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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. Wadda ya think ta this? I'd luuuurrrrrrrv ta dance to it!!!!
  2. There is nothing I like more than watching a lady stomping her heart out to a great tune especially if they have big knockers.
  3. I used to regularly "dust" my feet when I was in the Army. Next time you go to a nighter don't just worry about cleaning your weapon, pay particular attention to your feet. Take dry socks and change them frequently between stops and if you ever do an extended patrol where contact makes the mission creep from recce to a fighting or even an ambush, change your socks. Don't worry if you haven't got clean ones, liberally dust your dirty socks, ensuring the trace can not be detected by the enemy either visibly or by smell, turn your socks inside out then swap left to right. This will rotate any flat spots on the sock to your feet cushioning as best you can. As soon as you are back in your patrol base or harbour wash your feet then dust again before putting clean socks on. I once took army foot powder to a nighter and whacked it onto the floor, nearly passed out me sen at the chemical stench! Throat ripping bad, use Johnson's BP every time now.
  4. kin lovs it!
  5. Wadda ya think ta this? It changes direction half way in but I love the whole thang..... in a funky munky way
  6. My youngest son, 14, listens to any thing and every thing. He YouTube's regularly and has an insane amount of music on his Ipod and PC. I try to feed him stuff from time to time like The Who, Punk, and of course Northern Soul. He doesn't ever make the same connection to any of the music like I did, I, like most on here gave heart and soul to this music. There is a reason and a mega difference in today's kids and "us" and this is easy to explain in a time line and follows the change in technology and how we and them stored and listened to our music. This altered our fashion as well and as the technology improved the music and fashion became less ingrained. British youth culture like punks, mods and Soulies basically died when sports casuals came into the fashion mid eighties. This saw the last of the uniformed youth culture, I think the last where the trench coat wearing Joy Division types? When the Sony walkman came out and then the CD the change from "us" clutching our black plastic single or walking around town with the Album that we thought defined who we where stopped. You would not be seen dead with a Kate Bush album or a Black Sabbath album if you where a "Mod" and you where doomed if you where a greaser walking around with a Bee Gee's LP. But now day's music doesn't define the kids, they have no problem listening and talking about every thing from Slipknot to Kylie. So are we going to get an influx of young Soulies? No I think not, we will have a splurge if nothing more that will die as soon as the next disposable yo yo comes along. Soul will always be there but we love the music because it once did and still does..... define who we are. This is Imberboy talking bollox as per normal xxx
  7. Thin ice and Soul Police. Blimey big calls for any one to say what is soul and what isn't? Apart from that when has a record ever needed to be "Soul" to be played on our "Northernsoul" scene? I'm sure this subject has gone around and round like a going round thing, how many tracks that are "Dodgy Soul" are embedded in the genre we call Northern? "The crow" you're autumn of tomorrow Johnny Jones & the King Casuals - Purple Haze Hawaii 5-0 theme Footsee-wigans chosen few There is a fookin shed full of weird and wonderful tunes but I do not think for one second that this Bowie track would sound weird on the scene? Break out - Mitch Ryder You're Ready Now - Frankie Valli You Get Your Kicks - Mitch ryder All soil full The biggest howler I have ever heard of is the fookin Rupert the bear song being played! I'm not suggesting that at the next nighter that the Diamond Dogs album should be played, I am suggesting that this David Bowie track sounds as good as most of the "Blue Eyed" soul tracks we have!!
  8. DAVID BOWIE Do Anything You Say Just stumbled over "DAVID BOWIE" Do Anything You Say and I am rocked to my very foundations! I love it and it would fit well into the play list on any nighter? Yes its Mod as fook, but I'm only a Mod aint I! Would ya dance to it? Has it ever had plays? YOUTUBE it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK0Lw1DoTQ8
  9. Just updated the Middleton Allnighter with a few more pictures of "The scary starey people" plus the first of our disc jockey interviews, have a look and if you get the chance sign the guestbook, your comments are very much welcomed. "Flanny" gets a grilling!!!!
  10. Middleton scary starey people Just added a few photographs of the Middleton crew, as the web site grows it is our intention to try to capture the experience of Middleton in a unique way by attempting to make the web site as interactive and connected to the "people" as possible. If you have any comments to make, good or bad, we now have a guestbook up and running, can you tell me the track being played in the guestbook? You need realplayer to hear it but that's easy and free to download. Have a look and let us know what you think, also if you have any Middleton photographs please e-mail them to afsc50@hotmail.com or tell me where they are (Photobucket or face book ect) https://www.tafsc.com/Soul.htm
  11. We are proud to announce the launch of The Middleton Allnighter Website. The address is https://www.tafsc.com/Soul.htm bit of a mouth full but aren't the best things in life? "Ooh er missus" As with most web sites this will grow and you can look forward to a few surprises and a top site for you the dancer and you the soul lover.
  12. Three lonely guys trying to hitch a ride https://www.soul-source.co.uk/rare-northern...ree-lonely-guys Soul in the sand I have three friends over in Afghanistan who would love to have a letter from any one about any thing. The life of a soldier in a war zone can be scary, boring, and lonely. When mail comes, letters are treasured. However, some soldiers receive nothing in the mail, month after month. Some of these soldiers don't have much family back home, or their families are busy, or just not the letter-writing type. So if you fancy cracking one out and sending it to a British soldier, here is how. Don't worry that the soldier won't find what you write about interesting, your letter will be appreciated. 24818546 W02 Caleb Smith 1 Royal Irish OMLT 4 Op Herrick 8 BFPO 792 25068341 Sgt Chris D Brown G Bty / I Troop 7 Para RHA Op Herrick 8 BFPO 792 24802727 WO2 REX SHAFEE 3 AAC SUPER KITCHEN CAMP BASTION OP HERRICK 8 BFPO 792 Oh and I suppose I better add some soul content..... Tracks with a war or military theme.... War - Edwin Starr (easy one first) Shotgun & the duck Junior and the All Stars - Shotgun
  13. PEABO BRYSON - WHY DON'T YOU MAKE UP YOUR MIND L J REYNOLDS - KEY TO THE WORLD Just wondering if there are many "Oldies" type artists who have got one foot in the oldies camp and one in Modern? Archie Bell and The Dells Where do you go when the party's over, great sound and a brilliant example of a band moving on and altering their musical stylee. The Dells are another? Oh and I threw Peabo Bryson in coz its ace! Can some one please start playing it again.
  14. Can any one help me with identifying this track? It's a cover version of Luther Vandross-Never Too Much; Bob played it at Stoke last week in the Modern room. It is by a female artist and from an LP, it could be Loretta Holloway? Has any one got a file please xxx
  15. What's the best Allnighter NOW? How do you decide what's the best? Is it the venue, the DJ line up, what they play, the dance floor, the Boggs, the geographical location, the atmosphere, the people, the dancing, the music system, the hype, the exclusiveness, the facilities..... what? I'm not talking about yesteryear, I'm talking about right now. I did Stoke on Saturday night and spent the whole evening upstairs in the Modern room, why? Not too sure, I do love Modern but I walked out onto the balcony and it was like Wigan Casino, can you top that? I was bored. The atmosphere was super and the sound system first class, the punters where all up for it and the DJ line up was top draw but for me it's just a warm up for Middletown this Saturday. What's the difference? The punters are different? The music excites me and if I was to be honest with myself Middletown reminds me of Wigan Casino, I don't think I heard more than two or three records I knew when I visited the hallowed ground of the Casino, (only three visits) of course I know the sounds now, don't we all? But I remember the days when they where all new to me and exciting to me. Middleton is now my Wigan Casino, probably a very strange comparison but I walk in there and love every second of the evening and although the music is now getting more familiar it still blows my socks off at the quality and depth of the music I haven't heard before. But what makes an Allnighter for you? What are the must have ingredients? What needs to be there for you to go back and what need to be missing for you to avoid it? I do Stoke and the Blackpool Weekender, I suppose because my friends are there and I enjoy the "Northernsoul Carnival", not sure if I'm becoming a snob or if I have been a snob for some time? Maybe I'm just a knob?
  16. This week I have mainly been listening to "Your Song" By the Dells! Northernsoul Anthems can get a little tiresome some times, "Your Song" is one of those geniuses tracks that just makes me feel happy and dance like a nutter!!!
  17. Just wanted to know what your feelings are on this track? I personally love it but I'm as mad as a box of frogs! What makes ya ears cringe and gets yer scuttling from room to room at a Nighter? Listen to this track all the way through, don't think its ever been played on the scene? I'd dance to it!!! Would you?
  18. Soulsmith, you can come to Imber with me
  19. Chris Burton, Ian Levine, Richard Serling, Russ Winstanley, Kev Roberts..... Not too sure if these guys would be happy to make a loss for the sake of "underground". Watched Little Britain last night, well a documentary on them, the press was slating them because of merchandising, weren't "Soul Patches" merchandising? No one (I think?) sets out to make a loss, commercial, is there a point when this becomes unacceptable? I have a large collection of Dave Rimmer dolls and posters.
  20. Gonna have to play the agent provocateur here.... Surely all venue promoters want "bums on seats"? Ergo all venues are commercial?
  21. Lifeline soul club Brilliant!! Just added that to my favourites, the site looks excellent.
  22. Can't see The Imber Village Soul Club? Why????????????
  23. Oh , almost forgot, I run https://www.tafsc.com/Imbersoul.htm The Imber Village Soul Club
  24. I think Dave Rimmer put on a thread asking what DJ's had web sites? Well I aint a DJ, I do have a web site that I am very proud of. I run the Armed Forces Scooter Club www.tafsc.com it does have quite a few things that will make you smile and it will also give you an insight into what a lot of servicemen and women get up to in their down time. Have a look and it will mean a great deal to those serving over seas to read your comments. There is also a Northernsoul track on loop that gets changed daily, can you guess it? What websites do you have?

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