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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. This is very interesting, I wish that I had been to all of the venues to give a real "I was there opinion" but I was not. I went to Blackpool Mecca as a "tourist" I would never claim to have been a regular, scared the crap out of me to be honest! The same with Wigan Casino, I went at such a young age and only three times not ever being fully aware of what was being played and certainly not being part of the inner circle in fact I think I may have been quite "Square". Historically, if that's the right word it has to be The Torch - The Casino - The Mecca, but that will be argued by those who where realy there? Stafford gets the lions share of the credit but wasn't it Richard Serling who was playing "That Sound" during the last casino days?? After the demise of the Northernsoul Scene the second wave took over, Bradford was for me where I became aware of the complexities and the beauty of our music. The 100 Club was a long way off both geographically and quality but as we all know that changed. Yate was spoken about as a "Big Boy" venue and again I wished I gone. I have just had a another look at the list and I am quite surprised that "Wallies" in Hull doesn't feature? I was a regular there, well known in fact! The dancing was ace and the birds were not too fussy, Wallies gets my vote.
  2. Rachel yes lets, the Sheffield to Pennistone service has little to nothing to do with Northernsoul but it does get later and later.
  3. Chiffons Nobody knows whats going on in my mind , Steve what a crackin sound!!!! brilliant.
  4. My gripe is the bus service between Sheffield and Penistone; I mean for fooks sake why they are constantly late? And whilst we are on the subject of complaining I think there is a growing increase in bus shelter graffiti makes my blood boil!!
  5. I keep holding on to these memories and hoping you will hear my plea! Ever been at a Nighter and realy and truly been lost in the music but praying they would play that one track you have been dying to dance to but only ever hear it played at home or in the car on the way there? My hope is to dance once more to "A touch of velvet a sting of brass" or "Heart ache souvenirs" , I think I'd just burst into tears if I ever heard it at a Nighter. Is there a track you don't hear played but hope for?
  6. anyone at winsford tonight fancy a crack about scooters give me a shout lol.
  7. Hi Munchkin, I have done the odd bit for scootering magazine and Jetset over the last few years. My Lambretta won best of show at the Hamburg custom show in 2001. I'm the No1 of the Armed Forces Scooter Club and we organised and ran Holiday in Holland during the last three years along with The Speed Demons SC. But you may have just seen my name pop up on crime watch. JOE of course the term "Scooter Boy" had been used before but there was a definite and forceful distancing from those who sought credibility in 1980/81, the machine was all important and the association between "Jam shoes" "Tonic suits" and the fading fashion that became very embarrassing very fast after the dust settled was real. "I'm not a fookin Mod, I'm a Scooter boy" was the mantra for those who stayed the distance. Like the northernsoul scene in the eighties there was a desperate need to disassociate our selves from the "Baggy trouser brigade". I was part of the "Second wave" and I hated the associated smirks from mates when they found our I was going to nighters, "where's your Polyveldts? Shouldn't you have casino Bags on?" The music had changed and so had the dress, most on this forum will be born again Soulies, when I go to Middleton it seams to be the only place where I see the old guard and the second wave boys n girls all in a oner. It's the same for me seeing the faces on the Nationals, I have been living in Germany and on their scooter scene for the last 12 years but I'd regularly return and do as many Nighters and Nationals as I could, this I suspect was more than most who live here? But I digress. For those on the scooter scene and who cross over from one to another, here is my take on what has just happened with events clashing. We have just had a Soul source thread on Soul Nights clashing and the scooter scene mirrors this... have a read and tell us what you think? This was from me as The AFSC president to our AFSC Membership; it caused quite a good debate..... Nationals Runs v Alliance Runs Gonna dip my toe into a little bit of controversy now and before you continue to read my ramblings I want to make it quite clear that this is just aimed at a discussion and as soon as it gets hot and bothered I'll delete the topic as I believe it could get personal. Ok here goes......Bit of history first, not just to bore you but there are some facts that may or may not be relevant. In the beginning there was Mod, we all know this, and we all know that in 1979 there was a mod revival and lets face it this is why most of us are here reading this? We also know that the numbers dwindled as people entered into crucial times where with family, relationships and careers had to take top priority, we also know that the scene carried on smaller than once before and evolving due to various influences. As silly as it sounds, those who stayed on the scene can be or should I say will be, categorised as either hard corps enthusiasts or sad individuals who need to grow up and accept responsibility for family, relationships and careers and the like. But there were also those who sensibly juggled family, relationships and careers yet maintained their scootering life style. Life style is a very strong and potent phrase that will mean great pride to some and scoffs of amusement to others but the key factor is responsibility. I don't think it is a hard act to do and my family certainly didn't go with out just because I chose a "life style" and I would never judge any one who ditched their scooter due to commitment priorities, but I digress...... (Day off today so the key board takes a bashing) The British Scooter Scene is thriving at the moment and certainly this year we see some absolutely fantastic scooter related events that offer more choice than ever before. But there is a down side, we now see two three and some times even four scooter related events clashing every weekend. How do we chooce? Should we make any decisions based on loyalty to event organisers? To our club? Or are the choices made based solely on geography and finances? We all have a budget and most of us are getting to the age where very long journeys have to be considered wisely due to the ravages of middle and dare I say old age? Loyalty, now this is just my own very personal opinion. Loyalty choices for me are based first and foremost on The Armed Forces Scooter Club, I would never even consider another scooter related event other than our Annual Thrash at Whitby this year and I personally think it would be a very poor show indeed for any AFSC Member to go some where else instead of with us, I think this would be highly unlikely and I have never heard of any one doing this. Staying on the loyalty issue I have great respect for the lads of the VFM who I strongly feel should be supported. Now the cynical amongst us may yap on that they are a commercial venture but I remember the miners strike giving us the "Public Order Act" and I remember how we where harassed with the same aggression and understanding given towards the New Age Travellers, not too much fun being stopped at a police road block for ridding a Lambretta and turned back because a town council had no tolerance I was serving my Queen and country for fooks sake! Thank fook there was a group of dedicated and organised Scooterists who worked hard and long to give us the right to do our thing, The National Runs Committee (NRC) then later the National Scooter Riders Association (NSRA) This collapsed as it ran its course and we now have the British Scooter Rallies Association (BSRA). Now days its very easy to do scootering stuff, we have scooter clubs popping up all over the place and they always seam to follow the same old predictable path as in form a club, usually broken away from an established and well run club due to some clash with new blood, then they make a patch and the next thing we see is their advert in "Clubs do's and events". Makes me chuckle at best and my fookin blood boil at worst but I am an old miserable git who should know better. We also have relatively new phenomena and that is the alliances. The alliances were formed in early 2001 to bring all the local county scooter clubs together. The original concept was to give those people who cannot get along to BRSA/VFM rallies for whatever reason a local alternative. Great sentiment but sadly this has now evolved into its own sub culture and we now see events that actually compete with BRSA/VFM rallies. My own personal opinion again, you'll get a chance for yours in a mo, I thinks its discussing that the YSA have chosen Scarborough to clash with a BRSA run to Great Yarmouth. Great Yarmouth is a cul de sac and not convenient for most but that's the rub; the locations are chosen by the BRSA at the beginning of the year where events are voted for and "National" status is given to events that can cater for our numbers. Scarborough is a very potent location for scooterists and I believe this is going to harm the national at Yarmouth. Many years ago the NSRA nearly went bankrupt due to numbers falling and I am fearful that if we loose the BRSA/VFM rallies it will mark the end of scootering. Choice and loyalty big words that conjure up different things to different people and people must be free to make their own choices...... what's yours and why? I am as hypocritical as the next man and I will enjoy many of the alliances scooter events that are local to me, the ride outs on both sides of the Pennines are absolutely amazing but the choice of Scarborough to clash with the first national of the year is insensitive. When the Rhine Army Summer Show (RASS) was on you wouldn't see many regiments competing with their own fun days? Why? Because it would not be the done thing to do. Would I be going to Scarborough it didn't clash with a national yes I would but I want to support those who supported us during the lean years but would I ride past Scarborough from Newcastle or Scotland on my way to Great Yarmouth..... Would I fook! I'd be at Scarborough in a flash. Did you know that Scarborough and Whitby are to alternate each year now as nationals? Scarborough is on in 2009 as a BRSA/VFM National..... The real boys will be back in town.
  8. Does any one know, and this is not a trick question, how Scootering and Northernsoul became linked?
  9. Sister Dawn if ya like Lammy boys this is my pride and joy.
  10. Lorraine Silver - lost summer love love that tune, one I cut my teath on , brilliant
  11. Cheers mate
  12. Pete Smith, Robbo, Bob, Dave Rimmer are my first ports of call when I wrie an article.
  13. https://www.ratbike.org/tspotsim/ Check this out
  14. https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Ty_Karim_-_..._Don't_Know.ram https://www.soulclub.org/stream/Ty_Karim_-_...Good_Enough.ram
  15. F.B I see you have a Gordon's Fly Screen, I need a set of brackets for mine. If you have a spare set can I buy then off you or could you fabricate me some please? I always get the angle wrong and the screen fouls on the head set.
  16. How many Soul Sourcers still have scooters? this is one of mine, https://www.tafsc.com/Simon_Cuerden_profile.htm you can see my others here
  17. Love slipped through my fingers!!!
  18. I can explain that! I was walking through the shower, it was re hot so I took all my clothes off I then lost my footing on the slippery floor and fell. I then decided to bum my mate. Soul content...... Carstairs - It Really Hurts Me Girl
  19. Mossy I found a picture of you saving the Northernsoul Scene
  20. Remember when Berry Gordy was in full tilt the musicians artists composers and performers where getting paid next to fook all. If first rate talented sessions musicians where readily available now the music industry would sound less contrived as it does now but the fact remain that computerised compositions are done for a number of reasons, some do it coz they want that sound others because they have to. To the less travelled soul fan, most Motown sounds the same, because most Motown does sound the same. I'm sure berry Gordy would have used the new technology if it was available as a cheaper viable option?
  21. Just woke up this morning and I have Gee Morris - My Head's In The Stars playing in a loop!! I love it!!! Not too keen on the video but it's a lot better than the one I did last time me n Missus Imber were in Majorca. This is a good record and I want to dance to it. Listen to it again, you may get yer toes tapping. I think it ace!!
  22. Nobody But Me - Human Bienz
  23. On a cold dark night some years ago in a swanky flat in North London we see our hero Ian talking to Fingers the Scroat; Fingers - Honest Ian, it's the dog bollox! With this new cam corder thing ya can do absolutely every thing! Ian- Every thing? Fingers - Honest guv, any thing! Ian- Wott ya mean you can add the swirly stuff behind the singer? Fingers - It's only got a fookin button on the side called swirly stuff adder!! Ian- wott about spirally shiny effects, it won't have them will it? Fingers - spirally shiny effects, spirally shiny effects it's got a special focus lens especially for spirally shiny effects. Ian- Well wott if I want to say do a recording of a singer with loads of different swirls, sparkles, stars, water drips, mirrors, spirals, rainbows and zooming in and out stuff/ Fingers - easy peasy Japanesey Mr Ian, just turn the dial named tacky, the more ya turn the tackier it gets. Ian- Brilliant Fingers, just what I wanted, now were did I put that drum machine? Judy da ya remember the words to Weekspot?
  24. please send it to afsc50@hotmail.com one of my mates in Afganistan wants it
  25. The Dark Side Of The Moon Pink Floyd Rumours Fleetwood Mac Definitely Maybe Oasis

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