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Everything posted by ImberBoy
Sad news indeed, he made me dance, he made my toe tap and he made me listen.
Bobby Womack and his full American entourage at Blackburn June 25th 2011
ImberBoy commented on Goldsoul's article in Event News
Wow!!! Mega news indeed, Bobby has managed to stay relevant musically and as far as the Northernsoul Scene is concerned he is one of the few artists who seem to appeal to all of the genres including oldies and modern! I can't wait!!! Bobby will always be part of my Northernsoul journey for me with "So many sides of you" and that superb album from "So Many Rivers"! -
Kinell! Dekka!!! I told you them mushrooms where off Derek! Just before we got t undred club some bloke offered Derek some mushrooms, I thought they were overpriced but our Derek was starving and scoffed the bag!
The 100 Club is back! I hope I am putting this into the right place, my first thoughts where to add to the look backs section but in the light of the 100 Club thread some time ago with Ady having concerns at numbers dropping and the real fear of the club closing down, I thought it appropriate to let people know what it's the real state of play as far as this wonderful and very important club. We got a car full from the South Yorkshire Soul Searchers, great way to split the fuel costs and company is always good on a long journey from Sheffield to the Smoke. We arrived, found free and easy parking and strolled around the corner to Oxford Street and The 100 Club. There was a crowd outside, great sight and one of the taken for granted sights of yester year! The mood was infectious with smiles and warm handshakes and none of the perceived London standoffishness, a real Allnighter with the real deal in the house! Clambering down those famous stairs and bang! The place is rammed and quite simply vibrant!! Is this really The 100 Club that was struggling last summer?? I promise you al faithfully that I am neither exaggerating nor am I on any agenda, The 100 Club is back! The healthy mix of young and old and the complete crossing over from genre to genre that represents the best of what was and is British youth culture is finely represented and celebrated by The 100 Club but that is just the backdrop, the real fabric that holds all this together like some kind of funky glue is the music and it is here that the magic happens! I am a regular Allnighter goer and most Allnightrers have their own flavour, The 100 Club if I am to be honest with myself, lost a bit of "Shine" for a while, or was it that the competition woke up? I am not sure but I am sure as eggs are eggs, The 100 Club is back with a beautiful vengeance! My tip for this year is, get off yer bottoms and get to the oldest running Allnighter in the world, go to The 100 Club, you will not be disappointed I promise.
The 100 Club is back! I hope I am putting this into the right place, my first thoughts where to add to the look backs section but in the light of the 100 Club thread some time ago with Ady having concerns at numbers dropping and the real fear... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
I think it's fascinating that most researchers seem to be either way too lazy or just totally incompetent when it comes down to Northernsoul, I bet its bigger today than it ever was yet the media can't get past Wigan Casino?
Not too sure about the States but this is bang on and encapsulates the modern Barnsley Mod scene.
Magic!!!!!!! Spot on , many thanks
i'm gonna make amove that you've never seen befofore then i'm gonna tie up the score your gonna cheer and scream for more now you should be glad cause you aint gona want no one to see what i'm gonna put on you one on one now honey ive got it on my i pod but doesnt say who sings it
wallie hawkins and rose mccoy - switch around - beltone Cheers Bri
Is there a file of it?
Rob Smith played a blinding track at Bidds new years and at Radcliff, it's called "Switch Around", it's by an unknown artist....... I think? And it may be an acetate? The track is haunting me! Has anyone got any info on it please?
Got to say a mega thank you to Joan, Karl and Fred for going that extra mile to get hold of me to answer my questions on what was spun, I was very impressed with the response! Jerry Washington - Don't waste my time Chuck Cissel - Don't Tell Me you're Sorry Super spins Fred! More of the same for next time please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCv_UqzyKc0&feature=player_embedded
Who was the female version of "Right Track" ???
Derek had been going on and on about this for some time but I wasn't convinced, I love "progressive soul music" but I have often been disappointed at various venues who have served up tiered and unimaginative "B" side standard dross straight from the CD Northernsoul Floor Clearer's Volume 16 my other fear was that I was setting out for a wasted Allnighter where yet again the dancers come a poor second to the beard stroking collectors trying to outdo each other and being clever. I had also heard that there where rumour of a female DJ, something that I do not approve of and something that is still illegal in South Yorkshire! We gathered our little band of South Yorkshire Soul Searchers and set out into the night, our destination Burnley. We arrived very soon after the doors had opened and the first thing that was apparent was that the place was full and the dance floor was kicking! I literally looked at my watch to see if we had killed some time and arrived late but no, we were right on the button and the throng of early punters out on the floor was a settling sight indeed. Quick scary around the room to see who was there and I'd guess that there was a healthy mix of "Nighter Faces" and fresh faces, which was great to see and on a purvey note, there was some well smart looking ladies, not that I'm interested in that sort of thing being married and all that. I spoke to Karl and Sean at the beginning of the night and Karl told me that they were going to do their damdest to avoid any "flat spots", concentrating on the quality, tempo, and dancability without playing safe, laudable sentiment but the night was young. I joined our little band of brothers, The Derbyshire Massive, who had got lost, and the usual whoop of dancers who are seen at most Allnightrers and as far as I'm concerned the only litmus test worth a dam. I ventured out onto the dance floor like a young Billy Eliot wearing shorts and trainers and soon I was part of the thrash, the dance floor was chocker blocker and the room was limited to the more expressive dancers, I dance as if I'm mixing a pudding and I look as if I have eaten too many! The dance space was easily adapted to and to be honest the heaving mass was a celebration of Northernsoul that may sound a little over the top but the punters who had ventured out this night where eager and ready to have their boundaries stretched and their ears educated. I have been to many venues and heard new unknown stuff and to be honest I enjoy this immensely but it is not for everyone, I will say this with my hand on my heart and that is that I have never heard so many new sounds that pleased my all in one evening less for when I first started my Northernsoul journey many years ago. The evening was a superb triumph and the clientele who are going to become the regulars of this stunning Allnighter are in for a treat, all I ask is that you don't lower the tempo during the dreaded 4 O'clock hour as many Allnightrers do for some reason killing the ambiance. I was extremely impressed with what I got, outstanding accounts from all DJ's, including the bird who was playing, brilliant night and now firmly penned into my social calendar, well done to all involved. P.S. There were some subtle yet nice additions to the evening, no stupid over the top bag searches that can often be embarrassing, Derek was found in the position of an anal intruder at Bidds that he said he used for his sore neck, Mace confiscated this a few months back and Derek is still waiting for its return. Mega, and I mean MEGA to see a sensible "talc" policy, not Mrs Mop running up behind you tutting and finger wagging! Great Job, Great Night. Fred Kroll can you please tell me what the first three records where that you played, loved them and you should have played a few more seventies disks, there are far too few venues nodding towards the seventies and I think more would have fitted I, Oldies some times make me kill prostitutes after a while so well done for those three track and can we have more!! Joan xx
Spectacular sound! It made me cry!!!!!!! Mega mega mega!!!
100 Club tips: I'm sure Ady and the regulars can confirm and add to this but here are my tips, Tottenham court Road Tube station is well close and passes some good food places There is good free parking behind the club at The Mews China Town at lunch time do some well cheap food offers and there is a brilliant Indian at the top of Gerard Street called Passage to India The beer prices are a bit top heavy so have a good beer around the corner at The Lantern Pub Take a camera, I'm not sure on the policy but it's better to beg forgiveness than permission and you may snap some glitterati visitors? Don't take your drinks onto the dance floor Look out for Trixter,he is a top bloke and will pass the time of day with you if he is there Have a great time
Mark I have to disagree with you mate because your analogy about a TV being able to be switched off is true but photographs enter into the sub concise. To burry ones head in the sand taking the stance "It is going to happen anyway, so why worry" isn't quite the best advice I have ever heard? I think it's important that we have this debate, yes you are quite right that what will be will be but, if those who are eager to embark on this venture read and assimilate that there are some who care passionately then a little more responsibility may be taken. I have no doubt that there are some mum's n dads already ironing skirts and choosing costumes for those who will appear as "athletic dancers" and there is little to nothing that can be done other than to beg that they take care of how we are to be represented. There are enough iconic pictures of our scene out there, you only need Google, do we need any manufacturing, and if so why and for who's benefit?
"Down at heel" Meaning: Impoverished. Origin The wearing of shoes with worn down heels is a mark of destitution. The phrase is first recorded in Edition 10 of William Darrell's a gentleman instructed in the conduct of a virtuous and happy life, 1732: Dear Richard, what exactly is "Down at heel" about the site, is it the background colours that appear shabby and slightly down market or is it the forum members who don't quite make it as far as you social circle is concerned? Either way "Down at heel" is a very strange comment indeed after you accuse us of a misguided sense of loyalty? I think it fair that some forum members feel passionate about a scene that they have been a part of for a great deal of their lives and none need to" sit down in a calm and relaxed environment and speak to someone qualified about their bitterness", Opinions are usually formed from a wealth of experience, and a genuine care for how our culture has been bent and distorted by the various forays the media has made, so it is a fair guess that comments such as those made on this thread are made. I am sorry about your astonishment over this and I dare say that you are unaware of a thing called "Images and Stereotypes" and the power this has on the viewer, I find your inability to acknowledge this as naive at best, in fact "I am astonished" Stereo type's overview The list is endless and always injurious: African Americans play sports. Latinos are gang members. Native Americans are alcoholics. Wheelchair-bound individuals are helpless. Gays are effeminate. Lesbians wear their hair short. Older adults need constant care. Anglos are either racist or are rednecks. Homeless people are drug addicts You say "The vitriol aimed at an innocent and potentially exciting request for those eventually involved is frankly astonishing". I say, "Let's not sleep walk into yet another embarrassment that will haunt us for eternity".
And here's another one ...................................... Sometimes I weep like a child with my head in my hands and I ask the big G "Am I the only fooker who cares?"
It looks like yet again we are going to have someone try to boil down our beloved scene so it can be presented in a convenient package so Joe Public can pretend to have a handle on what is at best a complex culture with many layers. The stereo typical "Soul Boy" Oxford Bags and Feather Cuts is as fake as a tyranny's fanny! If you want the reality then you have to follow with your cameras, not "Build it and they will come" because those who do "come" are as a typical and as representative of the Northernsoul scene as a bowler hat represents England! If the "scene" is to be captured then it should be warts n all, we are all middle aged now with a slack handful of youngsters playing dressing up, I have nothing against people having fun and I'm not taking it too seriously it's just that the impact of these instant media bites resonate for eternity and there is more, and a lot more, to the Northernsoul than a jaunty pose or a back drop. I care passionately about who we are and how we are portrayed, maybe the photographer would be better off coming to an Allnighter to see the sweat, wrinkles and passion rather than try to revisit Wigan Casino every time a reference to Northernsoul is made. Yours, Simon Cuerden, not particularly trendy, not particularly photogenic but particular about Northernsoul.
I'd rather eat me own dung
No doubt the usual suspects will prostitute the scene yet again making it a pastiche of what was once a very proud and credible scene, tisk tisk, when will we ever learn?