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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. One of my faves...... Terri Wells - I'll Be Around
  2. Do you think its better than other covers we have had in the past?
  3. Mega!!!!! LOL LOL
  4. Northernsoul dancing solo Never ask a bird to dance!!! Ever!! Ever done this, maybe not recently but I bet ya have a few years ago?? You're in a night club, bored with the music but ya wanna pull, I did say a few years ago remember! You spot a foxy chick, boy is this a few years ago.... Then ask her to dance... whoops!!! I used to be an OK dancer back in the day but hated throwing my funky shapes in a disco but this was the only place where the cattle market played out, maybe it was me being naive but did we ever pull at nighters? I don't think I ever engaged a girl in conversation for any other reason but to say a genuine hello or talk about her dancing? Was this just me? I may have been missing out, come to think of it, circle skirts where tops! I loved wearing mine.
  5. Toad, ya just made my day!!! Brilliant, instant time machine for me, wow! You can take a large slice of cake today for making one of your fellow human beings happy. Three thumbs.
  6. I'll try this then.............. magic not Northern but in my DNA
  7. Invalid Video Link Gone a little off topic but this is one of me faves!!! Getting back to the subject......................Lady In Red Ronny Dyson, before he got all "lardy darrr" and before he invented the Vax.
  8. Murderbeat 100% agree with you on I'm Gonna Change - The Four Seasons!! Another for me is "Move on up" Curtis Mayfield, as soon as I hear it I'm reminded that the world isn't all shat and that there are some special things that make ya smile and feel good. Never tired of the tune and heard it a zillion times.
  9. Otis Clay and his (original) version of "The Only Way is Up
  10. Not heard this played since Bensons in Bradford during the earlie eighties, any one got a file of it? I think it may have been the flip side to Taxi????
  11. Tracks ya should hate but don't ever get sick of...... FUTURES - PARTY TIME MAN, I could have this on loop I love it and first heard it hammered to near death many years ago and championed by my mate Eddy, I have this on at the moment and just adore the ending, the dance floor just oozes happiness when this is on. Middelton is just around the corner and I have itchy feet, mind you I have Athlete's foot from borrowing my friend's sand shoes once, he was a right clatty twatt and me mum warned me about borrowing stuff from him..... you do not want to hear about when I borrowed a pair of his skiddies! so whats your tracks???
  12. I'm not too sure who the artist is but the cat sat on his head is called Truffle
  13. I just think that it's a fookin crying shame that those imminent dignitaries of Northernsoul couldn't fook these two pair of knobbers off who where obviously pro/am dancers who mimicked northernsoul dancing and made it look like a West End interpretation of Northernsoul meets the Ministry of Funny fookin Walks! I say shame on you, you made us all look a little silly and to the many thousands of Youtubers out there who don't go to all-nighters and see what is being served up I hope you can see past this pantomime.
  14. I just googled soultrain and found this https://www.soultrain.co.uk/ IMPORTANT: Soultrain name is copyrighted ©, when used without our permision i.e. unauthorised on advertising, we consider this a serious infringement of copyright. Soultrain is protected under law and unauthorised use constitutes a breach. Soultrain will seek legal recourse and will pursue breach of copyright through the courts of law. Soultrain is copyright/registered with the uk copyrightservice. Soultrain Ltd company registration number is 5901623.
  15. Fingered Accused....... What???????
  16. Ahhh labels .......... We must insist on having them, not sure why? Maybe it's easy for us to catalogue in our minds but we all kinda know that as soon as a musical genre gets a title label then the confusion starts. I am moved by soul music and some times to tears but I am also moved by loads of other stuff, maybe I'm just an old softie? Am I a "Die Hard Soulie"? Yup, I am. I still go to all-nighters and my main focus has and always has been Northernsoul, I hasten to add that I am not a "Born again" either. I do listen to other music but I do tend to find most commercial music..... Soulless. Opening up in front of peers, not too sure if a flat medium like a internet forum either precludes me from doing that nor does it encourage me to "open up"? Also I'm not too sure that telling some one that you like another type of music is actually "opening up"? Does soul music have to be put forward as a form of expression; I hope all music is a form of expression? Well apart from those who deliberately mimic or produce just to make a buck? As far as having black artists only able to deliver, well what about Dust Springfield and Shaken Stevens!!!! Took some flowers in the spring made a sweet clover ring And sent it off in a letter to you. Took a song from the lark - the moon from the dark A spark with the sparkling dew. with a kiss and a hug and a whole lot of love
  17. When I go to a nighter I get on the floor and do my own thing all night, I don't look at any one else and I don't give a flying fook if any one is looking at me, the sweet soul music is what I'm there for full stop. I have always hated knobbers who have no rhythm but can do acrobatics and I despise those posers who wait until the last hour to stomp while the rest of us are dying on our feet! The dancing that some refer to on here was strictly Wigan Casino and became very embarrassing after the Casino closed and the second wave got busy getting real and hard corps! Chucking yer sen around the room like a fookin lunatic was not very cool and a more reserved but still technically skilled dance took shape on the dance floors of all-nighters. For some time mega fast stompers lost their appeal and a more discerning soul fan dances and evolved as did the fashion and punter. Dance, well music and dancing for me is what it's all about but to dance to show off or to dance to compete kinda misses the point. Have a look at last years Blackpool dancing competition, its on youtube, cringingly embarrassing me thinks..... ">
  18. I totally go by word of mouth, for instance I know rugbysoulgirl goes to the venue I love the most so I value her opinion and I'd probably go to a venue she says is good. I'd never be swayed by a flyer no matter how glossy or clever, cant see many nighter goers caring a fig about the appearance of a flyer as long as it has the relevant times, dates, locations and who's spinning. There is soooooooooooooooooo much naff stuff out there so you gotta go by word of mouth unless you have too much time and money to waste.
  19. Barry, not sure if the unit measurement of "5mm" was invented at the time
  20. Oooh, I used to do Drummonds just before the 100 Club and just before them lot got all Ministry Of Sound and lost the fookin plot. Changing tac some what, there was a Modern track being bashed at the time called "Touch me Touch me" it was by a male artist and may have been Italian House or on the Black Moon label, lord knows if that's right but that what I seam to remember? "A Way Of Life Trippin On Your Love" can any one sling a file of that up please? I tried to Youtube it but got some scary Banana fookin Rama track!
  21. Not too sure if this is in the right section or not? I just wanted to give hugs n stuff to both of you. You are a great pair and I see you at every Allnighter I go to, you always take time out to say hello and you're both genuine stars who love the scene and I look forward to seeing you very soon.
  22. Thanks for those words Murderbeat but I aint got psychological dramas, I'm as stable as a hat stand.

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