my self, along with many others, fortifying The Basra Palace for use as a head quarters. For a while we all went a bit "mental chicken oriental" smashing the place up like mad men but after a short time we calmed down and took a real look at the Palace. In one of the bed rooms I found at least three hundred records from Motown to Atlantic and on close inspection I saw Stormy by the Supremes on Whitestorm and the M.V.P's Turning my heartbeat up! I tried to find out who's records these belonged to and the word on the street was that they belonged to Uday Hussein who is Saddam Hussein's eldest son and a Northernsoul fanatic due to his university time in England. I asked if I could keep some of the records but it was very much frowned upon to take any thing as we where losing the PR battle and no one wanted to be accused of looting.
  5. Who Is Gonna Love Me - Alfie Davidson Who Is Gonna Love Me - Alfie Davidson, is this the "B" side to "Love Is A Serious Business"? Was "Who Is Gonna Love Me" ever played on the scene?? I can remember it but I think it was a "Disco" track and not on the Northernsoul scene? Not often right and I think I might be wrong again?? My wife caught me dancing to this an hour ago in my study, and said "You fookin divvie!" I remember getting caught dancing to "Heartache Souvenirs" by some young soldier when I was in the Army, I made them do star jumps for five minutes for laughing. LOL
  6. Now Val that's just tight!!! LOL
  7. Top thread, I love Christmas. This is the time of year we can say thank you to people who have inspired you throughout the year. I thank and wish a merry Christmas to every one on list who make this a super experience for all things Northernsoul. I think of all those service men and women on duty away from their friends and loved ones. And I think of all those who need a little extra prayer this time of year just to get through. God bless you all and have a soulful time. And just remember that a puppy is not just for Christmas, if you calve it properly you can has some on Boxing Day as well.
  8. Dodgy karaoke done by old northernsoul artists to porn special effects is what it is! The next time some one asks "What's Northernsoul?" How many of you are going to say...... "Hold on young fellow me lad, sit there; I have this DVD that is gonna explain every thing"? How many of you who bought the SWONS after watching it thought, fookin ell that was shat? How many of you who bought the SWONS after watching it thought, fantastic, just what we wanted, at long last a true and well thought out DVD about our scene? Ian Levine is a talented chap, "Footsteps" is one of my all time favourite tracks but SWONS makes me kill prostitutes.
  9. Another treasure is lost forever, I hope we all dance together in a better place. God bless. Pete and Ady not too sure if I agree with you on the SWONS as being a very important work and having the foresight to film all of these people? Ady you are possible one of the very few characters on the Northernsoul scene who I respect; most like Ian are "Band Wagoner", If Ian had done this film before the "Big Bang" then it would be important work, only my opinion of course. He filmed "old" and dare I say ..... Past it soul stars and did not in any way capture any of their former charisma or..... Well...... soul. Many of them have now passed away so the film has gained accidental importance. None of this was intentional and this film was met with cringes and sighs of disbelief on its release. Sorry to offend any one wants to pay their last respects on the forum to Bob but the idea that Ian Levine was making this film with foresight just doesn't sit well with me coz it just aint fookin true. SWONS is a pale hurried shallow and tacky attempt to cash in on the northernsoul scene and just because it was done does not make it good. Again please forgive me those who mourn
  10. I know these show biz types! They will get us all down to London then bum us!
  11. What an absolute load of cack! The "Soul Source" for a start is full of experienced DJ's, Collectors, Dancers and Soul Fans who span five generations of Northernsoul music so you will always get a mixed opinion on every thing. Northernsoul is NOT about the internet, it is not about words it is not about opinion it is not about threads and who said this and who said that and it is not about listening to mp3 files sat alone in your bedroom in-between playing Command and Conquer! The Northernsoul Scene is about Allnighter, not some over inflated egotistical train spotter with more records than he could ever play nor is it about listening to their opinions. The day I find my self dancing along side a DJ or a dealer will be the day I value their opinion or record choice. "Old sceptics, cynics, score settlers, grudge bearers, back stabbers and generable miserablism". That is a small insignificant part of our scene that gets more coverage than it deserves due to the internet. Soul Source is great but it is as fake as a Tranny's fanny! The only thing of any worth on this forum is the vast depth of knowledge, don't ever listen to or get wrapped up in any ones opinion coz they are all toss pots..................... except e of course me Get the sen to Midelton that's where its happening not on the internet.
  12. Yup I'd agree with this as a starting foundation, this should possibly take 15 mins? I'd then slice the hours into 15 min chunks giving this time to say the Atlantic stax sound first with the artists and you could play the songs or show Youtube clips summarising briefly after each one. Next up would be Motown, do the same for this as with the Stax part. After this you can dive head first into the smaller labels and then go onto Northernsoul. Do the same for disco or should I say the main stream, ..... yup the music changed, black Americana. If you want an example of a time line look here https://classic.motown.com/timeline/
  13. Hi Tommy, what a fantastic project and I wish you well. I assume you will kick off from the roots of black America and follow the natural pathways of this wonderful music? My tip for you is to appreciate right from the start that you will not be able to cram the complete story into four hours, I would personally use the obvious start and the "evolutionary time line" as your skeleton then swerve off to go in depth into one of the many diverse directions, northernsoul for instance. This way you could try and capture and tell the magical way this music has inspired and embedded into our culture. A picture paints a thousand words and Youtube can give you the bite sized clips for both the music and the dancing. Have fun, I think you all will. If you need any further assistance please feel free to contact me, I have 22 years of experience in lecturing, PowerPoint and all the other bells and whistles associated.
  14. Black Gold This is Simon's mother, I have sent him to bed! Black Gold do not be offended at my naughty boy please he just gets upset when he thinks some one is being a ball sack, are you allowed to say that on here? I don't go on the internet very often, too much to do and when I finish I just watch a little telly the I am off to bed. Once again Black Gold please do not take any offence, I think Touch of velvet Sting of brass is a typical example of the dilution of rare soul music fed to an eager mass, rather like Dostoevsky the idiot, we see a classic struggle of paradoxical characters yet we are reminded of our fragile being yet we feel unsympathetic to neither. Oh simon called you a knobber as well, I will speak to him about this in the morning mark my words. Yours Betty Cuerden (Imberboys mum)
  15. Tenuous? Ridiculous? Are you honestly telling us that you have never owned, danced to, clapped to, taped your foot to' Hummed, bummed thumbed or strummed to any thing other than what you call "Real soul"? Me thinks some one is telling porky fookin pies? I mean I can't think of many "Soulies" who haven't owned a "Divvy" record or three in their time? Are you the of purest pure things? Kinell I knew I'd meet one eventually, never thought it would be on the tinternet. Lets have a look at what you may have missed out on, now this list won't be to your taste nor will it be extensive but I believe here are some of the offending "none soul" records that have blighted our scene........ Would you be so kind as to shed some light on the list below? I cant see many real soul records there, most are sugary sweet pop songs adopted by casino fans whilst others are RnB or evan Rock n Roll? I got bored looking for NONE SOUL records, these are Kev Roberts top 500, there aren't that many soul records on the list to be honest with you? Fook knows how this has happened but I think you have turned the northernsoul Scene up side down! Gray, Dobie - Out on the Floor Clarke, Tony - Landslide Wood, Chuck - Seven Days Too Long Williams, Larry & Johnny Watson - Too Late Barnes, Dena - If You Ever Walk Out of My Life (Inferno) Taylor, R. Dean - There's a Ghost in My House Britt, Mel - She'll Come Running Back Checkerboard Squares - Double Cookin Barnes, JJ - Our Love is in the Pocket Casualeers - Dance, Dance, Dance Paris, Bobby - Night Owl Drifters - You Got to Pay Your Dues Turner, Ike & Tina - Dust My Broom Ann, Beverly - You've Got Your Mind On Other Things Mistura, featuring Lloyd Michels - The Flasher Apollas - Mr Creator David & the Giants - Superlove Troy, Doris - I'll Do Anything Soul Twins - Quick Change Artist Valli, Frankie & the Four Seasons - The Night Elbert, Donnie - A Little Piece of Leather Manifesto - A Case of Tyme Scott-Heron, Gil - The Bottle Derek & Ray - Interplay Shaw, Marlena - Let's Wade in the Water Moore, Melba - Magic Touch
  16. Dave my like is Trippin' On Your Love - Staple Singers, I have heard A Way Of Life Trippin On Your Love but not Kenny Thomas? I take it he did a version?? Top track..... the intro is a bit long windid , reminds me of I don't want to see my self by Terry Callier?
  17. THE CROW YOUR ATUMN OF TOMORROW Never understood how a record like that could capture people's imagination so much, possibly the least "Northernsoul" sounding wax ever? I don't agree with garethx that "They have the feel of classic Northern records: the intangible something which simply proclaims "Northern". I think some records are "proclaimed" as "Northern" when they don't have the intangible something, not all of em, but certainly the "odd ball" ones? It is a weird but it is a truth that if a track is played on the scene then it becomes part of the scene? "Curtis" How Can I tell her, definitely not a "Northern" sound but....... It is a "Northern"? Dave's original observation in the form of the question "Where did all the pop come from?" is still to be answered because it is a paradox to the very corps values (if such a thing exists?) to what the rare soul scene is about. Love the scene!! Mrs. Gilly get your house work done and stop reading this thread!!! Gilly wants his tea, oh by the way not letting Gilly come to Middleton the other week coz he had to look after your firkin dog is a poor excuse!!!! Enjoy your trip tp The Wheel on friday. Today I will mostly be listening to "Trippin on your love" ..... Higher than the stars above.... This Saturday we are off to the Ritz Reunion.........
  18. Wombat? Isn't that weapon of battalion anti tank?
  19. "It used to be about dancing to things that divs didn't know about" Mr freemantle.................... you have summed up the northernsoul scene in 13 words. Gotta be the quote of the year, wish I'd said that.
  20. Yup your right!
  21. Lynne Randell - Stranger in My Arms Fascinations - Girls are Out to Get You Nolan Porter - If I Could Only Be Sure Mickie Champion - What Good Am I? James Bounty - Prove Yourself a Lady (I think this is about mail order brides?)
  22. Standing In The Shadows of Love by The Four Tops

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