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Everything posted by ImberBoy

  1. Over the crimbo period I was out with the chap who has just bailed The 100 Club out, he doesn't want to be identified but there are a few on here who know him.
  2. Frankie Gee's version is a new one on me and deffo the better version! Excellent call there Mike!
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaWa-I3hm-s&feature=related Gotta thank Derek for putting me onto this mega track by Jamie Principle, for a while now we have had our socks blown off by Eddie Kendricks played in the Modern Room at Radcliffe. Mega track!
  4. I think it's the alternative theme tune to TV show Rawhide and if memory serves it was used on the pilot before Clint Eastwood was signed up. The "B" Side is a half decent version of "Do I love you, indeed I do" sang by a Duffy tribute band.
  5. Is this affiliated to Soul Source? I bet Mike is well happy at this spam considering the amount of work Soul Source is? I don't think it appropriate advertising another forum site on a well-established forum site like this, if its kosher and soul source connected then I'll have a look.
  6. you said Willie
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLx-mdBett4&feature=related The path way towards Northernsoul is often trodden by the same sort of footsteps but often there are different start points and unusual origins and I can remember as a young teen watching TV and being totally blown away every time a rare glimpse of Northernsoul dancing showed its fleeting self. The first image that conjures up for me is watching Steve Strange on TOTPS stomping to his first release "Night Train" I also remember catching Blue Rondo A'La Turk stomping live on "Swap Shop"? The track they had out was the amazingly brilliant Klacto Vee Sedstein that was way too ahead of its time and destined to become one of those forgotten tracks that leaves you thinking that you may have imagined it especially when no one else ever seamed to remember it? The majesty that is Youtube now gives us such a portal of time travel and we often get lucky enough to find the hidden switch that lights up those dormant brain cells and catapults us back to a forgotten and cloudy memory, here is the Blue Rondo A'La Turk - Klacto Vee Sedstein promo video and you can see the superb stomping quite some way into the vid, I love the track and I know I have added this before and I can remember some people on here knowing the dancers?
  8. Are Duffy Tampons still available?
  9. https://news.bbc.co.uk/local/london/hi/people_and_places/arts_and_culture/newsid_9173000/9173073.stm
  10. For those who have a "Love Starved Heart" I think it's a great idea to eat some of our food off this crockery set, you could have a tasty Memphis Soul Stew followed by Maxine Brown's "Baby Cakes". If you enjoy that "Double Cooking" and "you went and ate the whole thing", then try some" Apples Peaches Pumpkin Pie" and for those on a diet there is always "Burnt Toast And Black Coffee". A pinch of spice can always improve a meal and "A Case of Tyme" can come in handy.
  11. I think this is as good as Duffy and it's well nice to see that the divvy genre is alive and kicking, this would fit well into any soul night, have you heard Gotta Pull Myself Together by The Nolans? That's quite Northernsouesque as well. lets rock!
  12. I know this has no doubt been done to death but what where the tracks that broke the mould? Where these accepted immediately or was there resistance on the dance floor? I am interested in this because there are a lot of people going to soul nights and nighters who cannot stand anything other than the meat and potatoes so where did this acceptance come from? Did the crowd change at The Casino?
  13. I find peoples taste fascinating! One of my favorite venues is Radcliff with its three rooms of diversity including a brilliant modern room that makes me return there time and time again but who makes up the Modern crowd? Is the Modern crowd made up of ex oldies fans from the Casino?
  14. Wigan Casino Where the last days the most important? I did two trips to Wigan Casino so I have zero experience or knowledge of the place that defined the music I love apart from pilfered memories and stolen experiences I have heard or read on the back of a CD cover. I wanted to state this as a fact first before I ask my questions so please forgive any ignorance I may show. It is well known and well documented that The Stafford sound changed the direction of Northernsoul to allow a more down tempo dancer and the thumpers and stompers of the Casino days where moved respectfully to a side, not forgotten but held in reserve as the music evolved? I think that is a generalization but it is only half of the story, Richard Searling was playing loads of new fresh records at the dying ember days of the Casino and that is a fact, my question is to those who were there: Was there an unhealthy mix of genres uneasily rubbing shoulders with each other such as the Newies boys and the oldies crowd or was it a general celebration of soul music? Was the music Sam and Richard played totally alien to The Casino? For example, I believe that a track like DAYBREAK - I NEED LOVE was played at The Casino? This must have sounded sooooooooo strange and different to the main stay sounds of the venue? I wish I could find a bloody time machine to go back and see all of these things first hand!
  15. Just reading some comments about this wonderful track, is it true Richard Searling covered it up as Tyrone Edwards - Search This World? Is it going for £1000?
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4GmR31Vg_Q Toad you are the man!!!!!!!!!! Thanks mate, found it now on youtube!! I love it and it has made my day!!!!!!
  17. Track ID Modern Play This has been driving me bonkers! I first hear Soul Sam play it but I am sure it's getting some plays elsewhere, it's a fantastic up tempo dancer with a brilliant production and here are the lyrics to the best of my recollection................ I need love someone to show me how I need someone....... I want a trip to heaven.................. That feeling known as love ................... Say yeah yeah yeah I need your love so dog gone bad
  18. Any one got a file?
  19. Track ID Rob Smith played a version of "you get your kicks", I only know the Mitch Ryder version, does anyone know the artist please?
  20. Piracy is not just a crime it can be embarrassing especially when a family member gets involved. My uncle Jack, his real name is Brian, took Piracy to another level claiming to have served in the Royal Navy losing his leg whilst fighting buccaneers in the Caribbean, none of this is true and he has to my knowledge never set foot aboard a ship less the Wight Link Ferry counts? He would often disappear for days returning with those chocolate coins and tall tales of buried treasure. He also told me that he was getting his foreskin re- attached but that was another story.
  21. I have not posted for a few months here on Soul Source and I have been following this case with great interest and like many things in life there are complexities and mitigation that do not transfer to a forum such as this. I know that both Kev and Sam have been under immense pressure over the last year and I know that Kev has definitely not been "found guilty in a court of law by a jury of 12 good men", contrary to what ever snipe aimed at him. I am a Northernsoul fan and I am honored to call Kev a friend. My friendship is not given because of any sycophantic reasons not is it given based on the fact that Kev Roberts had a hand in shaping the music that we all love, I call him a friend because he is a man I respect and a man I trust. To those who bait and howl waiting for the blood of the wounded I say shame on you. And for those who wish to attempt leverage in promoting venues I would remember that people will choose. I for one am off to Stoke tonight, I may buy one or two ash trays whilst there but at the end of the day I don't give a fig about who says this and who says that, I'm there for a giggle and if I can support someone who has supported Northernsoul longer than I can remember then even better. Yours Simon Cuerden
  22. Chalky what you get for your money is without doubt excellent value. I know that we car share more often than not to keep fuel costs within reach, I hope that the nighters aren't affected with the cost that are promised to climb?

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